As defined
by the code of canon law of Roman Catholic Church, Schism means withdrawal of
submission to the Supreme Pontiff or from communion with the members of the church
subject to him. By the virtue of cannon 1382 of the code, it entailed automatic
excommunication to any found guilty of such character.
One of the famous dissenter's sect
that the Roman Catholic pronounced as schism was the Waldenses who were equally
known as Vaudois. The sect originated
around territories of the valley of Alps in Italy and portions of South Eastern
France and spread to all the countries in Europe.
History Of
The Movement
The origin
of the sect is not too clear as some historians held that it existed during
early days of apostle s and drove its
name from the valley it was formed and its faithfuls inhabited.
angle of thought records that Waldenses originated in 1160Ad by a French
citizen called Peter Wald. The
conflicting stories about the origin of the sect is an important issue to
resolve. Some scholars or historians are
of the conclusion that Waldenses acted as an important link in the process of
transmission of apostolic truth from the time of Yahoshea Meshiyach to the era
of Reformation and to the present age.
By true
records, Waldenses is the major dissenter group from Cathoclism that endured at
a longest period. Some evidence have
shown that the sect existed in the days of Emperor Constantine the Great. Many church historians have concluded the
sect to be the origin of Baptist Church.
Others conclude that it is a continuation of Novatianism of 3rd century
But in all,
the sect is widely known and active during 11th and 15th centuries and become
the most antagonistic traditional belief to Catholicism. The sect was opposed to the belief and
practices of Catholic church and thereby attracted wildest rage of fury of the
Catholic during the era of inquisition
Purpose And
One of the
greatest disagreement of the body with Roman Catholic was about Baptism. While the Roman Catholic at a point of their
history sanctioned the doctrine of infant baptism and sprinkling of water upon
those receiving the sacrament of Baptism, the Waldenses was practically
identified by emersion baptism and has no iota of regard for infant baptism.
records bear that the Roman church
adopted emersion from 3rd century that was viewed as its formative era to 10th
century before the practice of
sprinkling of water upon those receiving baptism began to filter into the
church. The introduction of affusion was
practically allowed in case of sickness and thereby called “child
baptism”. The doctrine of child baptism
was sanctioned by the Council of Ravenna in 1311 Ad.
the doctrine of infant baptism was enforced during the Laterian Council of 1139
which spelt that a severe punishment will be visited upon parents that reject
infant baptism.
By the
edict, the Waldenses and Albigenses became the greatest target of Roman
Catholic venom because both sects forthly rejected the baptism of infants as
required by the edict. The Waldenses
maintained that baptism was neither
necessary or useful for infants, because the baptism do not profit infants.
Treasured Emersion Baptism
According to
church historian Allix, the French Bishop Gerard of Arras and Cambrag accused
the Waldenses for abhorring (Catholic)
baptism, “they said baptism added nothing to our justification, and a strange
confession, do not seem to belong to, or be of any advantage to a little child,
who neither wills, nor runs, who knows nothing of faith, and as altogether
ignorant of his own good and salvation, in whom there can be no desire of
regeneration, and from whom no confession of faith can be expected”.
Waldenses rejected all nature or process that involve infant baptism. So,
they rejected the issue of god father during administration of the
infant baptism but insist that a receiver of sacrament of baptism must be an
adult who will have faith of his or her own which is a prior condition for
In the
points raised by Pierre de Bruis over infant baptism stipulate that “children
before they arrive at age of intelligence, can be saved by baptism or that the
faith of another person can be useful to them, since, according to those of his
opinion, it is not the faith of another which saves, but the faith of the
individual with baptism, according to our masters word, “He that believeth and
is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be condemned”.
On the
contrary to the points of Waldenses, the Roman Catholic Church stood on the
conclusion that infant baptism is valid as was defended by Stephen of Borbone
in 1225 in this way, “One argument of their error is, that baptism does not
profit little children to their salvation, who have neither the motive or the
faith, as it is said in the later part of Mark, he who will not believe will be
Again an
Australian Inquisitor in 1260 Ad defended the children baptism as thus
“Concerning baptism, some err in saying that little children are not saved by
baptism, for the master says, he that believeth and is baptized shall be
saved. Now, a child does not yet
believe, consequently is not saved”.
Of The Sect
Waldenses were sporadically accused in
the Books of Sentences of Inquisition of Toulouse on issues of non-infant
baptism and re-baptizing of members.
