Thursday, 7 July 2016


Idiolatry can be seen as a biggest puzzle and mystery under the sun.  It can be likened to a person who is aware that something is an abomination and morally wrong.  His conscience and reason tells him not to do it.  He himself knows that it is deceitful and destructive.
Though his heart loves what his reason and conscience condemn, yet something inside of him (thought) persuades and pushes him to go ahead and do it.  He finally plunges into it and shortly after that, he feels bad and guilty, condemns himself, accuses circumstances and blames everybody or something for the error.
The same guilty minded – man re-vows never to do it again, but moments later, he is at it again plunging headlong into the sin of idiolatry – a mystery indeed.

This mystery called idiolatry has confused too many religious and spiritual practitioners in their quests to establish the true way of life.  It had made nonsense their struggles, good work, proud integrity.  And the intension of our religious leaders, shisms, revivalists, reformers and their attending followers yields no good report.

This mystery made the most wisest religious reformers to turn into most foolish slaves of the idiolatry itself.  It reduced the strongest religious men into highest rated weaklings. It is the great mystery that Yahweh called the mystery of Babylon that the best of religious men have battle against and came out unsuccessful.  These men employed their best effort  of wisdom and strength of will to solve this mystery but to no avail.

Religious and self-righteous leaders have often seen themselves as wretch because their efforts to distangle themselves from the sin of idolatory had misrable failure. It is proven that no religious effort of any man in history has solved the mystery of idolatory (Babylon) and certainly there will never be anyone in the future because the duty of freeing mankind from that iniquity lies in the hands of Yahweh's elects who are sent for such mission.

According to an illustration by Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach over the mystery of idolatory, a sinner is  likened to a fly that fell into a spider's web.  It begun to struggle to free itself but the more it struggled, the more it became bound or entangled.

This self struggle of the fly continues until it becomes exhausted and tired, for its energy will be sapped and its wisdom failed.  At last, it will lay motionless and helpless after all struggle. Suddenly, the spider from an obscure corner where it hid will surface before the motionless fly and confront it which may result to brief struggle or minor resistance from the fly and within a short period of time, it will be all-over for the fly, it will be dead and the spider will consume it.
In the illustration, the idolator or religious reformers that tend to free himself and his followers from idol worship are likened to the miserably fly and the idol worship (idolatory) is like the consuming spider and its web networks.

All efforts of our religious leaders and reformers to free mankind from the entanglement of idolatory often end without good fruits or as a mirage. So every reformer is pursuing a mirage in his or her effort towards salvaging himself from idolatory until such one has an approval of Yahweh or such one receives a call to follow a person or a path that was ordained by Yahweh for such sake.
All dreams, desire and efforts of Christian Reformers to liberate mankind from the mystery Babylon which is epitomised in Roman Catholic church yielded no good fruits. Many of them indulged in self righteousness, good and piety works, alms giving, philanthropy and various forms of religious rites and rituals but all ended up as mirage.

Mankind cannot know the way of Yahweh and his son Yahoshea on his own accord or effort but such worthy way appear at its own accord.

Therefore it takes Yahweh's intervention to solve a mystery like idolatory. If men will seize from their self made efforts and listen to the direction and promises from Yahoshea Meshiyach that was partly written in New Testament scriptures which said that he will sent a comforter to mankind who is to continue his work as a divine worker, then, the mystery of idolatory must be resolved.

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