This is a 19th century religious movement that claim its root to
the Hebrew Messiah (Yahoshea Meshiyach) and his apostolic assembly. The group
hold itself as the restoration of the early apostles of Yahoshea.
The movement emerged from Christian theologies and tend to operate
independently from Christendom and to be adopted as one of the groups in
Judaist tradition. The quest to operate separately from both Judaism and
Christendom has posed great challenge to the movement.
Consequently, the Orthodox or Rabbinical Judaism has often decreed
that the expected Meshiyach has never existed amongst the tribe, thereby
holding those that believe in Yahoshea Meshiyach as heretics. Christendom on
its part accepted the fact that the Hebrew Meshiyach has manifested but they
believe him through corrupted accounts and liturgies that were formulated by
the Greek and Roman scholars.
Origin of the Name
The term “Messianic” is coined from “Messiah” which is the English
form of the Hebrew “Meshiyach” that means the “anointed-one”. The term
“Judaism” is coined from “Judea” which was medieval rooted that replaced
“Yahuda” of the Hebrew texts. Judaism is an act of medieval scholars who
invented the “J” alphabet and often used to replace the “Y” alphabet of the
Ancient Hebrew texts.
The original name of the tribe was “Yahuda” as it was driven from
the name of Yahuda - one of the sons of Yacob (Jacob). The tribe of “Yahuda”
was later corrupted to “Yuda” and finally rendered to “Judea” by modern
scholars. It was from “Juda” or “Judea” that “Judaism” emerged to represent the
religious tradition of the people of Yahuda. Going by the original
pronunciation, it should be rendered as “Yahudaism”. Some scholars bearing such
in mind render it as “Yudaism” especially when convinced that there was no “J”
character in the Ancient Hebrew texts. So, Messianic Judaism will be correctly
pronounced or adopted as “Yahoshean Yahudaism” to suit the original flavour of
the text.
Origin of the Movement
The term “Messianic Judaism” was first used in 1895 in United States
of America. The accounts regarding to the origin of the name bore that a
congregation of Hebrew converts to Christianity was established in 1885 and
worshipped at the Methodist “Hope of Israel” in New York in 1890s. The
congregation retained some Hebrew rites and customs.
In the year 1895, the 9th edition of Hope Israel's our hope magazine
carried the subtitle – “A monthly devoted to the study of prophecy and to
MESSIANIC JUDAISM. That marked the first use of the term – “MESSIANIC JUDAISM”.
The congregation of Hebrew Christians began to evolve systematically
and was boosted in 1894 when Leopold Cohn – a convert from Judaism founded the
Brownsville mission to the Hebrew.
After several changes in name, structure and focus, the congregation
became known as Chosen People Ministries which had operations in United States
and other nations.
Mission to Hebrews grew systematically from those years to 1900s to
1960s. In the 1940s and 1950s,
missionaries in Israel adopted the term “Meshichyim” (Messianics) to counter
negative connotations of the word “Notzrim” which was used for Jewish
Christians. The term “Notzrim” was
derived from “Nazarenes” and was used to designate all Hebrews that had take
conversion to protestant evangelical Christianity.
As mentioned earlier, the efforts of converting Hebrews into
Yahosheanism started with Yahoshea Meshiyach and were amplified by the works of
his disciples. Great preachers as Paul were known for moving from synagogue to
another with the glad news of Yahoshea Meshiyach with intension to convert his
fellow Hebrews into the fold.
Early accounts of Yahoshean's mission in Hebrew-land such as the
record of Epiphanies of Salamis gave account of conversion of great men like
Count Joseph of Tiberia. There were other accounts as Sozomen's records of
other Hebrew converts into the Yahosheanism.
When the mission of Yahoshea Meshiyach was corrupted into Christianity, Hebrew citizens
who took to the faith became identified as “Jewish Christians”.
Notable Jewish Christians who themselves attempted to convert fellow
Hebrew were more noticed around 13th century when Hebrew converts like Pablo
Christian attempted to convert other Hebrews by all measures.
Growth And Challenges Of The Group
The activities of those early Hebrew Christian evangelists lacked
independency. Jewish Christian congregations and their activities were often
carried out through organized Christian Churches.
