Jewish Christianity is a tradition within Christendom that involves
of the practices of adherents with Jewish roots and their proselytes that
profess some Jewish tradition mixed in with Christianity.
Etymology of the Identity
The term “Jewish Christianity” is referred to the early apostles of
Yahoshea who were of Hebrew root. The term was coined by modern scholars
because there is no evidence of the use of “Jewish” before the 8th Century when
the Kazar Jews occupied the Yahudean territory and claimed of Yahudean
It was through the occupation of Kazars that originated the term
“Jews” to identify as the people of Yahuda. It is based on this occupation that
the term “Judaism” came to existence. Prior to that age, the Hebrews do not
pronounce “J” as alphabet but were known with “Y”. The use of “J” character in
replacement of “Y” in Yahudean texts was
an act of Modern scholars that took root from the occupation of the Kazar Jews
who were traditionally stemmed from Turkey. The modern scholars referred the
early apostles as “Jewish Christians” as well as the citizens of the nation of
Israel that later joined up with Christianity. The better term is the “Yahudean
Yahosheans” which referred to people of Yahudea that followed Yahoshea.
Truly, since the physical exit of Yahoshea Meshiyach and his first
hand disciples, the issue of his proper identification and his mission has been
a matter of much debate and argument. People argue over his true name, mission,
accounts and moreover that of his assembly.
The argument over the true identity of his established assembly runs
through its identical name and the real people and percepts that associate the
fold. These simple identification matters got mixed – up, became confusing or
totally lost during ages of political and religious wrangling between the
Hebrews and the assembly on one end supported by the occupation of Greek
hellenism over it.
There are varieties of conflicting claims over the authentic name of
the savior and of his fold amongst various religious communities that claim to
represent him presently. The savour is addressed with different forms of names
as Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Yashua Ha Messiah, Isa, Yahoshea Meshyiach etc.
Likewise his fold is identified with various conflicting names by
various religious sects that claim to have inherited him. Such names include
Christianity, Nazerenes, Notsrim, Messians, Messianics, Messianic Judaism,
Christian Hebrews, Christian Jews etc.
In same manner, these different religious groups parades various
distinct doctrines, customs and rites and all claiming to be in possession of
his scepter.
Our questions are, which is his real name? Which is the real
identical name of his assembly and which
of the sects parade the true set of doctrines as approved by Yahoshea
Any sect that is with his true name will bear the true identity
because his followers are named after him.
As religion is matter of extremism, each stock hold firm to its
conviction and such calls for proper investigation through scriptural views and
known history of the sect.
Equally, there are some passive believers who are not worried over
his real identical name or that of his Assembly. To this group, he can be
called any name and what matters is to follow him.
This confusion took position from the first four hundred years of
the religious community that was founded by Yahoshea Meshyach. The mentioned
moment can rightly be termed as the formative age of the ministry.
The ministry of Yahoshea Meshyach is entirely uncompromising
religion to pagan altitudes. For this reason, it had to contest with the
assembly of Hebrews in the tribe of Yahuda which is presently identified as
Judaism over some doctrinal differences. The differences aggravated to
high-rated competition over control of rights of sacred wisdom bequeathed to
the Hebrew nation from their forebear-Abraham.
However, Hebrew authority under Roman colonialism romanced with the
Roman authority to persecute the saviours fold. This ugly romance led to
execution of Yahoshea Meshyach and his
immediate disciples.
Assembly After The Founder's Exit
After the death of Yahoshea Meshyach as accounted, the disciples
carried out intensive mobilization or evangelism of the good news of Yahoshea
in the Hebrew territory as well as other Roman controlled areas. The acts of
these disciples attracted converts of Pagans into the fold as put by Elaine
Pagels as thus- “As the saviour's fold emerged within the Roman Empire, it
challenged pagan converts, too, to change their attitudes and behaviour. Many
pagans who have been brought up to regard marriage essentially as a social and
economic arrangement, homosexual relationships as an expected element of male
education, prostitution, both male and female, as both ordinary and legal and
divorce, abortion, contraception and exposure (to death) of unwanted infants as matters of practical
expedience embraced, to the astonishment of their families, the saviour's
message which opposed these practices”.
The conversion of Roman pagans into the fold inflexed the ministry
of Yahoshea Meshyach with philosophical framed Greeks and Romans which posed a
great threat to the ministry during second century A.D.
The religious conscience as put in place by Yahoshea Meshyach was
challenged by the philosophies of Greece who joined the ministry and with
passage of time became dominant above the Hebrew brethren and their principles.
Through this unfortunate development, the doctrines and dogmas that
were laid down by Yahoshea as the founder of the sect were replaced by Greek
and Roman Pagan traditions and customs. This development brought into the
assembly among others the abominable heresies and terminologies that took over
from the simple scriptural teachings of the fold. This ushered in the era of confusion
of true identification and mission of the fold.
These intra- conflicts ensued in the fold till entrance of the state
authority who mixed up the religious community along with others that do active
business to form what is presently known as Roman Catholic Church.
