Thursday, 7 July 2016


The Roman Catholic Church (Catholicism) is the foremost Christian tradition or movement that claims to be the apostolic succession or continuity Assembly of Yahoshea Meshiyach. By this claim, numerous millions of converts claim to have known Yahoshea Meshiyach and his apostolic assembly through the flock.  They claim to have served or obeyed his commandments and by the promises and hope put forth by the faith, such followers are of the conviction that they have run the race properly and require glorious crown in heaven during the second coming of Yahoshea Meshiyach.

Claim To Apostolicity
Historically, the Catholicism claim to have pinned its origin from the ministry of Yahoshea Meshiyach who commenced his congregational work by appointing of twelve disciples (apostles) with other followers whom he instructed to go into the world to continue his works of restoration of sound values and message of salvation.
The Catholicism which is equally identified as Roman Catholic Church claimed that after the Matrydom  of Yahoshea Meshiyach at the torture stake at Calvary, his disciples continued his works by the support of Holy Spirit that came upon them in Yerusalem. The spirit  edified them to hold firm to the principles and tradtions taught to them by Yahoshea Meshiyach even at the presence of great persecutions from their Hebrew kinsmen and those of Roman authority.
By the claim of Catholic Church, the event of the visitation of the Holy Spirit to the apostles as presently termed as “Pentecost day” marked the official commencement of the Yahoshean assembly ministry which they claimed as the point of origin of Catholicism.
The Christian tradition claim that Peter who was the scriptural accounted head of the disciples of Yahoshea Meshiyach was the first primate and Pope of the Catholic church. He was succeeded by Pope Linus whom he anointed as his successor which equally started the chronology of Roman Catholic papacy.  By this prescription or claim, the Church of Rome held to the ecclesiastical order of Apostolic succession and authority of the Pope via the unbroken line of Popes, a claim that run as successors to Simon Peter of the New Testament accounts.
The claim of Catholic Church to be the true representative or continuation of the ministry of Yahoshea has been contested by many schisms who rather saw Catholic as a dislocated and deranged movement from the original followers of Yahoshea Meshiyach who were identified as Yahosheans
The doubt emerged by comparison of characteristics and methods of worship of early apostles who observed Hebrew traditions and the traditions of the Catholic that is of Roman traditions and customs.
The question is – did Yahoshea Meshiyach practiced Hebrew traditions or those of Greek and Rome? If Yahoshea practiced of Hebrew customs, did he direct his disciples to change the tradition as they wish? Did he command his disciples to go into the world and teach exactly what they saw him practice?
The doubters are of the conclusion that since Yahoshea observed Hebrew tradition that were drastically opposite to Greeks and Roman tradition means that the claim of church of Rome over succession to the apostolic assembly of Yahoshea was baseless and unacceptable.
The issue of acceptance of Greeks and Romans who were identified as Gentiles in the scriptures was very tedious to the original followers of Yahoshea Meshiyach.  When Yahoshea ascended to Yahweh's kingdom, the apostles were faced by the debate of accepting Gentiles into their fold or not.
This matter was resolved in the first Council of Yerusalem, where Simon Peter (the head of the apostles) ruled in favour of allowing Gentiles into the flock. He gave that verdict through his encounter with Corlenius (a Gentile) whom he converted through a revelation shown to him with regards to acclaimed unholy creatures  of the Hebrew syncretism.
Through conversion of liberal minded members like Paul of Tarsus, the assembly made an open door to Greeks and Romans who later rose to the leadership position of the assembly and thereby introduced the practices of pagan Romans which replaced the Hebrew  practices of the early apostles.

