Thursday, 7 July 2016


One of the movements or sects that became famous for contending against Roman Catholic Paganism was called-”the Paulicians”. This sect according to church historian – Samuel Vica originated by a man known as Constantine in his first congregation at Kibossa in Armenia. The root of the sect was based on  the founder Constantine in the year 660 AD after receiving a deacon in his house who on the visit gave him a folded New Testament scriptures.

After reading through the scriptures, he became aware of real salvation of mankind through Yahoshea Meshiyach and such prompted him to share the good news to other people and preachers who later became known as Paulicians.

Constantine saw himself as a chosen person to restore the real values and ordinances as founded by Yahoshea which were destroyed by Roman apostasy. He was highly enticed by the role of Apostle Paul of the New Testament account and that inspired him to identify his sect with the name Paul and such resulted as Paulicians.

After twenty-seven years of formation of the sect, Constantine was arrested by the Roman Church or authority and charged for heresy and stoned to death.

Constantine was succeeded by a court official known as Simeon who equally executed the imperial order for his killing. Simeon later became converted to the Paulician sect and became the successor of Constantine.

Persecution Of The Sect
The sect suffered terribly in the hands of Roman persecutors who murdered many of them but it continued to flourish as many Iconoclasts (image breakers or laities) joined them in their operations.

Paulicians passed through many successive leaders but later split into two factions known as Baanites (the old party) and the Sergites (the reformed sect). By 8th century AD, Empress Theodora acting as a regent to her son Michael III instituted a tough persecution against the Paulicians throughout Asia Minor in which about hundred thousand Paulicians lost their lives, properties and their lands were confiscated by the state.

The Paulicians resisted the attempts of the Roman Church to annihilate the sect  and with high political might built a state of the Paulicians at Tephrike.

Practices Of The Faith
Paulicians raised army against Roman Church and its influence. The sect respected the doctrines of New Testament scriptures  and rejected with horror the Old Testament scriptures. The sect treasured the four good-news accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, all Epistles of Paul, Epistles of James. They rejected mother and child worship (Miriam worship) as held by the Roman Church, rejected the doctrine of cross veneration and Trinity belief.

Because of their wars with Roman Church, they often romanced with Jews, Mohammedans, Manicheists, Arians and people often misidentify them for such appellations.

Paulicians could be traced as the root to many strong opposing sects to Christendom. For instance, the sect of Catherism of 12th century AD traced its root from Paulicians. As earlier said, Paulicianism was one of many sects that emerged before reformation era to contest against the draconian method of the Roman church.

Before the sect was rooted out of history, its doctrines that were imposed upon humanity spread across Roman Empire and equally influenced future Roman Catholic operations. The Paulicians tried to restore few of the lost doctrines of Yahoshea's ministry but were filled of errors such as appearing aggressive as Roman church. It did not incline itself of restoration of important doctrines as matters of holy names, holy day rest and holy festivals.

The true commission to restore perfect doctrines of Yahoshea was vested upon the comforter as promised by Yahoshea Meshiyach himself and only such officers and has movement or tradition can restore the real Yahosheanism.

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