Advent of the state religion brought acute seduction or marriage of
pure doctrines of Yahoshea and those of Pagan Roman. Historian Will Durant put
it in this form, “The church took over some religious customs as forms common
in pre-Yahoshea's era – the stool and other vestments of Pagan priests,
the burning of candles and everlasting
light before the alter, the worship of the saints, the architecture of the
Basilica, the law of Rome as basis for canon law, the title of Pontifex Maximus for the Supreme Pontiff, and
in the fourth century, the Latin language… soon the Bishops, rather than the
Roman prefects, would be the source of order and the seal of power in the
cities, the metropolitans, or Archbishops would support, if not supplant, the provincial
governors, and the synods of bishops would succeed the provincial assembly. The
Roman Church followed in the footsteps of the Roman state”.
As the Church of Rome took over the religious rights of Yahoshea's
fold, it effected changes that include his personal name, the identity of his
fold and the doctrines or mission of his manifestation.
By these deadly changes, the only and original name of the savior
Yahoshea Meshyach became changed to Izeus Soter and later to Jesus Christ of
this age. By this unfoldment, the
identical name of his assembly changed from Yahosheanism to Christianity.
Emergent Of The Group
Under the identity “Christianity”, the church pacified its intension
of rooting out all Hebrew consciousness in the new formulated fold. By 4th
century, Constantine the Great through edict consolidated the transfer of the
culture of Sabbath rest or worship of the Yahosheanism faith to Sunday worship
of Sun God followers.
The edict of Constantine over Sabbath rest was followed up by succeeding
Emperors and Popes who decreed against observation of Sabbath rest by the
church or its faithful.
By 5th century Ad, laws against Sabbath keepers were promulgated and
too many sincere seekers or followers of Yahoshea who violated the orders of
Roman Catholic Church were either imprisoned or killed. This marked the darkest
era in which all changes of truth with regards to Yahoshea's life and ministry
were carried out and way of truth being closed. The church became entirely
Roman business and Hebrews were forced to withdraw interest or be coerced into
worship of Pagan traditions of Rome as Christians.
Equally, as Christianity usurped
the religious rights and position of Yahosheanism, there was no
congregational structure for faithful that intend to follow the real path laid
by Yahoshea Meshyach. Many Hebrews who were keenly interested in following of
the Yahoshean percepts reluctantly became
converted into Christianity and were identified as “Christian Hebrews”
or “Jewish Christians”. As the church persecuted the Hebrews, they returned the
persecution to their brothers (Jewish Christians) and their citizenship were at
stake since Hebrew nation viewed a Hebrew from the angle of the Hebrew religion.
Hebrew religion shared many things in common with Yahosheanism but
there were areas of difference which were spotted by Yahoshea Meshyach during
his ministration.
Many Hebrew citizens
worked along with Greek brethren during the later days of the immediate
disciples of Yahoshea or early after their exit. Such people include Euodius
who was appointed by apostle peter as the overseer of Antioch in 53 AD. His appointment took
place in the time of Claudius Caesar and he retained his post till his
martyrdom in 68 AD.
Likewise, Evaristus was a Hebrew citizen who was appointed as the
overseer of Rome in AD 100. He was equally murdered as a martyr.
Another Hebrew national that was prominent amongst Greek dominance
over the Yahoshean brethren was Hegesippus who was regarded as one of the first
church historians. He quoted largely from the goodnews scripts to the Hebrews
as the final authority on the life and teachings of Yahoshea.
In the records that bore of him, he witnessed that some of the books
of Apocrypha were forged during his lifetime.
When the church has consolidated itself with full swing of pagan
Roman doctrines, many Hebrew citizens who were later referred as Jews squeezed
themselves into the sect and made it their basic religious conviction. Some of
them rose to high ranks and profile in the church and became veritable allies
or weapons for evangelism to the Hebrews by the church. Some were fanatic
extremists that made them to be regarded as Hebrew Apostates.
Judaist Apostates
One of such Hebrews was Halevi Solomon, who was renamed Pablo De
Santa Maria in 14th century AD. As an ardent Christian, he was promoted to
serve as the Archbishop of Burgos and is known today as Paul De Burgos.
Church record bear that Halevi (Abnor) did everything in his power
to combat Rabbinic Judaism which he claimed prevented the Hebrew people from
hearing or accepting the gospel of the church. He became known amongst Hebrew
circle as the most virulent representative of anti-Judaism. He initiated an
intensified persecution of Hebrews in Spain during the 14th and 15th centuries
by formulation of complete theory which claims the necessity and justification
of such persecution.
He advised the Roman authority to abolish the Hebrew's autonomy,
arguing that messiah could not come to the Hebrews until the Hebrews possess no
authority, not even such petty power as is exercised over them by their Rabbis
and communal warders who hold vain promises to them in order to keep them under
constant control.
The Hebrew citizens that were referred to as Jews in Christianity
progressed in population. in 19th Century, many of them began to be uncomforted
by many doctrines of the Churches that are rooted in Greece and Roman and began
to make U-turn towards search for Hebrew roots and tradition. These group began
to formulate different groups of Messianic Judaism or Hebrew root movements.
Jewish Christians
were people of Hebrew descent that eventually took to Christian faith as when
the station and way of Yahoshean assemble at Yahuda became closed.
As they made
Christianity their belief, they were faced by suspicioun by their Hebrew
kinsmen as well as the Christian group. Though their state tarried for
centuries but they were never comfortable because they could not openly claim a
Hebrew before their kingsmen.
Truly, Jewish
Christianity was never a way of maintainance of restoration of the way of
Yahoshea. It was all about Christendom and its bundle of Roman traditions.
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