Acts Of Paganism
By the acts and deeds of these early Greek scholars who as converts, the assembly began to grow away from the real foundation set up by Yahoshea Meshiyach and there began to be of polished Roman traditional beliefs.
The acts and deeds of those Greek and Roman scholars constitute the bulk of early Christian fathers whose works were contrary to the practices of early apostles.
The Catholic claim that the First Council of Yerusalem gave rise to the edicts that Gentiles can be allowed membership of the assembly and they were free to practice doctrines outside the Hebrew traditions that were identified as mosaic laws.
The position of early apostles on Hebrew traditions and character was confusing to some religious historians who saw the flock as anti-Semitic. This conclusion was drawn from its continued disagreement with Hebrew religious leaders who equally masterminded the death of Yahoshea Meshiyach and persecution of his apostles.
The truth was that both Hebrew traditional worshippers that are presently identified as Judaists and followers of Yahoshea Meshiyach shared all basic and fundamental beliefs of Hebrew syncretism but differed in interpretations of some of the creeds. But,  Romanism was entirely different syncretism that was totally opposite to both Hebrew and Yahoshean traditions.
While the Yahoshean assembly was founded by Yahoshea and rested upon the twelve apostles who were of Hebrew religious practices, the Christendom of Roman Catholic Church rested upon early Church Fathers and their convocted Ecumenical Councils that transformed the assembly into Roman pagan practices that is observed as Christianity.
For instance, the early assembly of Yahoshea Meshiyach regarded the saviour and its founder with the name – Yahoshea Meshiyach and worshiped the creator through his real name Yahweh. But the Catholic Church of Rome changed the holy percept to idolatrous names as Izeus or later Jesus Christ of Greek idol and Jehovah, God, Elohim, Lords or those presented in all tongues and traditions of nations.
Again, the early apostles observed rest on Sabbath days as done in Hebrew religious tradition. The Church through Ecumenical Councils, Church Fathers and Roman Empire Crowns changed the day of official worship to Sunday (venerable day of the sun god). There is a total dislocation of the practices and ordinances of the first hand apostles of Yahoshea Meshiyach.
Again, the Yahoshea Meshiyach and his apostles observed all annual festivals of Hebrew religious tradition.  Such feast include observation of New Year day on 1st day of Abib which falls on 31st of March of Roman calendar. Other festivals include Feast of Atonement, feast of Passover, Feast of Reconciliation, Feast of First Fruits, Feast of Last Fruits, Feast of the Booths etc.
These Hebrew Festivals were rejected by the Church of Rome since they are seen as Hebrew traditions.
In their stead, the Church Councils replaced them with Roman pagan festivals as New Year day on 1st of January which was  the day Roman celebrated in honour of Janus by which the name January emerged.  The Janus is idol of two faces which was acclaimed of guiding of  doors and windows in Roman superstitious pagan traditions.
The Church equally adopted weekly Eucharist in model of pagan traditions of Osiris and other ancient Roman sungod worshippers.  The church changed Passover feast of the Yahosheans with Easter festival which is practically of Saxon ancient pagan practices.  The Church equally adopted Christmas festival in agreement with ancient Babylon and later Roman pagan sun worshippers.
The slight doctrinal differences that existed between Hebrew traditional worshippers and followers of Yahoshea Meshiyach was used as an opportunity by the pagan Romans and their allies to change into Christianity and to profess that the  Christianity is a continuation of the practices and established order of Yahosheanity.
Truthfully, Christianity grew away from Yahosheanity and found itself as a separate religious tradition.  The Yahosheanity was sunk by the last wave of persecution that occurred during the Bar – Kokhba Jewish revolt in 132 Ad. By the persecution, the real followers of Yahoshea Meshiyach were weakened and Roman and Greek Brethren in the assembly began to assert authority and influence which saw to the adulteration of the flock from its Hebrew tradition to Greek/Roman traditions.
From that point of weakness of Yahoshean tradition which Christian historians erroneously termed as “Jewish Christianity” gave rise to the formation of Christianity.

Structure And Polity
The early Yahoshean belief was very loosely organized because of non-coordination of assembly stations that were  developed by early followers of Yahoshea Meshiyach. Majority of these stations at the point of their origin  started facing transformations into pagan attitudes of their host communities resulting to diverse interpretations of the practices of the faith. This might have been caused by the hasty teachings of the message by the apostles who wandered from one city to the other to develop  stations.
By the end of 2nd century Ad, the Assembly founded at Rome began to asset influence as it began to have converts of influential men in the empire. The Roman Church began to coordinate the activities of the sect into what is presently identified as Christianity.
To have its way of leadership, the church of Rome evolved a structured hierarchy with a bishop having authority over the clergy in the city which is over-headed by all metropolitan Bishops.  The administrative structure of the church began to resemble the model of Empire. Bishops in more politically important cities exerted authority over those in nearby small cities.
By this structure, the churches at Rome, Antioch and Alexandra were held in high esteem and Bishops from various cities convocted synods to define doctrines and practices of the new religious community.
By 3rd century, the Bishop of Rome began to assume as appeal court to cases that other bishops could not handle in their cities.  This development placed the Bishop of Rome as the leader ahead other Bishops and Rome became the centre or headquarter of the religious community.
The doctrines and practices of the Church were designed by series of influential theologians who were termed as church Fathers.  The Fathers distinguished the church doctrines from those thoughts they termed as gnostics, heretics and schisms.
By the acts of theologians as Ignatius of Antioch, Iraneus, Pope Clement I, etc, a systematic traditions and teachings of the church became wholistic and such gave it a real identity from other religious bodies that operated in Roman Empire.
As the whole tradition was put in place, the Church of Rome began to spread its influence over other Christian stations as a leading station. As the Roman Empire was the leading secular nation in those era, its developmental strides helped the Church of Rome to exercise control over other churches of other cities.  The government of Rome encouraged people in other cities under it to learn Greek language and such became helpful. The church became an easy access to expression of its ideas and practices to the inhabitants of other cities.

