Thursday, 7 July 2016


This is one of the religious traditions that existed in 4th century Ad that equally traced its root from the Yahosheanism of the Hebrew nation. The first century record of this body is twined with the Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach at Yerusalem.
                The term “Nazarene” was a Hebrew name given to the followers of Yahoshea in Hebrew land.  The name was taken from “Nazareth” which was the community that Yahoshea and his relatives resided. As Yahoshea Meshiyach came to the city of Yerusalem, he and his apostles were identified as the “Nazarenes” which meant “men from Nazareth” hence the founder was often referred as “Yahoshea of Nazareth”.
                The name “Nazarene” survived into the Rabbinic and modern Hebrew as the “Notzrim”. Equally the Quran and modern Arabic identified the group as the “Nazara” or “Nasrani” for plural. The early apostolic fathers wrote that the term “Nazarene” was coined by the people of Yerusalem while the people of Antioch coined “Christians” for the same sect of the Hebrew Messiah.
                As Yahosheans fled from the city of Yerusalem due to the “Great Hebrew Revolt” in 70Ad, they moved to Pella (Northeast of Yerusalem).  They were equally identified as the “Nazarenes” at Pella and they continued with the practices handed to them by Yahoshea Meshiyach and eventually spread to Boroea and Basanitis where they permanently settled.
                The sect of the Nazarenes was identified in 4th century Ad and was marked as one of the heretic movements.  The sect existed as the “Pasagians” during the 11th and 13th centuries. The Nazarenes beyond 2nd century were similar to the Ebionites as they observed  some central Hebrew religious practices as carried in the Books of Moses and Aramaic account of Mathew alone rejecting other accounts of the New Testament.

Practices Of The Sect:
A major departure of the Nazarenes from the Ebionites was based on the belief of virgin birth of Yahoshea which the Ebionites rejected. From 4th century, the Assmblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach has been transformed to Church of Jesus Christ and the title “Christians” over-rule the title “Yahosheans”.
                The sects that hold to Yahoshea's ministry by strict continuation to observation of the Hebrew laws were intimidated by the Christians, the Nazarenes and Ebionites were seriously affected. The Nazarenes were also equally rejected by mainstream Hebrew religions who often identify them to Christendom.
                The Church Fathers made derogatory comments about the Nazarenes since the church of fourth century has done away with everything that appear as the Hebrew customs, rites and legalisms.
                For instance, the 4th century church father – Jerome made the following comments in his Epistle 79 to Augustine “What shall I say to the Ebionites who pretend to be Christians? Today, there still exist among the Jews in all the synagogues of the East a heresy which is called Minaeans, and which is still condemned by the Pharisees, its followers are ordinary called “Nazarenes”.  They believe that Christ, the son of God, was born of the virgin Mary, and they hold him to be the one who suffered under Pontius Pilate and ascended to heaven, and in whom we also believe. But while they pretend to be both Jew and Christians, they are neither”.
Jerome accounted that the Nezarenes were, “who accepted the Messiah in such a way that they do not cease to observe the old laws”. This prove that Christianity are those who accept same Messiah and cease to observe the old laws.
This prove the Christians as an erroneous movement because Yahoshea and his apostles like the Nazarenes accepted the laws of old in their practices.
                The Church of Jesus Christ (Christianity) of the 4th century and beyond had ceased observation to Hebrew customs like the unleavened breads of Passover feast, Sabbath rest, sacrifices, prayers, aspersions, purifications, hymns, chants and observations in the synagogues that were central to Yahosheanism.

Spread And Influence:
The Nazarene tradition has been adopted by some Christian churches and partially preserved till date.  Some of those churches are the Syriac Orthodox Church that claim to be established by Apostles Peter and Paul of the first century Yahosheans.  The Syriac Orthodox Church separated from the Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch in the 5th century.
Another church that claim its root from the Nazarene sect is the “Saint Thomas Christians” or the “Nazarene” or the “Nasrani” in Kerala India. The Church claim to ancient Nazarene Christian group that was established through missionary work of Apostle Thomas (Mer Thoma in Syriac). The church is equally known as the “Mer Thoma Nazarene”.
Other claimants to Nazarene root include the Apostolic Christian church (Nazarene) that originated from the Swiss Nazarene Baptist movement and the “Church of the Nazarene” which is a Christian protestant denomination that was born out of the holiness movement of the late 19th century.

The sect of the Nazarenes or other groups that claim to have taken their roots from the sect may have tried to preserve some of the doctrines central to Hebrew Yahosheanism.  They may have passed through eyes of enemies of Yahoshea Meshiyach who persecuted them in the manner of Yahosheans of early centuries but cannot claim to be free from perdictions or corruption that engulfed the gentile Yahosheanity or Christendom of today.
                Yahoshea Meshiyach promised of the coming siege to  his followers,  destruction of Yerusalem and the temple.  He prophesied of the persecutions and trials that his followers will encounter and these promises have come to pass.  The next round of important promise was coming of the comforter and the transfer of the kingdom of Yahweh from Yerusalem to a new land.
                Based on these promises, the true sect that will continue from the 1st century Hebrew Yahosheanism must be led by the promised Comforter and such officer must effect the transference of the holy land to the newly promised area by Yahoshea.
                Since the Nazarenes of the 4th century and above or those sects that claim to have emerged from it were not led by the promised comforter, they are not the truly expected continuing ministries of Yahoshea Meshiyach and his apostles. This is a true disclosure to those that claim to be Nazarenes in this era.  May Yahweh bless those that act according to this revelation in Yahoshea's name - Hallelujah.
                The identical name of the followers or assembly of Yahoshea Meshiyach was not the “Nazarenes” rather they were truly known as “Yahosheans” which mean “followers of Yahoshea”. Nazarene was a name given to the sect by non-members who were totally ignorant of the true identity or name of the fold.
As the people of Yerusalem rejected Yahoshea as the Meshiyach, they equally rejected the name of the sect he founded that bear his name along rather they resorted to the term “Nazarene” which means “men from Nazareth”. The name of the saviour is Yahoshea and he addressed his adherent as “my followers” meaning that they bear his name as their sect's tomb mark.

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