is one of the major reformative churches of the middle ages that target at
effecting changes on the theology and practices of Roman Catholic Church.
movement was named after its founder Martin Luther who was a German
Theologian. His work of church
reformation commenced in 1517 with the publication of what he termed as “95
Thesis” against the theological practices of Roman Catholic Church.
History Of
The Body
writings and thesis of Martin Luther sparked arguments and interaction with
early ideas of reformation. The influence of Martin Luther's movement attracted
reaction from Roman Catholic authority who persuaded him to recant his ideas.
His refusal to the order of Roman church made the church to officially condemn
his work during the Council of Worms.
The edicts of the Diet forbid citizens of Roman Catholic empire from
defending or propagating the ideas of Martin Luther.
of the Thesis were subjected to forfeiture of all their properties, specifying
half of any seized property to the Roman government and the remaining half
portion to be forfeited to the party that brought the accusation.
The name
Lutheran came into existence as a mockery term used against Martin Luther by
German theologian Dr. Hohann Von Eck during the Lepzing Debate in 1519. Eck
called the thesis formulated by Luther as Lutheran in nature of Roman Catholic
faithful tradition of naming a heresy after its theorist.
Luther and his advocates hated the name but preferred to be identified as
“Evangelicals” which means “Good News”. Equally the followers of Calvin also
started to use that term as identity and to separate both bodies, people began
to identify them separately as “Evangelic Lutheran” and “Evangelical Reformed”.
passage of time, the term “Evangelical” became disused by the movement rather
they begin to identify themselves as the Lutheran church and later referring it
as the true church.
And Spread
the Catholic Church stood out to root out Martin Luther and his thesis as well
as his converts but such effort was hindered by acceptance of the Lutheran
thoughts by the Monarchs of Denmark-Norway and Sweden. These Royal fathers gave their support to
Lutheran church to consolidate easily and made for quick spread over many
cities in Europe.
During the
formative days of Lutheranism, Denmark-Norway was under the reigh of Frederick
I (1523 – 1533) who was a Catholic. He
officially pledged to persecute Luther and his converts but soon adopted a
policy of protecting of the Lutheran preachers and other reformers in his
Frederick I
was succeeded by his son Christian who was officially a Lutheran and such
stance hindered his ascension to his father's throne until after his victory of
a civil war in 1537 in which he became Christian III and advanced the
Reformation in Denmark-Norway.
As the
reformation of Martin Luther focused on establishment of a church of a Biblical
standard, the Lutherans refuted the ideology that tradition is a carrier of
word of Yahweh and thereby considered equivalent to the scriptures as was held
by Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Church equally believed that only the
communion of the Bishop of Rome has been divinely entrusted to interpret the
word of Yahweh.
Lutheran church in Denmark-Norway later became identified as the Danish
Norwegian church and set a church ordinance that rest on the percept that the
pure word of Yahweh which is the laws and Gospel remains the only authority of
the church.
By these
effort, the Lutheran Church in Denmark made the first Danish Bible translation
in 1550 which made available of about 3000 copies that were sold out in about
30 years period.
Reformation in Sweden started with Olaus who converted King Gustar Vasa to
Lutheranism in 1523. The conversion was
made easy because of the Pope's refusal to remove an archbishop that supported
the invading forces that opposed king Gustar Vasa during the Stockholm
disagreement led to discontinuation of official connection between Sweden and
the Papacy and gave the Lutheran easy access to convert the king. Four years
after, the king was granted to own or possess all rights to the church
properties with inclusion to the clergy and appointments. By the arrangement,
Lutheranism became the national church of Sweden.
In 1593,
the Lutheranism convened uppsala synod which ended with a declaration that Holy
Scriptures remains the sole guidance for faith with four documents adopted as
authoritative explanation to the scriptures. Those documents were – Apostolic
creed, the Nicene Greed, the Atanasian Greed and the Angsburg confession of
And Councils
milestone development in the history of Lutheranism is the Formula of Concord
and circumstances surrounding it. During
16th century, religious dispute rose between Lutherans with diverse thoughts
and concepts that resemble those of Crpto – Calvinists, Philipists,
Sacramentarians and Gnosis – Lutheran.
To resolve
this dispute, large number of politically and religious leaders of Lutheran
members met, debated and resolved those differences on the basis of
scriptures. The council resulted to the
Formula of Concord which more than 8000 leaders signed into action.