Challenges And Spread Of The Sect
This development helped the Church of Rome to posses all stations of the apostolic assemblies that were established by early apostles outside of the Yerusalem.  Some of these stations include the ones at Ethopia, Iran and Malabar Coast. The Church of Rome began to spread into many cities that were colonies to Roman Empire and received audience firstly among slaves and people of low social standing before it began to have influence over aristocratic women and leaders.
As the Church of Rome possessed all stations and properties of Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach, it began to claim succession to the apostolic order and therefore began to act as a monotheistic syncretism that was practiced by early disciples of Yahoshea Meshiyach. This marked them as a distinct missioners in Roman empire in which all religious communities practiced polytheistic syncretism.
This earned the early Church of Rome a place of persecution from other religious traditions whom the church termed as idolators. Other religious traditions in response accused the new formulated church to angering the gods for their refusal to worship the pagan gods  and offer them their rites.
The traditional pagans being led by Emperors issued edicts to the early Christians directing that they join up with other Romans  to offer incense and foods to the pagan gods to avert wrath and to usher peace and prosperity to the empire.
The church acting as offshoot of Yudaism and Yahosheanism became viewed in Roman Empire as the destined sect that tends to awaken Hebrewism in the empire. So the wrath of Roman authority and populace that were formally poured to Hebrews and Yahoshea were transferred to the church.
Historically, some Roman Emperors like Nero were anti-Yudaism and anti- Yahosheanism. He saw to the eliminations of many early disciples of Yahoshea Meshiyach in all cities or colonies under Roman empire. As the newly formulated Roman Catholic Church evolved out of Yahosheanity and evenly took its place in religious communities, the wrath of Roman authority was transferred to it. The Roman propagandists accused the early Roman church of being guilty of incest and corubalism and such resulted to persecution.
The persecution of Roman church or Christianity by traditional Romans continued to 4th century when the Christianity became legalized by Roman emperor.  This occurred after an organized persecutions of Christians in late 3rd,  century when the authority claimed that the empires military, political and economic crises were caused by angry gods, all residents were ordered to offer sacrifices to the gods or be punished.
Hebrews under Roman rule were exempted as long as they paid the tax imposed on them. Christians who refused offering sacrifices were met with capital punishment.  History bore that more than 50,000 Christians were publicly executed, many fled while many renounced their faith on Christianity.
The role of Christians that renounced their faith during the persecution and their position in the new constituted church after the persecution led to the  Novatianist  and Donatist  schisms.
Within these period, the relationship between the church and the Roman authority were unstable as some emperors favoured the sect while others when ascend to throne will reverse to persecution of the sect.