The establishment of independent Jewish Christian congregations and
movements commenced during 18th and 19th centuries. One of the earliest formal
organizations that target at independent Hebrew Christianity was the Anglican
London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews. This movement was
founded by Joseph Frey in 1809. This body equally published the first Yiddish
New Testament Scriptures in 1821.
Joseph Frey later teamed up with other 41 Hebrew Christians to form
a group known as Beni Abraham Association. This group started to incorporate a
Sabbath resting model of the Christian Hebrew Movements.
They were never accurate on their Sabbath method because they met
for prayers on every Friday night and Sunday mornings.
The Sabbath as ordained by Yahweh commences by sunset of sixth day
(Friday) and run down to sunset of seventh day (Sabbath)
But these groups were interested in ushering-in Sabbath on the
evening of sixth day (Friday) and to observe full rest on 1st day being Sunday.
History bore that the September 1813 meeting of Frey's Ben Abraham
Association at the rented Jewish chapel in Spitafieds is pointed as the birth
of the semi-autonomous Hebrews Christian Movement within Anglican and other
established churches in Britain.
The association was evicted from the Anglican building and they
relocated and found the Episcopal Jews Chapel Abrahamic Society which was
registered in 1835.
In Eastern Europe, a Hebrew Christian mission and congregation was
established by Joseph Rabinowitz in 1884 with the name Israelites of the New
Covenant in Kishiney.
Rabinowtz was known for his motive to restore the Hebrew customs and
values in his model of Christian Hebrew movement. He created a sample order of
worship for Sabbath service based on a mixture of Hebrew and Christian
His movement is credited as the first Hebrew Christian movement that
re-instituted real Sabbath worship at its appropriate time as done by Yahoshea
Meshiyach and his followers. Many Hebrew Christian bodies copied from him.
For instance, Mark John Levy copied the model of Rabinowtz and
pressed upon the Church of England to allow members to embrace Hebrew
This Hebrew model of Christianity began to flourish to 1970 when a
growing number of Hebrews who had converted to Christianity became committed to
maintaining a culturally Hebrewish lifestyle in the mode advocated by
Jewish Christianity To Messianic Judaism
This marked the era of Messianic Judaism as converts began going
against the perceptions of older order of Hebrew Christian Movement with a
belief that new approach of evangelism of Hebrews was necessary.
Messianic Judaism is a religious organization or movement that
blossomed in 1960s and 1970s that mixes Christian theology with Hebrew religious
practices. Messianic Judaism holds that Yahoshea Meshiyach whom some of them
often address as Jesus Christ is a Hebrew Messiah or Meshiyach and equally the
son of Yahweh whom they wrongly address as God, Jehova or other forms of names
in various dialects and languages.
They adopted some of the teaching techniques of Hebrews that were
observed by Yahoshea. Since some of them were not properly taught over the
proper name of Yahoshea and it's efficacy, some resorted to the name of “Jesus”
while some took to the name “Yahshua”. “Yahshua the Messiah” to identify or
represent the saviour.
Truly, the business of restoration of all necessary information
about the saviour is vested upon the comforter and not researchers. The
researchers may endeavour to answer some of the needed questions of the
personage of Yahoshea but the total answer remains with the Comforter whose
work will depend upon revelations from Yahweh as the prophets of old.
As Messianic Judaism began to identify itself as an independent
religious community outside of Christianity, they were still trapped into
worship of pagan idols and practices that are known with Christendom.
Although, many of the Messianic Judaists began to worship on Sabbath
days as ordained originally, majority of them were still trapped on the error
of addressing of the creator on idol names as God, Lord, Elohim, Adonia,
Jehovah and other forms in various human languages as obtainable in
For example, one of the famous Sabbath keeping movements is known as
Seventh Day Adventists. This religious movement's conscience is centered upon
worship of the creator on the Sabbath day. But this sect does not have an iota
or regard upon the holy name of Yahweh and that of his son Yahoshea Meshiyach.
They address the creator in the manner of the Christendom and equally believe
the name of the Saviour as Jesus Christ as against its original form – Yahoshea
The Seventh Day Adventist is a Pentecostal Hebrew Christian Movement
which regards little of vital Hebrew cultures that were observed by Yahoshea
Meshiyach and his disciples.
