Yahosheanism And
These are two
different religious traditions that traced their root to the Abrahamic
covenant. Both movements share some
interesting similarities as well as differences.
Both sects
believe of the prophethoods of Noah, Moses, Abraham, Moses and Yahoshea (whom
Yahosheans hold as the son of Yahweh). These religious figures are venerated
amongst many religious traditions like the Yahudaism, Yahosheanism, Ebionites,
Eussenes, Nazerenes, Christianity and Muslimism.
Yahosheanism is
a continuationist sect to Yahudaism. It
developed from the life, ministry and death of Yahoshea Meshiyach and his
apostles that were identified as Yahosheans.
Muslimism is a
religious faith that originated in the same Middle East in the 7th Century Ad.
The term – “Muslim” means “surrender” or “submission” in Arabian language. The
founder of the religious tradition was Muhammad who claimed prophethood in
succession to the Abrahamic lineage.
Origin Of
The movement
evolved by the life and ministry of prophet Muhammed who was of the lineage of
Banu Hashun tribe of the Quraysh that were the guardians of the Kaaba. The
community exist within the town of Mecca
and played dominant role in the territory during the era of evolution of Muslimism.
Kaaba at that
period was a pagan shrine that attracted multitude of pilgrims to Mecca and
equally enhanced its financial fortune.
The account of
the origin of Muslimism is traced to the commencement of the revelations of the
Qur'an (Muslim’s holy book) to prophet Muhammad by celestial messenger Gabriyah
that it referred as “Jibril” in 610 Ad. The revelation lasted for 23 years when prophet Muhammed
died in 632 Ad.
The faith
reverences Muhammed as the last of the
Islamic prophets that started with Adam and ran along the prophethoods of Noah,
Abraham, Moses and Yahoshea Meshiyach that it referred as Isa.
Spread Of The
The history of
Muslimism started with the revelation of the Qur'an while the movement rose
around the time the Muslims (followers of Mohammed) took flight to Medina.
At Medina, the
Makkah tribe of Quraish and the Muslim community had a treaty of Hudaybiyya
which brought peace between both communities for the duration of ten years.
The peace accord
was broken when the Quraish and their allies – the tribe of Bakr' attacked the
tribe of Khaza'ah that was a Muslim ally. The Muslims conquered Mecca in 630 Ad
and Muhammed died in 632 Ad.
After the death
of Prophet Muhammad, his followers referred as Muslims got control of Mecca and
established their religious empire there. A century later, the Islamic empire
extended to the West and to the Indus at the East.
The Islamic
empire began to extend to many lands with its form of civilization. This gave
rise to Islamic states and Muslim's system of government that were established
in various periods. Those periods are grouped as the city-state that existed
from 620s to 630s, the imperial period (630s to 750s), universal period (750s
to 900s), the decentralization period (900s to 1910s) the National period 1910s
to twenty-first century.
Belief Of The
The Muslimism
hold itself as the descendant of Ishmael who was one of the sons of Abraham.
The tradition holds that Ishmael was the first son of Abraham and therefore
remains the right heir of Abrahamic faith. The sect hold that Ishmail is the
father of the Arabs and equally hold itself as the right Abrahamic faith.
hold that though Ismayah is the first son of Abraham but Yazak is the most
favoured. This blessing extended Yacob who was the father to the twelve tribes
of Israyah.
Yahosheanism and
Muslimism hold to Monotheism since both reject the Trinity doctrine of
Christendom. To Yahosheans, Yahweh and Yahoshea are one. Yahweh is the father
while Yahoshea is the son. Both are not co-equal or co-eternal as held by
Christian theology of trinity. Since father is greater than the son, Yahosheans
hold that both are not co-equal.
Muslims equally
refer to Yahosheans as “people of the Book” which means people who follow the
righteous teachings of one Yahweh as held by prophet Abraham.
Both traditions
are unitary hence they vehemently reject the tradition of trinity which key
term as abominable heresies against Yahweh.
