This is one of the Christian congregations or movements that hold
observation of Sabbath rest and worship on the Seventh day of the week
The Church of God 7th day claim to the lineage of Churches of God
that originated at the Biblical accounted Pentecost day. Millions of faithfuls
seek for Yahoshea Meshiyach and his movement through the sect.
History Of The Movement
The Church of God 7th Day initially hold its origin to the serial lineage
of 12th century anti-Romanian Movements of Coterelli, Albigeneses, Waldenses,
Seventh Day Baptists, Seventh Day Christians, Cottrellites that presently
composed as the Church of God (Seventh Day).
The group holds that during the 12th century encounter, the non-
conformist groups to the Roman Catholic Church commenced fervent restorational
activities that were driven by the decree issued by Pope Leo condemning killing
of the dissenters by the state authority or through church influence.
This decree was continued by the Third Lateral Council in 1179 under
Pope Alexander III that recommended for economic blackmail as better option
towards containing of the excesses of the dissenters.
The Third Lateran Council condemned the Albingenese and Waldenses.
As the economic blackmail and shunning did not weaken the dissenting groups,
the Roman Catholic Order resorted to killings as prescribed in the infamous
inquisition that began in 1233 in Southern France.
The Church of God claim that the massacre of the Catharis and other
dissenter groups that it referred as the Church of God made some of the
Albigenes families to scatter to various parts of Europe.
The church holds that one of the Albigenses family called the
Cottrels migrated to England. Some of the Cottrels moved to Rhode Island and
settled. The Cottrel family members were future Sabbath keepers in America and
were identified with the Seventh Day Baptists which they later abandoned for
sake of creedal difference on the immortality of soul adopted by the Baptist
(Seventh Day).
After abandoning the Seventh Day Baptists, the Cottrel family were
identified as the Seventh Day Christians who were at times referred as the
The Cottrellites made converts of Sabbath keeping Christians that
existed to 1860 when the group adopted the name Church of God as prescribed by
Roswell F. Cottrel. The name was
favoured against the – “Seventh Day Adventists” that was argued by some
Initially, the name of the movement was known as the Church of God
(Adventist) (CGA) but was later changed to the Church of God (Seventh Day).
The official history of the group hold that it commenced in 1858
when Gilbert Grammer began his ministration in Michigan which gave rise to what
is presently known as the Church of God (Seventh Day).
Spread And Influence
As the movement was founded by Advent believers at Michigan, the
group began to spread to Eastern and Central U.S. through the efforts of its
publication called the “Hope of Israel”. The journal spread the practices of
the group through its invitation of peoples to its conferences and camp
The First General Conference of the Church of God (Seventh Day) was
convened in 1884 and the body was incorporated in Missonri in 1899.
The journal – The Hope of Israel later changed to the “Bible
Advocate” and it remains active toward dissemination of information relating to
practices of the group. Interestingly, the group moved along the history and
existence of the Seventh Day Adventists until when Ellen White was imposed on
the body as a prophetess and her teachings as inspired. This heralded some
members that were not comfortable to the development to form the Church of God
(Seventh Day).
Doctrines And Practices
The Church of God (Seventh Day) believe that the Bible is the
dependable and authoritative word of Yahweh. It claim that no other written
book is of such divine origin or is of more necessary to Christian faith and
The group hold to many doctrines of the Adventists and Sabbath
Churches and strongly differs to the mainstreams Christianity through its
observation of Sabbath rest on the 7th day (Saturday).
The group hold that mankind are sinners by birth and by choice, and
that salvation is the forgiveness of sins and the gift of eternal life. The
group holds its mission to includes the proclamation of the gospel, introduce
others to messiah, teach them to obey His word, and nurture spiritual growth in
all believers.
The group hold to two ordinances that include the adult baptism by
emersion and the Lord's Super that include foot washing like some other
Christians. The church believe that the Saviour that it address as Jesus Christ
will return from heaven at the end of the age. The dead ones shall raise from
their sleeps in grave and all humans shall be judged according to their works.
The righteous will be changed to immortality and to live with the saviour while
the wicked ones shall be completely consumed in the lake of fire. There shall
be a new heaven and earth which will be the home of the redeemed peoples.
With exception of the memorial last supper festival, the group do
not place regard on other biblical festivals as it hold that such holy days
were part of the Levitical laws of the Old Testament and were intimately linked
to its system of animal sacrifices.
The body holds that the annual festivals were not creation
ordinances nor included among the Ten Commandments but belong to ceremonial laws.
The annual holy days were observed according to an ancient Hebrew Calendar that
is impossible to decipher from the scriptures.
