This is one
of the eschatological belief of some Christian denominations holding that there
will be a paradise on earth when Yahoshea Meshiyach will reign for the period
of one thousand years before the final judgement and the world to come of new
heaven and new earth.
Some of
these denominations hold that between the period of millennium and the end of
the world, there will be a final battle between Yahoshea and his arch
messengers against satan and his rebellious messengers, a battle that will
bring to an end of satan and his system of things.
are separated into three groups or practices as the – premillenialism,
postmillenialism and amillenialism.
History Of
The Belief
predates the era of Yahosheanism as it was one of the principal eschatological
belief of the Zoroasteranism of Persia. Zoroasteranism held that there have
existed successive thousand – year periods in which each ended in heresy and
destruction. This catalytic eras will
end when the “Saoshyant” the triumphant king of peace will manifest at the
final millennial age to finally destroy the evil and spirit of evil, and to
make the creatures pure again and to resurrect the future existence.
Zoroasterian belief influenced the religious tradition of the Yahudaism when
they were in Persian captivity. The
Yahudean religious tradition copied the idea of existence of Satan and his
rebellious celestial messengers from the Persian traditions. The belief of the dual forces of supernatural
was a central practice of the Persian traditions and such was carried over by
the Zoroasterianism.
Blending of
the cultures of Persia to those of the Yahudeans, the concept of millennialism
became part of Yahudean religious belief.
The Yahudeans began to adopt that the universal age was divided into
three periods and that the first two millenniums were idolatrous and Yahweh's
presence was not seen in the universe.
Yahudism hold that the second millennial periods commenced with the birth of
Abraham which signified the period of Yahweh's presence or consciousness. This
period spread across the eras of the scriptural account of the Hebrew nation,
the First and Second Temples in Yerusalem, the destruction of the Second Temple
in 70 Ad and the period of Bar Kokhba revolt in 130 Ad.
held that period after the Bar-Kokhba when the people of Yahuda were scattered
all over the world and non is allowed to enter into the city of Yerusalem
except for the day of the feast of Tisha B'av commenced another two millenniums
of non-Yahweh's presence. They believe that the true Meshiyach will manifest at
the end of the two millennial.
During the
ministration of Yahoshea Meshiyach and his apostles, the belief of existence of
satan was rejected and viewed as one of the mythical belief of the pagan
civilizations. The earlier Yahosheans
laid more emphasis on the coming of the Comforter as prophesied by
Yahoshea. The second coming of Yahoshea
and the millennial rule was never a religious eschatological belief of the
Hebrew Yahosheans rather the succession of the covenant was expected to be
shouldered by the coming Comforter.
This belief
changed with the activities of the Gentile Yahosheans who blended the practices
of Yahosheanism with ideas of Utopia.
This development gave rise to millennial thinking of “three ages philosophy”
that were commonly referred as the “three eras”.
The “Three
Eras” or millennial thinkers held that the universal history is split into
three eras that consists of – the age of the father (Old Testament) the age of
the son (New Testament) and the age of the holy spirit that began with the
ascension of Yahoshea leaving the Holy Spirit to guide the movement.
Adopted By
Early Church Fathers
The term
“millennial” is drawn from Italian word – “millennium” which means “thousand
years”. The Greek term it as the “Chilliasm”.
It is a religious thought that relate to the traditions of pagan Rome
and Greek. It was a well known doctrine
in the early gentile Yahosehans or later Christians of the Eastern and Western
Roman Colonies until 4th century that it was declared as a heresy.
doctrine was held by pagan Romans and not rooted in Yahosheanism. It can be
explained through the writings of Justin Martyr as was discussed on
premillennial beliefs in his dialogue with Trypho the Jew, chapter 110 where he observed the following - “I admitted to you formally, that I and
many others are of this opinion, and believe that such will take place, as you
assuredly are aware, but, on the other hand, I signified to you that many who
belong to the pure and pious faith and are true Christians, think otherwise”.
passage of Justin explain in full detail meant that when he was in the world
with others, he held to the belief of millennialism but when he was converted
to Yahosheanism, he and other faithfuls began to think otherwise or opposite.
The non
clear – millennial stand of Justin influenced Pothinus in 175 Ad and Irenaeus
in 185 Ad. Other Church fathers like Melito of Sardis and Hyppolytus of Rome of
2nd and 3rd centuries respectively were mild millenialists. Others includes Tertullian of 220 Ad,
Commodian in 240 Ad, Egyptian Bishop Nepos in 250 Ad, Lactantius in 310 Ad,
Bishop Ambrose of Milan in late 4th century etc.
To The Belief
millennial thinking was one of the central belief of the 2nd and 3rd century
Yasheanism or later Christianity, some of the Gnostic fathers or figures
rejected the concept. One of the famous gnostics that rejected the millennial
concept was Marcion who was termed as a heretic by the church fathers of those
During 4th
century, the church strongly rejected the belief and included it as one of the
heresies. This was effected in the
Council of Necea in 325 Ad where it was resolved that Yahweh's kingdom shall
have no end as against the thought of Millenians of a kingdom of Yahweh that
will last for one thousand years.
Based on
this edict, the mainline churches distanced themselves from the millennial
thinking rather began to prosecute those holding to the belief. Starting from
Augustine of Hippo, the universal condemnation of the concept accelerated to
the modern age of Catholic Church.
