This is one of
the Oriental Orthodox Churches that based in the Eastern Mediterranean with members scattered all over the
world. The Syriac Church took its origin
from the first Yahoshean community in Anthioch after Yerusalem.
The Assemblies
of Yahoshea Meshiyach at Anthioch was carried on the acts of apostles of the
New Testament Scriptures as the place where the name “Christians” were first
given to “Yahosheans”. By true fact, the
followers of Yahoshea Meshayach bore the name of their master and later to be
renamed to Christians to reflect the concept of Hellenism that was pervading in
that era.
History Of The
The Assembly
stationed at Anthioch was established by Apostle Peter in Ad 37.
The assembly at
Anthioch progressed along other stations of the ministry by observing all
necessary ordinances as formulated from various Ecumenical Councils that
transformed Yahosheanism to Christianity.
The Syriac
church separated from the body of Christendom in Ad 451 due to differences in
theology that arose at the Council of Chalcadon. At the Council of Chalcedon, there was
controversy over the nature of Yahoshea Meshiyach. The debate was ruled in favour of Roman
Catholic Church and its subsequent daughters that are thereby referred as
Chalcedonians Churches while the Oriental Orthodox thereby referred as
Non-Chalcedonians separated from the Church of Rome.
The Oriental
Orthodox described Yahoshea as having “one nature – the logos incarnate, of the
full humanity and full divinity”, while Roman church described him as
being. “In two natures, full humanity
and full divinity”. This is the
doctrinal difference that separated the Oriental Orthodox from the rest of
The Assembly at
Anthioch was the starting point of Yahosheanism in a Gentile nation and was a
leading center of the Hellenistic East.
The assembly later spread to various cities or provinces of Syriac. It made converts of Hellenistic Syrians as
well as Hellenistic Hebrews who as a result of the great rebellions against
Rome in Ad 70 and 130 were driven out of Yerusalem and Palestine into Syria.
Before 451 Ad
Council of Chalcedon, the Syriac Assembly was one of the exalted Bishophic
see. In the Council of Necea in 325, the
Syriac Assembly was promoted to the status of Patriorchate along the Bishopric
of Alexandria, Rome and Yerusalem.
Records bear
that Syriac assembly played prominent role in the first three synods held at
Nicaea (325), Constantinople (381), and Ephesus (431). These synods shaped the early adopted
Christian doctrines.
Separation And
Spread Of The Group
When Syriac
Orthodox Church separated from other Christian body, it developed its
priesthood order with their different vestments away from the pattern of
Catholic Church.
The Syriac assembly
held to the primacy of St. Peter. The
assembly recognized the unique office of St. Peter in the primitive Yahoshean
community. The assembly leaders followed
the rabbinic tradition to identify Yahoshea as “Kepha” which means “Rock”. They
interpret rock as a symbol of messianism as traced from the holy
scriptures. They held that Yahoshea
Meshiyach is the promised kepha himself but he gave the name to Peter the chief
shepherd in his place in the assembly that he would build his assembly on top
of him. They believe that kepha is
another name of Yahoshea and Simon Peter was given the right to share the name
with him.
The syriac
assembly grew in strength and spread to various part of the world. It had an estimate of about 4,000,000 members
globally with India having the greater number of members than other nations.
For example, the
Jacobite Syrian Christian Church which is one of the various Saint Thomas
Christian churches in India is an integral part of the Syriac Orthodox Church
with the Patriach of Anthioch as its supreme head.
The Syriac
Church maintained its independent status and developed many dioceses,
archdioceses and Patriachate vicarietes that are headed by the Patriach of
Practices And
Though, the
Syriac assembly moved out of Roman Catholic Church, but it did not stood by the
real doctrines of Yahoshea Meshiyach and his apostles. The church followed the Catholic to observe
many pagan doctrines such as Sunday worship and rest, cross veneration, icon
veneration and with no regard for holy name Yahweh and his son Yahoshea
The Syriac
Church do not observe Yahweh approve festivals rather abide by Roman
Catholic’s model of Eucharistia, Easter
and Christmas festivals.
Though, the
Syriac assembly was the second in the hierarchy of stations opened by Yahoshea
and his follower after Yerusalem, it did not retain the true flavour of the
ministry. Rather, it was influenced by Hellenism and it infected other later
developed station with the virus.
As the Yerusalem
assembly was scattered by Roman invasions on 70Ad and 130Ad, the Anthioch
assembly was expected to be the custodian of Yahoshean’s doctrines and creeds
but it failed such responsibility.
developments came to place as pronounced by Yahoshea Meshiyach that the
comforter must unfold to continue from where he stopped and only such
personality can actively retain and maintain the whole percepts of Yahoshea
Meshiyach. So since the Syriac assembly
and others in its form were not led by the Promised Comforter, it became their
reason of failure.
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