The movement disagrees with the Christmas festival of the mainstream
Christianity because it hold that the saviour whom it address as Jesus Christ
was born in early or mid-autumn and not on December 25th.It hold that the
Christmas feast was calculated from the idolatrous pagan festivals that predate
the birth and ministry of Yahoshea Meshiyach. It hold that Christmas feast was
not celebrated among the early followers of Yahoshea till 400Ad as accounted in
church history.
Biblical Prophesies
As an Adventist movement, the Church of God (Seventh Day)
incorporate the biblical prophesies and its speculative calculations reading in
its religious practices.
Through the movements publications, the biblical prophesies
especially with regards to the book of Daniel are often explained to represent
activities of the divinity as regards to the earth and its system of things.
Over a century, the publication of the movement often dive into
investigation on issues relating to the biblical prophecies of the beast,
little horn of Daniel, Babylon mystery, about the mark of 666, great
tribulation, the end time, olivet discource, world events aligning with
scriptural prophesies, prophetic interpretations, the return of Yahoshea
Meshiyach, Judgement Day. Hell-fire and heaven, cage of the satan and his
hosts, resurrection of saints, new heaven and new earth etc.
Schism And Splits
The group remained undivided till 1933 when its members in United
States of America desired for a “Bible Organization” of the Church of God. The
idea included to transfer its headquarter to Yerusalem. The choice for the organization was at
Salem-West Virginia in 1933.
The discussions or debates polarized members into two factors as one
group led by Andrew N. Dugger prescribed for clean meats, no tobacco and
Passover on Nissan 14th while another group of the movement led by Burt F.
Marrs who were known as the independents argued for a pro-pork and tobacco and
felt that Passover is to be taken on Nissan 15th.
This noted difference brought division in the group from 1933 to
1949 when one of the groups operated at Stanberry Missouri and the other at
Salem-West Virginia. The merger of both groups was voted on August 1949.
Later the “Back to the Salem” movement broke into three sections.
The true Salem people took Salem as their headquarters, Dugger and his group
went to Yerusalem while Olson and Groshans stood for the Church at Caldwell
Idaho. Differences emerged on issues of annual Last Supper feast and other
doctrines among the factions.
One of the major splits in the group was led by Herbert W. Armstrong
who became a minister in the church as well as a writer in the Bible Advocate
publication. He was a well publicized member of the group but was
excommunicated due to doctrines differences.
The expulsion of Armstrong was because he started teaching of the
British-Israeli theory that made an alternative history regarding the nations
of Western Europe and North America as the literal descendants of the “Lost Ten
Tribes of Israyah”.
Again, he held to the mandatory keeping of all feast days in the
Leviticus 23. As those points were not official practices of the Church of God
(Seventh Day), he was disfellowshiped.
Armstrong left the group and found his own movement that he mutually
called the Radio Church of God and later the Worldwide Church of God that focused
on British Israelism and observation of Hebrew festivals.
Observation And Summary
As earlier observed, the Church of God (Seventh-Day) is a Christian
denomination that included the Sabbath observation on the 7th day (Saturday) in
its religious tradition.
Though it shared little differences with the Seventh-day Adventists
and the Seventh-Day Baptists, it is in the group of such bodies that hold to
Adventists ideologies as well as Sabbath day rest culture.
The group has often claimed to have been the true church that is
rooted on the apostolic movement of the first century Ad. But all of its
practices prove it as one of the daughters of the Catholicism that it often
Reasons for this summary are easily fetched as it addresses the
creator in the manner of other Christian groups and equally adopt the Bible as
its final authority on religious issues.
The group do not place regard upon the holy names of the Grand
Creator – Yahweh or that of his begotten son Yahoshea Meshiyach. It regards the
biblical Holy Spirit to represent the promised comforter. The group though
observed Sabbath day rest as appropriated in the Holy Scriptures but has no
regard for other holy days that were part of divine revelations to the chosen
nation or people.
The group like other Adventist groups is known for raising of false
alarms on biblical predictions with regards to the earthily system of things.
As one of the Christian groups that hold strongly on the Bible presentations,
it holds firmly to the purported accounts of the existence of Satan and its
These heresies and other numerous ones it observes along the
mainstream Christianity prove it out as one of the daughters of Catholicism and
unworthy to serve as the way of Yahoshea Meshiyach.
By this summary, all converts that follow up in the conferences,
camp meetings and associated works with the ministry as aimed to please Yahweh
and Yahoshea are deceived into another wing of Catholicism that it refers as
the Harlot Church.
Those who have ears should hear of this divine witness.
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