The book of
concord thereby took eminence over all other documents of the body and
addressed the issues of unified doctrine to Lutheranism which equally marked
the beginning of Orthodox Lutherans.
passage of times, there evolved many scholastic paradigm and syncretistic
controversies which gave rise to many versions of Lutheran movements and
councils in many nations. With passage
of time as mentioned, there were many faces as Orthodox Lutheranism, Rational
Lutheranism, Pietism, Neo-Lutheran movement, Haugean movement, Laestadian
movement, Finnish Awakening, Old Lutheran, Inner Mission High Church Lutheran
etc. that exists separately and independently but were generally known as
movements were grouped into many confessional Councils and the Lutheran World
Federation was the major council which had over 72 million people.
there are other bodies as International Lutheran Council, Confessional
Evangelical Lutheran Council and Independent churches.
As the body
progresses, some of its movements began to unit with some other protestant
Reformed churches like the Calvinists. In the later days, there are movements
entering into agreement with Roman Catholic Church in regards to the authority
of the institutional church effectiveness of the sacraments and the divine
authority of clergy while agreeing with the complete details of Book of
And Practices
doctrines of Lutheranism, Bible of Old and New Testaments alone is held as the
formal principle of the faith, the final authority for all faith and morals
because of its inspirational authority, clarity, efficacy and sufficiency.
Bible as
the only authority of faith was held strong by the Orthordox Lutheranism in
17th century. The Rationalism of the
18th century advocated that reason rather than Bible is the final source of
In 19th
century, a Confessional Revivalists re-emphasized on the authority of the
there have been some elements of doubters of authority of the Bible by some Lutherans but the majority view of
members and people outside the movement is that the sect is centred upon “Bible
– Bible Alone”. For example – the
Apology of the Augsburg Confession identified the Holy Scriptures with the word
of Yahweh and calls the Holy Spirit the author of the book.
In the
Formula of Concord, Lutherans confess as follows – “we receive and embrace with
our whole heart the prophetic and apostolic scriptures of Old and New
Testaments as the pure, clear fountain of Israel”.
The sect
affirm that the apocryphal books were not written by prophets and apostles,
were non-inspired and that they contain errors and never included in the Judean
cannon that Yahoshea used when he was physically present on earth. The sect
conclude that they were therefore not part of holy scriptures.
On the
Catholic claim that the highest Pontiff was solely entrusted by divinity to
interpret the scriptures, the Lutherans hold that the Bible present all
doctrines and comments of the Christian faith clearly. That the Bible character
is freely accessibly to every reader or hearer of ordinary intelligence which
requires no special education.
As a result
of this conclusion, the movement believe that no one need to wait for any
clergy, pope, scholar or ecumenical council to explain the real meaning of any
part of the Bible.
held that the Bible has everything that will make a believer or Christian to
obtain salvation of his soul and that there are no deficiencies in the Bible
that requires to be completed by the tradition, pronouncement of the Pope, new
revelation or development of new doctrines.
The next
cardinal pillar of the doctrines of Lutheranism is the justification by faith.
doctrine of justification holds that human being are saved from their sins by
Yahweh's grace (Sola Gratia), though faith alone (Sola Fide), on the basis of
scriptures alone (Sola Scripture).
As an
astute believer of the contents of the Bible, the Lutherans belief in the
doctrine of original sin, satan's existence, reality of Heaven and hellfire,
salvation of believers by the saviour's death of Calvary.
movement recognize baptism, sacraments, crosses as symbol of Yahoshea's agony
and redemption of humanity, the existence of trinity, belief that Yahoshea is
of two natures (one is that he is Yahweh by nature and second that he is man by
On the
doctrine of sacrament, the Lutheran church recognizes baptism, Holy Communion
and Absolution as ordained sacraments. Actually, the body recognized the
baptism and Holy Communion as two approved sacraments while some churches allow
for individual absolution on Saturdays before the Eucharistic service. A general confession or absolution which is
known as Penitential Rite is proclaimed in the Eucharistic Liturgy.
do not emphasis on penance as a retribution rather the proclamation of Yahweh's
forgiveness by the called and ordained minister of the Holy Scriptures.
On baptism,
the Lutherans baptizes both infants and adult because it views the sacrament as
a means of grace through which Yahweh creates and strengthen saving faith as
the washing or regeneration on which infants and adults are reborn.
On mass,
the Lutheran church require Sunday Mass service as carried in the Apology of the Augsburg
Confession, article xxiv, has thus – “We do not abolish the Mass but
religiously keep and define it. Among us
the mass is celebrated every Sunday (Lord's Day) and on other festivals when
the sacrament is made available to those who wish to partake of it, after they
have been examined and absolved. We also
keep traditional liturgical forms, such as the order of reading, prayers,
vestments and other similar things.”