The Roman
Catholic did not merely accused the Waldenses of not observing infant baptism
but waged constant persecution against them in order to force them to baptize
their infants.
For fear of
persecution, some people of less faith amongst the Waldenses took their infant
children to Catholic priests for baptism
but the Waldenses themselves did not officiate such sacrament by themselves.
In many
Bulls of Popes and decrees from Church Councils over many years, there were
evidences of charges of non-belief of infant baptism by Waldenses and they were
persecuted by such acts.
Acts And
major doctrinal difference between Waldenses and Catholic Church was on the
doctrine of transubstantiation. The Waldeneses were of the belief that the only
ordinances that Yahoshea Meshiyach appointed for his assembly was the baptism
and the last supper memorial. Such were
the only recognized holy things to the Waldeneses.
Waldeneses totally rejected the doctrine of substantiation of Roman Catholic in
which the priest supposedly created Yahweh, by transmitting the elements of
bread and wine into the body, blood and divinity of Yahoshea Meshiyach.
Waldeneses article of faith number 10 stated as follows: “we have always
accounted as an unspeakable abomination before Yahweh, all these and inventions
of men, namely, the feasts and the vigils of saints, the wafer which they call
holy, as likewise to abstain from flesh upon certain days and the like but
especially their masses.”
Waldeneses did not approve any sacrament ministered by a priest that does not
belong to their fold. Such sacrament was
invalid to them. The Waldeneses accused
the Roman church of effecting evil doctrines and therefore cannot be adopted as
a true church. So all ordinances administered by the Church of Rome were seen
as invalid by the Waldeneses.
Waldeneses claimed that they were the true successors of Yashoshea Meshiyach
and his apostles because they observed both in word and deed the doctrine of
Yahoshea and those of his apostles.
Therefore, they rejected the mass officiated by Roman
Catholic Church as they term it invalid.
They rejected the doctrine of offerings to the dead, they rejected the doctrine of confession to the priests and
neither receive absolution, they do not believe in purgatory nor pay money to
get the souls of their friends released.
The Church
Inquisitors persecuted them along these thoughts and beliefs as they were tortured to death while persuaded to
attend mass of Roman Catholic and observe all ordinance of the church.
Waldeneses did not recognize Roman Church and its authority, did not agree to
the worship of images and saints as observed by the Catholics.
were the famous sect that attacked virtually all doctrinal ordinances of Roman
Church. They affirmed under inquisitors that the tradition of Roman church was
not better than the traditions of Pharisees and that greater stress was laid on
the observance of human tradition than on keeping of the law of Yahweh. They only received what is written in the Old
and New Testament and whatever preached that was not substantiated by the text
of holy scriptures, they esteemed fables.
Majority of
the added doctrines by the church after the ascension of Yahoshea were rejected
by the Waldeneses who believed in
salvation by faith and not works.
As a
separatist group, it engaged on doctrines that were totally uncatholic. For
example, the decree against rebaptism was passed by Roman church in 413 but the
Waldeneses rebaptized all of its members.
In those era, to be a separatist was punishable by being tortured to death or otherwise hideously tortured
after over a period of days before the sufferer was released by death.
Waldeneses had to contend with Catholic authority of doctrine of celibacy. They held that vow of celibacy was an
invention of men and product of uncleanness. To them, the marriage of priest is
both lawful and necessary.
against the Mother Church or Harlot of Babylon has been a standing war of the
revivalists since ages and the blood of some of them were suck by the Harlot.
By the content of the character of Waldeneses, they looked forward to serve
Yahweh properly and be identified as true successors of apostles of Yahoshea
but such value did not fit them adequately because they were victims of the
contempt of Catholicism.
By the
concept of mixture of natural inspirations and responsive establishments of Roman
Empire, many doctrines of Yahoshea were deleted and replaced by the traditions
of Rome.
At a point
in history, the entire doctrines of Yahoshea Meshiyach got lost amongst
brethren and been replaced by self made accliastical practices of Roman traditioners.
So, to withdraw from such web requires
acts of a divine-sent person and that was reason of the promise of the
comforter by Yahoshea Meshiyach.
Waldeneses and their related revivalists were not led by the appointed
comforter, they were unable to sort out all the evils of the Roman Church and
its daughters.
Yahosheans of this era have a well regard for heroic efforts of Waldeneses who
rejected some of the errors of the Catholic Church and paid dearly for such
separatist ideology, but their best was not good enough to stand the test of
the followers of Yahoshea Meshiyach.
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