Legalization Of The Movement
The activities of Christianity persisted until 313 Ad when the authority issued the Edict of Milan which legalized Christianity. The legalization of Christianity by the Emperor Constantine I made the Christian struggle to be lessened. In 380 Ad, Emperor Theodosius I recognized Christianity as the state religion of Roman Empire through decree.  This position of Christianity persist  till the fall of the Western empire and the later fall of Constantinople.
Christian historians record that within these moment that Christianity enjoyed as the Roman State religion, it became structured as an empire and carried out its first seven ecumenical councils and establish five primacy being Rome, constantinople, Antioch, Yerusalem and Alexandria.
These stations were promoted to patriarchal Sees but Rome acted as  the headquarter overseeing other Sees. And after the movement of Emperor from Rome to Constantinople, the church in Rome became a major political and theological factor in the preservation of classical civilization. The Pope of Roman Church became the most prominent figure in the empire.
These gave the church the authority to spread its traditions to cities and colonies of Roman Empire without much confrontation. The church established ministries and sent missionaries to convert the native people of Northern Europe as far as Ireland.
By the generosity of Emperor Constantine to Christianity, the church became prosperous and firmly established and some pagan cults were drastically persecuted through severe taxation.  In regard to the increased standing of the church in Europe, the clergy began to adopt the place of the royal persons.
With the backing of Emperor Constantine, the church carried out one of its famous and founding Council of Nicea in 325 Ad.  This council helped to formulate some of the outstanding creeds and doctrines of Christianity.  Issues regarding veneration of Mary, the adoption of Easter Festival and the controversial adoption of trinity doctrine were some of the major outcomes of the Nicean Council.
The argument that generated in the council over trinity versus clergies that favour Unitarianism gave birth to Arianism.  The council gave rise to the Nicean Creed or Athnesean Creed in which the Catholic adoptd as one of its central doctrines.
As the official church of Rome, the Christianity began to formulate its doctrinal principles of which majority of them were out of tune with original Hebrew tradition of the early assemblies of Yashoshea Meshiyach.
The Church of Rome convened the Council of Rome in 382 which ended with the official recognition of the Biblical canon which listed the accepted books of both Old and New Testaments.  This development gave rise to the Latin translation of the Bible as Vulgate in 391 and the later Council of Carthage in 397 that helped to finalize the issue of Biblical canon as it is at the present age.
The Council of Ephesus was convened in 431 Ad and it focused on clarification of nature of Yahoshea Meshiyach's incarnation.  The Council of Ephesus declared that Yahoshea Meshiyach was of two natures being full spirit and full human.
The Council of Chalcedon was convened in 451 Ad to strengthen the primacy of Roman Pope which brought rift between relationship of Church of Rome and that of Constantinople which is the See of the Eastern Church.
The Council of Chalcedon sparked disagreement over the true nature of Yahoshea Meshiyach since some Oriental Orthodox Churches disagreed with the declared two natures of Yahoshea, Rather, they hold that Yahoshea is of one nature of a normal person possessing spirit and body.  This argument led the first of the various Oriental Churches to breakaway from the mainstream Christianity.
The Church of Rome saw itself as the Great Church and equally the decider of all issues relating to Christianity.  This aim was to be achieved through the primacy of the Pope of Rome as the infallible primate of the church. To achieve the much expected superiority over other Sees, the Roman Church Popes began to act as the emperors do in their domains.
The Church of Rome defined the practicable doctrines of Christianity and made edicts against those who are to rebel against its orders.  Those rebellious people were tagged as schismatic or heretics and capital punishments were reserved for such persons.
With passage of time, the Church of Rome that was previously persecuted by Roman pagan authorities turned to be the real persecutors to pagan natives and their traditions. In 385 Ad, the legal authority of the church resulted in the first use of capital punishment been pronounced as a sentence upon a Christian heretic named Priscillian.
The church competed with Arianism for conversion of the barbarian tribes.  In 496, the church converted Clovis I who was the traditional king of Franks and such helped for the increase of the flock in the west.

Learning And Missionary Works
The Church of Rome developed standard monasteries which became centres of learning that promoted civilizations.  The monasteries beside theological trainings extended its scope of education on crafts, acts, agricultural and economic training centres. The trainings of the clergies and secular public servants in the Roman Catholic Monasteries earned it a good standing among many pagan kings of other nations outside Roman empire.
This gave way for easy missionary works to those nations.  The 6th century Pope Gregory the Great played prominent role over conversions and ecclesial reformed structures that made way to a renewed missionary efforts.  Missioners like Augustine of Canterbury were commissioned to make converts  of Anglo-saxons.  Some Christians like Saint Boniface and Anselam took the Christian faith into Northern Europe.  The Catholicism began to spread among the Germans, the Slavic people and the Vikings in later centuries.
The Roman Church made effort to absorb Celtic church that had acted independently from Roman Church.