Other Sabbath Churches that proclaim names of idol gods include
Seventh Day Baptist, Church of God (Seventh day) and the United Church of God.
Majority of these Sabbath observing churches do not recognize yearly
feasts as observed by Yahoshea Meshiyach and his disciples but only treasures
the “Last Supper” festival which they observed in place of Passover Feast.
Doctrines Of Messianic Judaism
As mentioned above, Messianic Judaists at it’s instance observe
entirely all doctrinal practices of Christianity that they blend with some
Hebrew religious customs. The religious
fold has no strong identity with the holy name of Yahweh and that of his son
Yahoshea Meshiyach until when Sacred Name Movements arose amongst them. Rather
they address the creator in the manner of Christianity in form of all names or
gods of nations.
Some of the sects believe in
Roman Pagan pratices as Trinity in which the Christianity holds as a mystery of
existents of three Gods and each being co-eternal, co-equal and all been
uncreated. The doctrine of Trinity is abominable heresy to the children of
Yahweh who holds that Yahweh is one. So the doctrine of God the father, God the
son and God the Holy Ghost as held by Christianity and majority of the
Messianic Hebrew folds is one of the reasons of apathy between the sect and the
Rabbinic Judaism.
Some congregations within the Messianic Judaism do believe that
Hebrew Bible is their authority as they wholly adopt the book as inspired work
from Yahweh through prophets and apostles.
In later days, some of the Messianic assemblies began to adopt the
holy name as Yahweh and Yashua as for the savior. Based on this development,
Bible translations that incorporate such names were carried out. This became
authority for some messianic congregations that have adopted the holy names.
Messianic Judaism adopted rest on Sabbath days. Sabbath rest fall
within sunset of sixth day of the week to the sunset of the 7th day (Sabbath).
Within this period of Sabbath rest observation, the Messianic Hebrew faithful
observe it by reading of Torah, songs and worship.
Challenge For True Identity
Some of the Messianics observe Hebrew holidays and festivals as
observed by Rabbinic Judaism. The Messianic Judaism is challenged by the
contest towards being adopted as separate or independent Judaism sect. Members
call themselves “Maaminim” which means “believers” but not converts. They see
themselves as “Yahudim” which is meant for Hebrews (Jews) but not “Notzrim” (Christians).
The Messianic Hebrews identifies their place of worship as
synagogues but not churches as Christians do. Presently, the messianic Judaism
has began to have influence in the nation of Israel. Since it is related with
Christianity, some of the messianic Hebrew assemblies in Israel make use of
Christian facilities for their worship.
And as they claim to be a Hebrew religious sect, they keep to the
traditional festivals and holidays of the Hebrew religion which they understand
to have fulfillment in Yahoshea Meshiyach.
Some members of Messianic Judaism are of Hebrew origin while some
members are Hebrews by adoption or faith and the sect argue that it is a form
of Judaism.
This claim is often rejected by Jewish organizations who consider it
as a form of Christianity. The supreme court of Israel has rejected the claim
of Messianic Judaism but holds on citizenship based on the law of “Return” that
considers any citizen whose father is of Hebrew origin and this favours some
Messianic Hebrews who fall within such stock.
Growth And Spread
The Messianic Judaism is growing daily in strength and fellowship as
there are over thousand houses of the body scattered all over the world. The
statistics bear that the United States of America is on top chart of nations that
accommodate Messianic Judaism. There are equally hundreds of houses of worship
in Israel which the sect look upon as its world headquarters. Congregations are
often united with larger Messianic bodies or alliances.
Messianic Judaism as an acclaimed Hebrew form of religion recognized
Bible as authority but with the culture of writing and reading of articles that
are found in Hebrew religious faiths.
So many books, hymns and tracks are often produced by faithful
members and distributed to various parts of the world to showcase the existence
of the body as well as its accredited doctrines.
The Messianic Judaism believes that Yahoshea reaffirmed the Torah
(First five books of law in the scriptures) and that it remains fully in force.
By the consciousness of the fold, the Tanakh and the New Testament are
considered divinely inspired scriptures against the Rabbinical Oral laws.