On good
works or acts of obedience to divine laws, the Lutherans believe that non can
be saved by the acts of his good works or if measured by the requirement of the
laws rather each person is capable of receiving salvation through the grace of
Yahweh only which is based on the merit of Yahoshea's suffering and death, the
faith in the triune God (Trinity). This means that through Lutheran thoughts,
Christians are no longer compelled to keep the lows of Yahweh as done by the
ancient Hebrew nation and as continued by Yahoshea's instituted assembly.
To the
Lutherans, good works or acts of peity is a matter of choice for a believer who
concentrates on the percepts of serving Yahweh and their fellow mortals..
Lutheran’s concept on divine providence indicate that Yahweh preserves,
cooperates and guide the universe.
Yahweh cooperates with both good and bad deeds, but he cooperates with
evil deeds as they are deeds but not with the evil in them.
To Other Reforms
To the
Lutherans, Yahweh concurs with an acts and effect, but he does not cooperate in
the corruption of an act or the evil of its effect and that everything works
for the good of the Christian church and that Yahweh guides everything to its
welfare and growth.
the Lutheranism believe of the divine providence but it differs with Calvinism
on the matter of predestination.
Lutherans believe in the resurrection of the body and the life
everlasting as carried in the Apostle's creeds than predestination.
movement holds that the suffering, death and resurrection of Yahoshea Meshiyach
is the source of salvation but not according to the concept of pre-earthly
selection for salvation of some souls while others are made to be damned.
refers Yahweh as loving father who aims at salvaging all mortals and to come to
the knowledge of truth and that damnation of any soul defends upon such persons
disobedience or unbelief of Yahweh through his son Yahoshea Meshiyach.
Lutheran do not firmly belief that freewill can be properly used by mortals
than to decide spiritual matters but affirms that any man that must come to the
true awareness of spiritual matters must have the support of the holy spirit
who will communicate to the person through the word of Yahweh in the scriptures.
conversion of members to the scriptural truth, the Lutheran believe that such
regeneration is strictly possible under the work of divine grace and power by
which man born of flesh, and void of all power to think, to will, or to do any
good things, and dead in sin, , through the gladness of the scriptures and the
baptism, takes from a state of sin and spiritual death under Yahweh's wrath
into a state of spiritual life of faith and grace, rendered able to will, and
to do what is spiritually good and, especially, made to trust in the benefits
of the redemption which is in Yahoshea Meshiyach.
movement accepts the doctrine of resurrection, last-day judgment, heaven for
righteous ones and eternal torment in hell fire for evil doers.
Lutheranism had much influence over numerous Reformative Protestants and the
Pentecostal churches globally.
It is
credited as a strong movement that contested with Roman Catholic Church over
reading and possessing of Bible by lay-men.
It equally helped to institute the era of translations, productions and distributions of the Bible
books which was formally held as taboo by the Roman Catholic authority.
The efforts
of Lutheranism in Europe and the Anglicans of United Kingdom pressed upon Roman
Catholic to reduce some of its dracolian acts against the rights of possession of the Bible books.
equally helped on the struggle to separate the church from the state of
Rome. The sect was supported by some
monarchs and such helped it to destroy the monopoly of Roman Catholic and
empiric order from exercising absolute powers upon Christian affairs.
efforts of Lutheranism and others, men can peaceful have freedom to choose a
religious thoughts and practices that suits their line of conscience.
But the
unfolding circumstance have prove that Lutheranism is a mere movement of
reformation of the Christian church rather than a movement into doctrinal
example, the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) – aligned churches do not believe
that one church is singularly true in its teachings and for such reason, a
number of doctrinally diverse denominations under the umbrella are presently
separated from state control, and are making joint statements or agreement with
non-Lutheran Christian denominations.
In Ecumenism
Since after
the Second Vatican Council, the Lutheran World Federation and the Lutheran
Church Mission synod have engaged in many official dialogues with Roman
Catholic Church.
dialogues gave rise to the joint declaration on the doctrines of justification.
observers have concluded that such development is a total demonstration that
Lutheranism was surely a dissenter church for sake of leadership and minor
episcopal issues but not aimed at establishment of apostolic practices that the
Roman Catholic order altered.
Surely, men
move into Lutheran churches and their likes for search of the saviour –
Yahoshea Meshiyach because they have been convinced that Roman Catholic has
blocked the way of truth and the path to reach to Yahoshea. But
they are deceived again because what they will practice as a new way and
order is exactly what they abandoned in Roman Church though with minor
As much
that Lutheranism adopts the first four Christian Church Councils that were convoked by Roman Catholic Church by it’s
which it drew it doctrines and liturgies, they must never be tangible
differences between it and the Roman Church.
instance, the Council of Nicene in 321 Ad gave rise to Trinity doctrine as an
edict of Roman church practices. The
Lutheran believed in Trinity and equally made it one of its central doctrines.