Confrontations and Defence
In 8th century, the church began to face some tough challenges  from the Muslimism as it began to assert authority and to contest for possession of the territories under Roman Empire that were loyal to Roman Catholic church.
To prove its strength in war, the Islamic body conquered the three of the five original patricated of the Christianity. Those cities were Yerusalem, Antioch and Alexandria. By the exploit of Islamism on those areas, the whole period of the next five centuries was used for the struggle between Christianity and Islam throughout the Mediterranean Basin
In 8th century also, the Byzantine Empire that preserved orthodoxy began to confront the Church of Rome over Iconoclasm. The Byzantine Emperor forbade the making and veneration of religious images.  They worked in accord with Yudaism and Muslimism to condemn the veneration of religious images as act of idolatory.
The iconoclasm brought differences between the Church of West and the East.  The Eastern Church and the emperors at Constantinople developed a schism that they were the true descendants of the Rome even before the coming of Christianity. As the conflict ensued; the Roman Church Pope Nicholas I derecognized Patriarch Photios I  of Constantinople who in turn attacked the Pope as a heretic.
To persecute the West/East schism, the Church of Rome relied upon the Emperor of Rome which was crowned by Pope Leo for eventual assault from the emperor of Constantinople. With passage of time, the Emperor of Rome began to assert control over the church to the point of appointing Bishops and even the Pope to the church.
The dispute between the East and Western Christianity finally led to their separation in 11th century. The dispute was focused on whether Constantinople or Rome held the jurisdiction over the Church of Sicily and such led to mutual excommunication in 1054.
The Western (Latin) church had been known as Roman Catholic Church while the Eastern (Greek) branch of the church became known as the Orthodox Church. To restore relationship of both parties, the Second Council of Lyon in 1274 and the Council of Florence in 1439 tried in that effort but failed to achieve the required unity.
As the conflict was ragging, the Muslim Turkey invaded Byzantine empire and the emperor called on the Pope of Rome to come for his rescue.  The Pope was irritated by the call because it may lead to reconciliation with Eastern Orthodox Church. The Pope raised crusaders to engage the Muslims in military assault.  The crusaders were intended to return Holy Land Yerusalem to the Christian control.  Both armies committed atrocities that left a legacy of mutual distrust between Muslims and Western and Eastern Christians.
The fourth crusade led to the sack of Constantinople in 1204.
Again the Church of Rome faced another challenge in France during 12th century.  That was because of the growth of a sect identitied of Catharism in Languedoc. It was for sake of this heresy that the inquisition originated.
After the Cathers were accused of murdering of a Papal Legale in 1208, Pope Innocent III declared the Albigenses Crusade and further institution of inquisition to handle the crises.  Later,  other inquisitions were launched by the church and secular authorities to prosecute heretics, to respond to the threat of Moorish invasion or for other political purposes.
The accused persons were forced to recant their heresies and those who refuse to maintain the orders were subjected to penance, fines, imprisonment, torture and execution by burning.
The inquisitors went after Waldenses, Anabaptists and other Schismists that were felt to be threat to Roman Catholic Church. In the course of the operations of inquisitions, as crusades and military knights, millions of human beings were executed, their properties, confiscated or destroyed.
Again, in 14th century, the church of Rome faced another great challenge due to instability of Rome.  To escape the crises, Pope Clement V relocated to Avignon in Southern France. Some other Popes remained in the French city and were identified as Avignon Papacy. The papacy returned to Rome 1377 as it was concluded that the See of Peter must be in Roman Church.
As Pope Gregory XI died, the election for the next Pope was contested between supporters of Italian and French backed candidates which led to the Western Schism.  By this conflict that internally rock the church, for 38 years, separate claimants to the papal throne sat in Rome and Avignon. When a comprise Pope was elected to resolve the matter, the issue became more complicated because both of the three Popes laid claims to the throne.
The matter was finally resolved in the Council of Constance where both of three claimants were advised to resign and a new election was held that brought Martin Vas the Pope.
The Church of Rome continued in its strides towards converting the entire globe to itself. The worldly approach towards spiritual matters were met with elements of human errors and inefficiencies.  The 15th and 16th century life of Roman Church was seen as the era of Renaissance church where corruption of officers became the order of the day. Material wealth and affluence became the mainstay of the Church of Rome. By that development, Wealthy and powerful worldly men like Roderigo Borgla (Pope Alexander VI) were able to win election to the papacy.

Catholicism And Prostanism
That  era equally breed the Christian Reformation that commenced by the activities of Martin Luther, who posted Ninety-Five thesis in public hoping to spark debate.  The thesis protested against some doctrinal practices of Roman Catholic Church with special focus on the sale of indulgences.
Other reformers that condemned Roman Catholic's doctrinal practices include Huldrych Zwingli, John Edwin and others who were supported by some powerful secular political forces to develop the protestant Reformation Churches.
The evolution of Protestant churches gave rise to military wars between Roman kings versus protestant kings.  For Example, in Germany, the reformation led to war between protestant Schiemalkadie and the Catholic Emperor Charles V,  The first face of the war lasted for nine years and later resurfaced into thirty years war that broke out in 1618.
Likewise in French, there was such war between Huguenots and Forces of French Catholic League. History prove that many succeeding Popes took sides with wars of religion and even financed them till when Pope Clement VIII accepted King Henry IV's  Edict of Nantes which guarantee and recognized toleration to protestants.
After that era came the age of evolution of Anglicanism out of Catholic Church. This schism came into existence by rift between Pope of Catholic and King Henry VIII for the King's interest to divorce the marriage with Catherine of Agagon. As the Pope rejected to honour the request provoked the king to declare the Acts of Supremacy through the Parliament. The Act made the king of England head of the English churches thereby establishing the Church of England which latter metamorphosed to Anglicanism.
All historic records about Christianity were composed of the use of mass force to convert or coerse innocent and defenceless people by the Roman Catholic Church of the pre-reformation and reformation eras.
That religious irregularities calmed in later centuries as Historian Diarmaid Maccullon wrote in his book.  The Reformation emerged the valuable concept of religious toleration and improved Catholic Church as it convocted the Council of Trenth (1545-1563) which became a driving force for counter-reformation.