The view should have been a wise one if the Christian apostates
didn't tamper the original information in the Holy Scriptures. Although, the
Hebrew Judaists are sympathetic with Christianity but are equally aware that
various scriptural thesis and presentations were adulterated by Christian
In recent days, many Hebrew Judaists are coming out of the wood and
started condemning some passages of the Bible and making amendments in their
For example, when some members of Messianic faith began to see the
need of restoration of the sacred names in the scriptures, they began to make
translations that accommodate the holy names.
By that development, the names as God, Lord, Elohim, Adonia, Jehova,
and numerous others as presented in various languages were removed and replaced
with Yahweh. Equally, all passages that bear the name of the saviour as Jesus
Christ or other forms from various languages were deleted and replaced with
either Yeshua, Yashua or Yahoshua as seen in various sacred name scriptures.
In those translations, many Bible terminologies were erased since
they were proven of pagan origin and healthy or sacred religious terms were
used to replace them.
Certain changes are going on matters that include the presentations
of the Christian Bible on issues of sin and atonement, faith and works and
these areas are open to differences in interpretations from different congregations
or movements.
Likewise, majority of the Messianic Judaists have started proffering
a strict view of monotheism thereby rejecting Trinitarian doctrine of the
mainstream Christianity.
The changes extend to the view of some of Messianic faithful over
the personage of Yahoshea as distinctive or different doctrines have started
emerging that counters the way of Christianity.
Though that the Messianic believe is in line with Hebrew scriptural
prophecies that Yahoshea is the fulfillment as recorded on New Testament, many
of the Messianic movements have started to adopt Yahoshea as the chief teacher
and rabbi in the manner the Rabbinical Judaism adopts their patriarchs.
Some messianic faithful have started questioning the divinity of
Yahoshea but sets him as a veritable teacher who literately should be copied.
On the personage of the Comforter, the Messianic Judaists though
divided over the matter of Trinity but holds Holy Spirit concept entirely
different with the belief of the mainstream Christianity. The messianic believe
that Holy Spirit was introduced in Old Testaments as co-creator, as inspirator
to prophets and is equally the spirit in description in New Testament
Many messianic do not believe the concept of Christian Holy Ghost
that bear symbol of dove and sprinkle of fire since such symbols originated
amongst Chaldean pagan mystery.
As researchers, the Messianic Judaists do not have full revelation
of the Comforter as promised by Yahoshea Meshiyach. Plain dictate of the
promise reveal that the Comforter must manifest to restore all religious values
as held by Yahoshea. Such personality must come in human form in order to
carry-out the required assignments as promised of him.
As the prophets, Yahoshea and his apostles were all in human forms,
so the Comforter must manifest alike to fulfill the required duties of the
The Messianic Judaists are yet to realize such mystery but are
confused over the revelation or promise of the Comforter as his forefold
manifestation on the day of Pentecost is been recorded by the Bible and the
Messianic bodies are totally confused over the personage of the
Comforter and such prompt some of them to lie low that aspect of scriptural
A real messianic is the one that will discover Yahoshea Meshiyach
through the promised Comforter for such officer hold the scepter to Messianic
mystery and inheritance.
As the way keeps opening for the Messianic Judaists, they will be
beholding more appealing informations that lead one to divinity.
Lack Of Credible Authority
Also, as things progresses, many messianic believers will be exposed
to adulterations of the acclaimed Holy Scriptures that were reflected by truth
twisters. They will come to realization that the Hebrew Scriptures (Torah) was
formally adulterated by scribes and Pharisees of pre-Yahoshea's age while the
New Testament (Brit Chadash which is a Hebrew word for New covenant) were corrupted by Greek and Roman religious
mischievous workers.
The revelation of real scriptures must only be available through the
instrumentality of the comforter who will divide the words in the scriptures
and threw away the added fictions and thereby retaining the true message for
the assembly.
The messianic believers are of the conviction that the rabbinic
commentaries as Mishnah and Talmud may be historically informative and useful
in understanding of Hebrew customs but such works are never authoritative and
should not be honoured in areas it differs with the prescriptions of the New
The sect is careful over issues of Yahoshea with regards to law. The
Christian concept holds that Yahoshea had annulled the law and introduced the
gift of grace to his physical assembly. By this concept, a believer is taught
only to believe that Yahoshea is the messiah and such will save the believer
from his sins and sorrows.