Yahosheanism and Muslimism hold to the faith of “One Yahweh” but each differ on
the names they use for him. The Yahosheans refers the Creator as “Yahweh” while
Muslims address him as “Allah”.
On the personage
of Yahoshea Meshiyach, Yahosheans regard him as the son of Yahweh, born of
immaculate conception, (virgin birth) had a pre-earthily existence, founded
Yahosheanism, died at torture stake, resurrected and ascended to Yahweh's kingdom.
Muslims hold
Yahoshea Meshiyach as sent person from Yahweh with the name “Isa”, of a virgin
birth, a messenger of Yahweh or one of the Islamic prophets, had a natural life
of a mortal. Muslimism hold that Yahoshea was created like Adam who was the
first Islamic prophet as both were created without human fathers.
Muslims equally
hold that Yahoshea was condemned to impalement and saved from execution. Both
sect did not accept the Christian concept that Yahoshea is one of the personage
of trinity which they jointly view as heretical.
On the personage
of the comforter, Yahosheans hold to the promise of the coming of the comforter
who will continue with the divine works as carried out by earlier prophets
Yahoshea Meshiyach and his apostles.
The continuing
Yahosheanism hold that the comforter manifested in the personage of prophet
Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach whose advent occured on 1930 in Ogbia clan of Bayelsa
State in Nigeria.
Muslimism hold
to a different view of the comforter whom it referred as the acts of celestial
messenger Gabriyah (Jibrin) which meant that the pronouncement of the coming of
the comforter got fulfilled through the coming of prophet Muhammad.
Yahosheanism of
the comforter's era disagree that prophet Muhammed was the person mentioned on
the promise of the coming comforter rather it holds that the comforter is
Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach.
Muslimism share some religious faith with Hebrew related religious traditions,
but there are some fundamental differences between both religious. The
similarities centres more on issues of monotheism, Unitarianism, iconoclasm but
differences abound on issues relating to the divine names of the creator, his
son Yahoshea and the names of celestial messengers.
The differences
include of Sabbath rest tradition of the Hebrew religion that commences on
sunset of the sixth day (Friday) to the sunset of seventh day (Saturday). The
Muslims engages in their Jumat worship on sixth day before the sunset.
Both traditions
hold to hourly prayers and fellowships and practices pietism.
Both groups
differ on scriptures as Yahosheans of the comforters era hold to the Holy
Originally Inspired Scriptures while Muslimism hold to the Qua'ran. Both book
share some similarities and differences.
Both groups view
Christendom as the worst corrupt religious institution that claim to Abrahamic
root. Yahosheans hold that Christianity is the Greek Version of fragmented or
proliferated groups that emerged from 1st century Yahosheanism. Yahosheanism
view the Muslimism as one of the later sects that hold to some religious belief
of the primitive Yahosheanity. By this concept, Yahosheans hold that Muslimism
is composed of some of the original belief of 1st century Yahosheans, views
from some Gnostic Yahosheanity as well as view of some of the rigorous
Christian movements as the Arianism, Novatianism, Donatism, Paulicians etc.
Some of these
Yahoshean's related movements had their views, incorporated in Muslimism and
such shaped the similarity of Yahosheanism and Muslimism.
Yahosheans hold
that when the Muslimism evolved in 7th century Ad, many adherents of these
Yahoshean related movements embraced the movement and evenly viewed Prophet
Muhammad as a Meshiyach until he was found eating a camel meat that was viewed
as unclean animal in the Hebrew related movements.
Likewise, some
Christian regorists as the Arians and Donatists found favour with the Muslim method
of Monotheism and Non-Trinitarianism and
joined it in great numbers.
Yahosheansm hold
that Christendom arose from the Pauline or Gentile Yahoshanism during 2nd
century Ad through the efforts of the apostolic fathers and support of the
Roman emperors of the 4th century and above.
Muslimism is
like some other related traditions to Yahosheanism but cannot serve as the true
channel to trace Yahoshea Meshiyach or his movement because the comforter
promised was Prophet Yahmarabhi but not Prophet Muhammad as claimed by Muslims.
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