Humiliations To The Sect
The criticism of the reformation made Roman Catholic to institute religious orders like the Theatine Barnabites and Jesuits that became channeled towards great missionary works.
For example, the Jesuit missionary Francis Xavier introduced Christianity to Japan. The Catholic in Japan spread easily and many converts made until the Shogun Toyotomi Hideyoshi attack Christianity in 1597.
The same Jesuit Francis revived Christianity in India that already had tradition of messianic faith that was introduced by Apostle Thomas in Kerala at India. The Jesuits that evangelized the nation applied the acts of enculturation, adopting Arabian  customs which were not in contrary to his believe of Christianity.
Again, Jesuits such as Matteo Ricci Adam Von Bell introduced Christianity to China through enculturation. The Jesuits made under attack from Portugal, Spain, France and Kingdom of Sialy and such brought the incultural controversy into existence and the European rulers in to force Pope Clement XIV to desolved the Jesuit order.
The church faced another war front in France as it fought against conciliarism and its allies which rejected papal primacy and demanded special concession for the church in French.  There were conciliarist thinkers that challenged the four fundamental doctrines of the church.
In the year 1685, galliciously King Louis XIV of France issued an edict of Nontes which brought an end to a century of religious toleration and the French authority forced the Catholic clergy to support conciliarism and deny papal infallibility.
The French king threatened the Pope Innocent IX with military take over of the Papal state.  The French authority used the conciliarism to gain control of Roman Catholic Church in the nation. Other countries as  Germany, Belgium and Austria formed their model of conciliarism to gain control of the church.
The height of humiliation to Roman Catholic Church from French Authority came in the era of French Revolution that spelt total anti-clericalism. The revolution nationalized the Roman Catholic property and attempt to establish a state-owned-church. As majority of clergies of the Catholic Church rejected to take oath as directed by the National Assembly, the French government outlawed the church and replaced it with the religion of worship of “Reason”
By the dispute between Catholic Church and French authority, all monasteries in the nation were destroyed about 30,000 priests expelled and many hundreds executed.
When Pope Pius VI reacted against the revolution, Napoleon Benaparte invaded Italy and took the Pope as a prisoner on 1799 and he died in Valence six months later as a captive.
To win popular support for his government, Napoleon re-established Catholic Church in his nation.  On ascension to throne, Napoleon III supported Catholic Church to rebuild itself in France.
The hostility to Catholic Church reappeared during third Republic era in French where the church supported the monarchs while the Protestants and Jews backed the Republicans. The republicans passed numerous laws to weaken the Catholic Church in many ways.  For example, the priests were excluded from committees of hospitals and boards of charity organizations, lay women were used to substitute Catholic Nuns. In many hospitals, the government cut off salary of priests it hate, soldiers were ordered not to frequent Catholic clubs. When Combes became prime ministers,  he made many laws against Catholic church.  He made parliament to reject authorization of all church orders. About 54 Catholic orders were dissolved and about 20,000 members left france.
In 1805, the Concordate of 1801 was abrogated and church and state were finally separated and all church properties were confiscated.  But upon all those threats from French Authority, Catholic still remain the main church for the majority of French people.

Social Reforms Of The Sect
The Church of Rome kept advancing by following colonists to penetrate African natives where they built schools, hospitals, churches and monasteries.
Catholic Church is credited to some aspects of social reforms to the global setting through various edicts of some ecumenical councils. The church instituted some social orders that help to ease negative activities as fascism, socialism, authoritarianism.  It helped to educate over wage welfare, industrial unionism, human rights and dignity, against slavery, abortion, homosexualism, lesbianism and many social vices.
The Church of Rome has equally encouraged charitable works of sisters in many nations.  The catholic women or sisters have been supported to carry out good and laudable charitable project that reach to health, education and other social works.

Femininazation Of The Church”
One of the major doctrines of Catholic church  that has frequently been attacked by many Christian traditions is about its belief and veneration of Mary.
The Marian believe and movement is one of the central characters of Catholic. Some of the Popes are known for their generous support for the Mariology. Many Mary encylicals have been issued by various Popes towards veneration of Mary.  New Marian feast days, prayers, initiatives  and supports  were created for Marian congregations.
Many doctrines have been promulgated to honour Mary – such doctrines include the Immaculate Conception of Pope Pius IX 1854,, the Assumption of Mary in 1950 by Pope Pius XII, the Feast of Queenship  of Mary, Celebrating as Queen of Heaven and the facilitation of the veneration of Marian apparitions at Lourdes and Fatima.
At the second Vatican Council, Mary was declared as the Mother of the Church.