But the Messianic Judaism are of different concept that the written
Torah (the five books of Moses) is an everlasting covenant which was revised by
Yahoshea and his apostles in the New Testament and such must be observed both
ritually and morally. The Messianic Judaists believe that Yahoshea did not
annul the law but rightly interpreted it and such constitute the Apostle's
Again, the messianic faithful of some communities or congregations
are totally against Mishnah and Talmud because according to them, such
scriptures contradict the teachings of Yahoshea in the New Covenant Scriptures.
The communities of Messianic Judaism are not conclusive on matters
of Talmud and Oral Torah. They held that in event of conflict between Oral
Torah and Talmud the prescriptions of written Torah take eminence.
The messianic doubt the credible of Oral law as compiled in the
Talmud with the simple reason that such scriptures were not written during the
scriptural eras. It is believed that Talmud was compiled from around 70CE to
500CE. So many congregations of messianic Judaism are selective in the
application of the Talmudic laws.
Strong Claim To Hebrew Root
Without regards to the relationship of Messianic Judaism with
Christianity, they are entirely fixed on the belief that Yahweh chose the
Hebrews as his earthly nation which remains central to Yahweh's plan over
The messianic faithful (of both Hebrews and non Hebrews) are
entirely opposed to super-secessionism which is generally referred as
replacement theology, a concept that the church has replaced Hebrew nation in
the mind and plans of Yahweh. The issue of who constitutes real children of
Yahweh or who are true followers of Yahoshea Meshiyach is a big factor over
various claims by Judaism, Messianic Judaism, and Christianity.
Has Yahweh transferred his covenant to people outside the Hebrew
stock? Are there scriptural promise(s) over such plans by Yahweh? If there is
such plan, who are the benefactors of the new plan?
Of a truth, the concept that Yahweh has replaced the Hebrew nation
with church on terms of his love and chosen is totally falsehood of highest
order. How can Yahweh choose a rebellious people to change his chosen nation?
How can Yahweh chose a nation engrossed with Paganism to replace his holy
Hebrew is entirely Yahweh's chosen people. This status fall upon
Abraham whom Yahweh chosed and promised to raise a holy stock through his
linage. This promise got fulfilled on the children of Isaac through Yacob who
is the father of Hebrew nation.
This covenant remained effective with the stock till the birth of
Yahoshea Meshiyach who was the manifestation of Yahshem (the promiser) and
meant to be the king of the chosen stock.
By the coming of Yahoshea Meshiyach amongst the Hebrew stock, the
promise is meant to endure forever because as he is the chief-stone and the
attorney to Yahweh's riches and inheritance, as many that believe in him are
sons and daughters (chosen) of Yahweh.
The Comforter As Continuity
As the ruler of Yahweh's kingdom on earth, any word or pronouncement
from him is final and cannot be argued by any person or authority.
In the course of his ministry, he promised of the coming of the
comforter as well as transference of the kingdom to a land far off from the
land of Yahuda (Judea) which will produce right fruits of the kingdom. Yahoshea
equally foretold of the destruction of temple of Yerusalem which was fulfilled
in 70Ad.
By such order or pronouncement of the saviour, the comforter will
continue the earthly ministration from where he left to spiritual Yahweh's
kingdom and the new place or city that the earthly kingdom is transferred to
will be the city for chosen ones.
What scriptures meant is that the comforter when manifested will be
the head of the chosen people and those that believe and follow him will be the
chosen people and the city found by the comforter will be the new city for
chosen people. It is the work of the comforter and his followers that will
constitute the bulk of chosen people who will restore all spiritual values as
laid by Yahoshea Meshiyach.
The comforter is the final hope of chosen nation or people because
all issues of re-establishment of the works of Yahoshea Meshiyach are laid on
his laps.
All that Yahoshea stood for will be made known through the
comforter. Such includes all he taught and those he couldn't teach during his
physical manifest.