Orthodox Church strongly rejected the belief and declared it heretical during
the synod of Iconium in 230 Ad and supported by the Ecumenical Council of
Constantinople in 381 Ad that equally declared the belief as a heresy.
Christian group that held to the belief were declared as heretics. These sects included the Montanism and other
Gnostic sects.
Of Protestant Reforms
was boosted during reformation age as the reformers began to explain various
verses of the book of revelation to suit the belief of Millennialism. The belief that Yahoshea will return to earth
to rule physically for the duration of one thousand years and the chaining of
Satan in that period as well as its release for final battle became part of
eschatology of the protestant reformers and their movements.
the Catholic and Orthodox Churches held to the return of Yahoshea as a thief in
the night and activities of the Anti-Yahoshea became challenged by the expanded
millennial teachings of the Reformed Churches.
Types Of
There are
three types of millennialism that can be summarized as the premillennialism
which views Yahoshea's second coming as an event that will occur before the
millennial rule which will end with the final judgment. The premillenians hold that the reign of
Yahoshea during the period will be of physical occurrence.
The second
type is the postmilleniacism which hold that the second coming of Yahoshea will
synchronise with the millennial rule as well as to run concurrently with the
final judgment. This group hold that the Yahoshea's reign will be of spiritual
occurrence and through his assembly.
The third
group is the Amillennialism which disagrees with the concept of one thousand
years reign of Yahoshea rather it holds that the reign of Yahoshea is
currently in and through the assembly.
are waiting for the sign of the second coming of Yahoshea while other
millennians like the Anabaptist followers of Thomas Muntzer hold that
Yahoshea's one thousand years reign has commenced in spirit with the awareness
of only its members.
Christian denomination that strongly hold to millennialism is the Jehovah
witnesses who believe that Yahoshea will rule spiritually for one thousand
years as king over the earth with support of 144,000 saints.
Millenium teaching of Jehovah witnesses hold strongly on the battle of
Armageddon where it is believed that
Yahoshea and his spiritual messengers will engage in a decisive battle against
Satan, wicked spirits and their system of things. The witnesses hold that Yahoshea will triumph
over the forces of evil, get rid of the wicked spirits and mortals and usher a
paradise on earth that will be a fulfillment of biblical promise of “New
Heavens and New Earth”.
millennial view of Jehovah witness differed from others like the Baptists,
Church of God, Church of Christ etc on the nature of the new heavens and new
earth as it hold that the world will not be physically destroyed but the human
fold and their characteristics will be changed.
The Baptists and others hold that the world will be destroyed and
replaced with a new earth.
The witnesses
are amongst the strongest believers of Millennialism because of its stronghold
to the doctrine of existence of satan and its acclaimed system of things. The
millennial reign of Jehovah witnesses holds among other things that the 144000
selected righteous persons that commenced from the twelve apostles will reign
with Yahoshea Meshiyach and engage with the satan and its evil forces at the
battle of Armageddon. After this event, those righteous people who survive the
great tribulation will reign with Yahoshea who will after the millennium hand
over the earth to his father – Yahweh.
to the belief of the witnesses, this will usher in the era of peace or paradise
amongst the universal family.
Christian denominations like the Adventists, Church of God, Church of Christ
etc hold to the idea of Millennialism.
Some political
and social movements are influenced by the millennial thinking. For example the authoritarian rule of Adolf
Hitler of German held to the thinking of Millennialism through his Third Reich
vision that he aimed at lasting for a thousand years to come although it only
lasted for 12 years.
The concept
of third Reich that was originally proposed by the German thinker Arthur
Moeller Bruck held that the “First Reich” was the era of the Father which
occurred during the Holy Roman Empire that began with Charlemagne in 800
Ad. The “Second Reich” was the era of
the Son that occurred during the German Empire that started with Hohenzollem
dynasty while the “Third Reich” was held to be the era of the Holy Spirit that
commenced in the rule of Adolf Hitler.
The millennial
thinking is equally available in social movements which hangs on issues that
relate to one thousand year duration.
millennialism is basically an anti-Yahoshea or apostles thinking. The Hebrew Messiah came to restore the
original belief of the Semitic religion that started with patristic Abraham and
Prophet Moses. This view did not
incorporate the idea of the existence of satan.
The idea of
satanic existence infiltrated into the religion of Yahudaism through its
Persian captivity. So, when Yahoshea
Meshiyach came, he opposed the doctrine of satan's existence.
This is a
total prove that the primitive Yahosheanity did not include the thinking of
millennialism as one of its religious practices. So, the idea that Yahoshea will come and rule
the earth in a thousand year with target of eliminating the satan and its
system of things is a proponent of the apostolic fathers who were absorbed with
the thinking of pagan civilizations.
Continuing Yahosheanism though held that Yahweh makes moves in various
millenniums to redress the misconducts of humanity but does not agree with the
thinking that Yahoshea will come back and rule for the duration of one thousand
In line
with the eschatology of the Continuing Yahosheanism, the Comforter as promised
by Yahoshea came in the person of Prophet Yahmarabhi whose teachings will
penetrate into the entire globe to redress the misconducts of humanity after
which, Yahoshea will descend to initiate the Comforter's Earthly Kingdom (CEK).
To Yahosheanity,
there will be no loss in spirit, thereby no separation of people between Yahweh
and the opposing force. Rather all
mortals will be subject to the kingdom of
Yahweh of both spiritual or physical planes.
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