Catholicism Of 20th Century And Above
The Catholic Church of 20th Century had to contest with many radical and anti-Catholic governments that sprang in Europe.  For Example, the separation of church and state in Maxico gave rise to Critero war on which over 3000 Priest were exiled or assassinated, churches discrete, nuns raped and church services mocked.
The Soviet Union case in which the Balshevik Revolution persecuted Catholics through exiling of priests, closure of churches and confiscation of properties owned by Catholic order.  In Spanish Civil war, Catholics were targeted by the Popular Front Government.
At the heat of these confrontation, the Pope Pius XI termed the three nations as “Terrible Triangle” and failure to protest by Europe and United States as the “Conspiracy of Silence”. Even some of the governments of Italy became anti-clerical and have to seize some of the church properties.  This ugly incidence continued upon the church till the First World War when some compromises were reached at a time Pope was taken as prisoner in Vatican City by Italian Government.
The Final resolution came in 1929 when the Fascist regime Bento Mussolini had an agreement with the church which gave the church a sovereign status in which the Vatican was allowed independence and to maintain its territory, army, radio station and diplomatic representatives.
By Treaties, Catholicism was made the sole religion of Italy and the government is to pay salary to its priests and Bishops.  The church in turn through its Bishops were meant to swear for allegiance to the Italian state
Although the relationship between Catholic Church and fascist government of Mussolini  later degenerated but before then, the church has enjoyed tremendously from him.
During the Nazi Wars, the church of Rome played negatively by not excommunicating Hitler as maintained by critics. But the church holds that it helped in its way to condemn Hitler and DD's anticlerical stands.  Catholic holds that it condemned Hitler  over the Haulocost and persecution of the church and equally invasion of Poland by Hitler’s army.

Councils And Reforms
As a tradition that is moved by activities or edicts of the ecumenical councils and the efforts of Church Father, the church has passed through various reformations and such has been a great concern that was treated at the Second Vatican Council.
The Council was tasked of making the historic teaching of the church clear to the modern world and on religious freedom.  The Council equally sought for means of Christian Unity which should help to bridge the gap between the church, the protestant churches  and Eastern Orthodox Churches.  The council equally came with reforms on old rites and ceremonies which brought diverse responses.
The response to the council gave rise to traditionist Catholic group who felt that the reforms went beyond expectation and the Liberal Catholics who form another dissenting group with the claim that the reforms did not go far enough.

List Of Church Councils
Year: 325 1.  Council of Nicea
Summary: The Council of Nicaea lasted two months and twelve days. Three hundred and eighteen bishops were present. Hosius, Bishop of Cordova, assisted as legate of Pope Sylvester. The Emperor Constantine was also present. To this council we owe the Nicene Creed, defining against Arius the true Divinity of the Son of God (homoousios), and the fixing of the date for keeping Easter (against the Quartodecimans).

Year: 381 II.  First Council of Constantinople
Summary: The First General Council of Constantinople, under Pope Damasus and the Emperor Theodosius I, was attended by 150 bishops. It was directed against the followers of Macedonius, who impugned the Divinity of the Holy Ghost. To the above-mentioned Nicene Creed it added the clauses referring to the Holy Ghost (qui simul adoratur) and all that follows to the end.

Year: 431  III. Council of Ephesus
Summary: The Council of Ephesus, of more than 200 bishops, presided over by St. Cyril of Alexandria representing Pope Celestine I, defined the true personal unity of Christ, declared Mary the Mother of God (theotokos) against Nestorius, Bishop of Constantinople, and renewed the condemnation of Pelagius.

iv. Council Of Chalcedon
Year: 451
Summary: The Council of Chalcedon -- 150 bishops under Pope Leo the Great and the Emperor Marcian -- defined the two natures (Divine and human) in Christ against Eutyches, who was excommunicated.
Year 553:                              v. Second Council Of Constantinople
Summary: The Second General Council of Constantinople, of 165 bishops under Pope Vigilius and Emperor Justinian I, condemned the errors of Oregon and certain writings (The Three Chapters) of Theodoret, of Theodore, Bishop of Mopsuestia and of Ibas, Bishop of Edessa; it further confirmed the first four general councils, especially that of Chalcedon whose authority was contested by some heretics.

vi. Third Council Of Constantinople
Years: 680-681
Summary: The Third General Council of Constantinople, under Pope Agatho and the Emperor Constantine Pogonatus, was attended by the Patriarchs of Constantinople and of Antioch, 174 bishops, and the emperor. It put an end to Monothelitism by defining two wills in Christ, the Divine and the human, as two distinct principles of operation. It anathematized Sergius, Pyrrhus, Paul, Macarius, and all their followers.

vii. Second Council Of Nicea
Year: 787
Summary: The Second Council of Nicaea was convoked by Emperor Constantine VI and his mother Irene, under Pope Adrian I, and was presided over by the legates of Pope Adrian; it regulated the veneration of holy images. Between 300 and 367 bishops assisted.
The catholic church convened other councils that were not honoured by non-Chalcedonian churches, protestant and pentecostal  churches.
These seven councils serves as the basic councils that formulated Christianity. All Christian denominations holds to the outcomes of councils either in parts or whole. Besides, these Councils, the Roman Catholic Church convened other numerous Councils.