Therefore, all issues bordering the true name of the saviour, the
true identity of his sect, the true Yahosheans, the new abode of the believers
of Yahweh through his son Yahoshea will be made known. Equally, his real
scriptures will be re-communicated and all works of the disciples will be
exposed and followed for final reformation of humanity to transform into Yahweh's
By the prescription of the scriptures, the comforter will build on
top of the foundation laid by Yahoshea Meshiyach. He will not live by his
selfish mind, so there will never be an iota of doctrinal change between the
word of Yahweh in Yahoshea's time and those of his age.
Whatever the comforter will carry out in course of his operation
cannot be termed as transferred theology but a continuation of the works of
Yahoshea Meshiyach. The claim that Yahweh has changed the right-ship of the
chosen upon the church is a total deception especially when going by the
position of the church in regards to doctrines and percepts of Yahoshea.
How can Yahweh change his choose nation with nation of
idolaters-worshippers of Sun-God? How can Yahweh change his son-ship to a stock
that operate doctrines that are opposites to his laid down rules.
Faulty Claims Of Christendom
The Church of Jesus Christ is a total usurper of the chosen people.
It changed all divine ordained laws, instituted pagan practices and percepts,
destroyed the true word of Yahweh, destroyed the messengers of Yahweh and claim
to have possessed the right of son-ship of chosen of Yahweh.
Church is an affirmation to the pagan doctrines and practices of
Rome and Greek. It can never clear itself of those garbage and cannot claim to
have been appointed to represent Yahweh on the earth.
So, its claim to the covenant of Yahoshea Meshiyach is a monumental
error. There were no conflict, between the word of Yahweh through Prophet Moses
and Yahoshea Meshiyach. The scriptures that gave account of both workers of
Yahweh agreed in all basic issues.
Yahoshea was a Hebrew who observed all laws in the old laws but
frowned over adulterations of the doctrines by the truth-twisters which he
reflected in his amendment in the New Testament.
Likewise, the olden scriptures pointed at his manifestation. The source of both scriptures was same and
the spirit behind both works was one and united.
In the same manner, the comforter will not reject any of the
scriptural accounts rather, he is to review them and remove all additions and
to add all subtractions that were reflected by the false Pen of the scribes.
By this development, the comforter will produce the final of all
scriptures which will revise all olden scriptures of Torah and New Testaments.
Messianic Judaists do not flow along the church on the issue of
transferred theology or believing New Testament account alone. For such reason,
the Messianic Judaism can be termed as people of mixed identity and that is
reason it cannot adequately fix in the doctrinal practices of either Judaism or
The body can be relevant when it follows the revealed comforter of
mankind who has the true explanation of the chosen people of Yahweh through Yahoshea Meshiyach the savior.
In Yahosheanism, the laws of Yahweh as documented in Old Testament
is never cancelled rather the Comforter has revised the entire scriptures
together with the New Testament to produce what is presently called Holy
Originally Inspired Scriptures (HOIS)
Through the Holy Inspired Scriptures, questions arising from holy
name of Yahweh, Yahoshea and the Comforter Prophet Yahmarabhi are settled.
Issues of Sabbath observations, festivals and their due times are properly
explained to the understanding of lay men and women.
Although, there are efforts by Messianic Judaism to eliminate all
elements of Christian worship that cannot be directly linked to Hebrew roots,
but their result must be lame and unprogressive until they encounter the
teachings of the Comforter.
For instance, the Messianic Judaist recognize the dietary laws
although such is a matter of debate amongst many of its organizations. Most of
them avoid eating pork and shellfishes. The Comforter in his observation or
presentation dismissed the entire dietary laws as works of deluded Scribes and
Pharisees. The position of the Comforter is based on the fact that from the
beginning, Yahweh created all things and confirmed them good (clean)
So how did unclean things emerged? Who created them? Can Yahweh
boast that some of his creatures are unclean? Claiming that some creatures are
unclean is a direct accusation to Yahweh because he is never the source of any
form of uncleanliness.
Conversion And Membership
Again, the Messianic Judaism believe that a Messianic is one whose
mother is a Hebrew or any person that has conversion to the fold. Some Judaist
Councils adopts a person whose father is a Hebrew as an automatic mark of
citizenship but in Yahosheanism, there is no membership through blood but by
conversion. Any person that accepts Yahweh as his or her Grand Creator,
Yahoshea Machiyach as the creator and savior of mankind and Most Senior Prophet
Yahmarabhi as comforter and such person baptizes in those above mentioned names
automatically becomes a Yahoshean.