By such development, the Lutheran church movement rejects any sect or body that
holds to the doctrine of unity.
It equally
joined with Catholic Church on the observation of mass on Sunday which is
totally product of Roman tradition that has no trace in the scriptures on
Bible. Scripturally, the law of
observation of Sabbath rest was prescribed in the Old Testament and equally
observed by Yahoshea Meshiyach and his apostles of the New Testament.
The issue
of Passover feast was scriptural prescribed by the Holy scriptures and observed
by Hebrew nation and subsequently by Yahoshea Meshiyach and the apostles of the
New Testaments.
tradition of Eucharist or Lords Supper, Holy Communion, Sacrament of the Altar
in any other term is product of Roman Catholic Church and has nothing to do
with the early apostolic assembly of Yahoshea Meshiyach.
festivals of the Christian church that were instituted by Roman Catholic church
have traces to ancient pagan traditions and majority of them were adopted by
Again, the
Lutheran's position of Bible – Bible Alone is frustrated by the bunch of
pervatious and delusive traditions that characterized the Bible books.
Of a truth,
the holy scriptures were written by men under Yahweh's inspiration but the
books passed through serious threats from pagan nations and their
authorities. Added to the plight of the
book is the acts of false pen of the scribes which rendered the original
revelations or accounts to perditions.
By the
nature of the modern Bible and its translations, the accounts of the Grand
Creator of mankind and those of other actors in both Old and New Testaments
were distorted and Hellenized as against its original Hebrew natures.
original names of the actors were Hellenized.
For example, the name of Yahweh was replaced with various names of idol
gods of nation such as God, Elohim, Jehovah etc. The true name of the saviour being Yahoshea Meshiyach
was changed into many forms by many translators.
Majority of
the traditions changed the saviour's name to Jesus Christ a name that had its
root from Greecian idol Zeus and Christos of same Greek Syncretism.
original names of the prophets, apostles, writers and communities of the
biblical account were distorted and changed with idols or Hellenized forms.
structure of the Biblical accounts equally presented Yahweh as a brute, sadist
and unjustifiable king. The characters
attributed to the creator is of more wicked and callous than those of the worst
known personality that existed.
example, the Bible gave account of the existence of Satan, the downfall of man,
the partiality of Yahweh in regards to Hebrew wars against other nations, the
purported expectation of the judgment day, the expected eternal torture of the
wicked person and the Satan in hellfire etc These accounts shows that the
creator is totally wicked for casting down Satan to the earth and allowing him
to attack and oppress innocent people of the world. This looseness of the
divine will be corroborated with the expectation of a time when those that were
unable to win the traits of satan be committed to endless torture of hellfire.
account and those that relate with the negative person of the divinity or
supernatural were hand works of arronous scribes. Therefore, such works cannot
stand the taste of time and be as possibly inspired words that will lead a
believer unto salvation as protestant
Reformers claims.
Truly, by
these humble submission, Lutheranism and its related movements are in capable
of showing spiritual light to seekers that are looking for Yahoshea Meshiyach.
Rather, they are joint heir to the mystery church of Rome that has made war
with the elects.
Truly, no
convert can behold the good doctrines and scriptures at Lutheran churches
because it was not led by the appointed comforter whom Yahoshea promised to
manifest to edify his assembly.
to Lutherans observation of Sunday rest, one of the best theological friends of
Martin Luther by name Rudoph B.C Cardistdat
tried to get Luther to discard Sunday rest since it was based on human
As he
rejected that wise counseling, Lutherans and other reformed churches who
refused keeping of Sabbath day rest were disgraced at the Council of Trent
which was an arena where the Catholic traditionists and Reformers met and
argued over their differences.
movements of “Bible, Bible Alone” the reformers issued the following condition
“A strong tendency to set aside tradition all-together and to make the
scriptures the sole standard”.
On the
defence of Catholic Church, the Archbishop of Reggio turned the tide against
the reformer's Bible churches.
Archbishop pointed out that the continued observation of Sunday and rejection
of the seventh-day Sabbath which is confirmed in the Bible is a proof that the
reformers are still holding to Roman traditions and not fit to claim to the
Bible as their authority.
Archbishop maintained that Sunday observation is a catholic institution or
ordinance and for the protestants to follow it means they are still under the
Catholic Church and still regard Pope as their religious leader.
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