Catholic changes
                Any religious group who occasionally changes the doctrines of Yahweh is not for Yahweh and the leader of such sect should be seen as a false teacher or prophet. For instance, let us check into deadly changes that were effected by the Roman Catholic Church which is today adopted as their doctrines. Some of those changes are as follows:-
Prayers for the dead and sign of the cross was made church doctrine in the year AD 300.
                AD 321, Sunday laws and enforcement of Sunday-keeping was promulgated by Emperor Constantine. AD 375, veneration of angels and dead saints, and the use of images. In AD 394, Daily celebration of the heathen mass.                
                AD 400,  persecution of Sabbath keepers begin. AD 431, Exaltation of Mary as she is called the “MOTHER OF GOD”. AD 450, Death sentence for Sabbath keepers. AD 500, priests dressing differently was introduced to the church. AD 526, Extrem Unction was introduced as one of the Sacraments. AD 593, the doctrine of Purgatory was made part of church creed. AD 600, Latin languages alone was adopted in prayers and worship and prayers directed to Mary, dead saints and angels. AD 607, the title of Pope (Pontfex Maximux) or Universal Bishop first used.
                AD 709, kissing of Pope's foot became a part of church doctrine. AD 750, civil power was conferred on the Pope. AD 786, worship of the cross, images, relics and bones.
                AD 850, introduction of holy wafer into church doctrine. AD 927, the college of cardinals was introduced.              AD 965, Baptism of bells. AD 995, canonization of dead saints. AD 998, fasting on Fridays and Lent become church doctrine.
                AD 1079, celibacy of the priests was introduced. AD 1090, the rosary and mechanical prayer with beads was introduced to the church. AD 1184, introduction of Inquisition. AD 1190, sales of indulgences became church doctrine. AD 1215, confessions of sins to a priest instead of Yahweh became church doctrine. AD 1220, Adoration of wafer. AD 1229, Bible officially forbidden to laymen. AD 1251, introduction of scapular to the church.       AD 1508, The Ave Maria to be said with beads. AD 1524, Jesult order founded in the church AD 1545, Tradition officially declared of equal authority with scriptures.
                AD 1546, Apocryphal books officially added to the scriptures. AD 1854, Immaculate Conception proclaimed amongst the church. AD 1864, Papal's “Syllabus of errors” condemns freedom of religion, speech, conscience, press and scientific discoveries. AD 1870, infallibility of the Pope declared in the church. AD 1930, Public and all non-catholic schools condemned. AD 1950, Assumption of Virgin Mary proclaimed in the church. AD 1963, Mary was officially proclaimed the mother of the church.
                Additions includes monks order, nuns, hermits, monasteries, convents, Lent, holy week, Palm Sunday, Halloween, Fish day, flagellation, incenses, holy oil, medals, candles and on and on.
All these added doctrines today are the official doctrines of churchianity. Most of them were practiced by the pagan Rome under Caesars and Emperors and adopted presently by the church.

Truthfully, the Catholic Church is a political creation of Roman scholars to suppress the smooth movement of Yahosheanism that was entirely of Hebrew tradition.  It totally dislocated from the activities of early apostolic assembly in structure, character and doctrines.
The early apostles were persecuted and they did not persecute any one but the Catholic Church formed itself as a secular empire and with swords and legislation that brought out the greatest persecutions that were ever recorded in history.
All religious traditions that do not conform with it were tagged as either heretics, schismatic or gnostics.  These allegations gave it chance to freely slaughter people that profess such faith.  This was never the character of Yahoshea or his followers.
The Church of Rome misled other Christian communities by changing all scriptural doctrines that were observed by Yahoshea and his assembly.  The places of those holy doctrines, the pagan traditions of Rome became replacements and such was copied by other Christian religious traditions.
By rejecting all approved doctrines from Yahweh and replacing them with pagan tradition, acts of ecumenical Councils and deeds of Church Fathers cut it off entirely from the path of Yahoshea Meshiyach. By such conclusion, it can never be viewed as an apostolic succession and those seeking Yahoshea through it are deceived because they were lured to que behind enemies of Yahweh and to do war against Yahweh and his elects.
By this conclusion, the Roman Catholic Church is not a path to Yahweh rather it is a path that separates a seeker from Yahoshea who is the true son of Yahweh.  Those who have ears should listen and act upon the holy words of Yahweh.

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