In Messianic Judaism, membership is sealed by baptism which they
term as Mikveh. Likewise any sincere convert must be circumcised.
In recent days, the messianic Judaism have started avoiding usage of
Christian terms such as “Christ” “Cross”, “Holy Ghost”. “Crusade”, “Holy” etc.
By this development, they are copying the way of Sacred Name Movements with
regards to the holy names.
By the concept, the name Yahoshea rarely appears in their
translations but the term “Hashem” which means “the Name” is occasionally used to represent Yahoshea or Lord of the
Christian translations.
Confrontations Of Messianic Judaism
As the Messianic Judaism kept advancing in its quest to realize the
proper way to serve Yahweh through Yahoshea, they are faced by multiple
The greatest challenge is lack of reputable and approved Prophet or
Apostle from Yahweh that shows them the needed spiritual light towards
restoration of all relevant doctrines that will qualify them as assemblage for
Yahoshea Meshiyach
The sect goes by researchers and scholars who are often conflicting
to the ordained orders of Yahoshea. The works of researchers are incapable to
unearth issues that relate much on spiritism.
Right from the dawn of creation, there are two ways that contests to
represent Yahweh. One is the universal order or linage to pass from Babylon,
Persia, Carthage, Greek,Rome, Britain, U.S.A etcetera. To this group, their
recognized figures are mainly researchers who existed for ages.
The next linage is the holy stock that was captained by prophets.
This is where the Hebrew stock belongs. No worker in the linage of Hebrew (Holy
People) exixts if not appointed by Yahweh as a prophet. So the end time
ministry of the chosen people must certainly be captained by an approved
prophet by Yahweh and not the concocted holy ghost of Christendom.
Yahweh is spirit and his model of communication to earthly mortals
is clear. One can explain the way of Yahweh only when he is appointed by Yahweh
or being a scholar or disciple to the person directly appointed by Yahweh.
One may know Yahweh and his path through unadulterated scriptures as
well as unbiased interpreters of the scriptures.
So when the way of Yahweh is closed by pollutions and corruption of his ordained
scriptures, there is dare need for manifestation of a Prophet or worker of such
spiritual height to re-communicate the mind of Yahweh to mankind.
In a place of Prophet or works to be done by a person of spiritual
height, no level of researcher can fit into such requirement.
Human speculations and reasoning are totally incapable of leading
men to know Yahweh because Yahweh appears in his own accord through his
Since the Messianic Judaism has no outstanding Prophet from Yahweh,
it is incapable of leading mankind back to Yahweh.
In that light, it is wise to conclude that Messianic Judaism parades
some aspects of truths but are unaware of the total truth which a convert or
believer require to observe and be approved as a genuine worker of Yahweh.
For example, some of the
Messianic Judaists do not put interest to the sacred name of Yahweh and his son
Yahoshea Meshiyach and they haven’t any clue about the personality of the
Though majority of the Messianic Judaist observed Sabbath rests but
they are totally unaware of the real doctrine or practices that associate with
the ordinance as approved by Yahoshea Meshiyach.
When Yahoshea manifested, he encountered some of the added laws with
regards to Sabbath observation that made it to be burdensome. Those logs laid
upon Sabbath worship by orthodox Hebrews were not observed by Yahoshea
Meshiyach and his disciples.
Today, the Messianic Judaists are going by the perception of the
Rabbinic Jews over Sabbath observation. At various times as recorded in the New
Testament accounts. Yahoshea Meshiyach the scribes, high priests and Pharisees
disagreed on issues of Sabbath observation. The differences between Yahoshea
and the Sanhedrim were basically on issues of added laws on the Sabbath rest.
Today, the Messianic Judaists movements are following the step of
scribes and high priest of old (Rabbinical Judaism) on terms of Sabbath rest.
