Thursday, 7 July 2016


This is one of the popular denominations of Protestant Christianity that originated from the teachings of  John Wesley, George Whitefield and Charles Wesley (John's brother).
Methodism started as a revival by a group of men in the Church of England. The movement initially commenced by formation of the “Holy Club” by Wesley brothers at Oxford.  This Holy Club met weekly to preach and practice holy way of life.
The Holy Club was meant to train out members to be fit of receiving of Holy Communion in every week, abstaining from irrelevant amusement or luxury, fasting regularly and frequent visitation to the sick, poor and prisoners.
Based on their strict method of implementing these goals, their fellow students began to identify them as “Methodists”.  Wesley and his group turned the mockery into a tittle of honour and such later became demonational identity of the group.

Origin Of The Group
History account that John Wesley's religious life was influenced by the Dutch theologian Jacobus Arminius (1560-1609) who rejected the doctrine of pre-destination of the elects to eternal bliss and eternal damnation to others.  Equally, some of his strong members were notable for being Calvinistic Methodists.  Such persons include George Whitefield who was noted for an open-air-preaching which he taught to Wesley.
In the beginning, the Methodists operated within Anglican Communion as mere revival group but to the surprise of all, the body later rose to a great significant that attracted Anglican clergies who affiliated with the movement.
John Wesley did not establish a dissent movement outside of Anglican Communion but as the converts began to increase, elements of doctrinal practices between the group and Anglicanism began to evolve also.  These differences began to build a formidable gulf between both traditions.
The differences were made open in 1784 when Wesley ordained preachers to serve in American colonies due to shortage of priests in the territory.  Those ordained preachers were invested with the power to administer sacraments.
This was the major point of separation of Methodism from Anglicanism. After the death of John Wesley,  the movement became autonomous from Anglican Communion and spread through consistent missionary works in Great Britain.  The body extended to American colonies through Whitefield's preaching or activities during the era of the First Great Awakening.
The Methodist movement had great interest upon the low class of peoples.  In the United States, it embraced many slaves who later formed “Black Churches” in the Methodist tradition.  Although the sect was made of people of all societal levels, but it took the message to labourers, criminals or prisoners who were not considered worthful in the organized religions of those days.

Doctrines And Practices Of The Faith
One of the notable characteristics of Methodists is about generosity and philanthropy.  The movement believe that adequate expression of love to fellow human beings through social services is a desperate method of working towards achievement of Yahweh's love.
The movement lays much emphasis on helping of the poor and the average persons which it view as a practical method of building persons, church and missionary works. The body indulges in such activities through establishment of schools, hospitals and orphanages.
Methodists were noted for enthusiastic sermons which centred on the necessity of new birth for salvation, justification by faith and sustained actions by acclaimed Holy Spirit.
Adherents were divided in classes which serves as meetings where they are taught to confess their sin to each other and to edify each other’s spirituality.  They equally observe love feasts which is a principal dogmas of early Methodists.
The movement hold three principal pillars as the sustainer of their Christian belief.  Such points includes
-           People are all, by nature “dead in sin” and consequently “children of wrath”.
-           They are justified by faith alone.
-           Faith produces inward and outward holiness.
Methodism hold to the Arminian concept of free-will through Yahweh's grace.  This is the major point of disagreement between Methodism and Calvinism which hold to the theological determinism and absolute predestination.
Again, one of the famous contributions of Methodism to the Reformed Protestant Church is its enthusiastic congregational hymns and songs.
The Methodism share almost majority of tradition of protestant Christianity.  Such practices include – belief in trinity, Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed, Baptism, Holy Communion, salvation by grace, etc.
The movement adopt the traditions drawn from the teachings of early church fathers, the edicts of 1st to 7th Ecumenical Councils that were honourable to Anglicanism and the infallibility of holy scriptures.  It equally adopt human resoning as viable instrument to interpreting the bible.

Instruments Of Service
The body hold that personal salvation implies to Christian mission and service to humanity. Converts are encouraged to observe scriptural holiness, love of Yahweh, love of others, Passion for justice etc. In support to Bible, the movement in America make use of “Sunday service of the Methodists in North America” which was a revised version of Book of Common Prayer of Anglicanism.
The United Methodist Church use the United Methodist Hymnal and the United Methodist Book of Worship as their guiding Liturgical instrument.
The American Methodist equally observe the season of kingdomtide which consists of 13 weeks before Advent.  During the period, Methodists carry out charitable works and alleviation of sufferings of poor people.
Another practice of the Methodists is the covenant service that is observed on the first covenant Sunday of every year.  Worship is often associated with the Wesley's covenant prayer as part of the order of service.
As the group kept growing, many separate denominations keep springing up amongst the Methodist. The original group is the Wesleyen Methodist Church. Revivals and schisms within the original church gave rise to many denominations that call themselves “Methodists”.
Major bodies that exists in the movement include United Methodist Church, the Methodist Church of Great Britain, the Wesleyan Reform Union and Independent Methodist Connexion.

Structure And Polity
On Ecumenical  leadership, the Methodists in Britain do not have Bishops but being led by a central organization – the connexion which holds annual conferences.  The connexion is divided into districts.
The districts are divided into circuits.  The circuits are led by circuit meetings and headed by a superintendent minister.'
There are equally some Methodist denominations as the Salvation Army, the Free Methodist Church, Church of the Nazareth etc.

Through missionary spirit, Methodist Churches spread all over the world and accommodates many millions of converts that seek for Yahoshea Meshiyach through it.
The Methodism as a protestant Christian movement is credited with its strides towards social upliftment of poor class of humanity.  By its strong arm of missionary works, it augmented some Christian and secular traditions to spread Western civilization to various nations of the globe.
The movement played prominent role over abolition of slavery as well as development of native communities through modernity and civilization.
Regarding to restoration of messianic or apostolic assembly or ministry that it claim to have carried out is totally unacceptable since it lean upon the efforts Christian Ecumenical Councils and their early Church Fathers.
As there is known disengagement between Yahoshea Meshiyach's ministry with the activities of Christendom that emerged from Rome, the Methodism is one of the failed attempts of men trying to reach to Yahoshea Meshiyach and his apostolic succession.
All protestant Christian movements are appendages of Christendom but not related to apostolic perpetuality.  Both movements are opposite in relation to religious or spiritual matters.
The apostolic assembly based its existence upon the Hebrew syncretism while Christendom is based upon Greek and Roman tradition that were blend with some historic and scriptural records of Hebrew religious tradition.
Once a religious movement keeps to Sunday worship, Trinity doctrine, Cross, Easter Feast, Christmas feast, Holy Communion etc, it is totally cut-off from apostolic perpetuity that view such practices as abominable acts or heresies.

May Yahweh help our Methodist brethren to realize this fast and seek for Yahoshea and his way through his approved comforter.

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