For example, from the dawn of Sabbath to its end, many Messianic Judaists do
not engage in work of peity or act capable of helping other mortals in need
because of obeying the restrictions put before them by Sanhedrims. This strict
form of observation of Sabbath rest was one of the major disagreement between
the Sanhedrims and Yahoshea Meshiyach on Sabbath related matters.
Yahoshea Meshiyach gave instance of his model of Sabbath rest when
his disciples were accused of violating of law of Sabbath by plucking of corn
from the fields to eat on Sabbath day.
He firmly answered the accusers of his disciples that hungry was
responsible of their act. To the Rabbinical Judaism, there must be no tangible
excuse for violation of Sabbath rest. Such is seen as offence that attracts
capital punishment or penalty.
Today, going by research work, the Messianic Judaists do not know
when they are flowing with Yahoshea Meshiyach they claim to represent or the
Rabbinical Judaism that killed him.
It is only through a classical work of a Yahweh-sent person that can
divide the scriptures and admonish believers on the right path.
Likewise, the Messianic Judaism is challenged by the total removal
of the veil of Christendom that lately covered it. As the fold emerged from
Christian fold, it is difficult for its believers to separate accurately from
Christianity which plays the role of their religious father. To clear itself
entirely of Christian pagan vestments is an uphill task before Messianic
Observations Of The Movement
By true description, Messianic Judaism's religious position confuses
both the Christian and Jews as observed by a Dictionary of Jewish – Christian
Relations, some scholars sees Messianic Judaism as an attempt to unite the
religions of Judaism and Christianity together.
For example, in the presentation of the Encyclopedia of
Protestantism by Melton J. Gordon, the observation was put in this form,
“Messianic Judaism is a protestant movement that emerged in the last half of
20th century among believers who were ethnically Jewish but had adopted an
Evangelical Christian faith. By 1960s, a new effort to create a culturally
Jewish Protestant Christianity emerged among individuals who began to call
themselves Messianic Jews”.
Equally, Lewis James in his book called – New Religions and cult
Controversy supported the observation in this way- “The origins of Messianic
Judaism date to 1960s when it began among America Jews who converted to
The quest to remove the veil of Christian doctrines upon Messianic
Jews is a monumental challenge amidst the new fold.
For example in a communiqué raised in June 2004, the Union of
Messianic Jewish congregations spelt as follows:- What are the standards of
UMJC? (1) We believe that there is one
God, eternally existed in three personal, Father, Son and Holy Spirit (2) We
believe in the deity of LORD Yeshua messiah, in His virgin birth, in His
sinless nature, in His miracle, in His vicarious and atoning death through His
shed blood, His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the
father, and on His personally return in power and glory”.
Those points are truthfully the concept of Christianity and held by
many messianic congregations and movements. The points raised above are not
wholly approved by Yahoshea Meshiyach and his disciples. The term”. “We believe
that there is one God, eternally existed in three persons” are abominable
heresies that were planted into the church through the Council of Nicaea. The
name is not God and he is not three person in one (trinity). The term that
“attaining death through His shed blood” is equally challenged by prophet
Yahmararabhi who acting as the comforter argued that Yahoshea had no blood when
he existed on earth. By this revelation, it is wholly truthful that he did not
atone for sinners through his shed blood. He did not shed any blood during his
impalement at the torture stake at Calvary. These were terminologies of
Christianity that it borrowed from ancient Egyptian cultures of Osiris and
These cultures believe on the shed blood of their son-deities and
such was taken over by the church. There was known division amongst various
messianic Judaism movements over influence of Christianity or mainstream
Judaism. Some of the groups favored Christian oriented doctrines while others
favoured Jewish (Judaism) customs and values.
This was presented by Cohn Shebsk in his book called – Modern Jewish
Movement as thus – “ in the 1970s, a number of American Jewish converts to
Christians, were committed to a church-based conception of Hebrew Christianity.
Yet, at the same time, there emerged a growing segment of the Hebrew Christian
community that sought for a Jewish lifestyle. Eventually, a division emerged
between those who wished to identify as Jews and those who sought to pursue
Hebrew Christian Goals. In times, the name of the movement was changed to
Messianic Judaism”.
This observation got support from the works of Senary Bulent's
Messianic Judaism/Jewish Christianity as follows- “Hebrew Christians are quite
happy to be integrated into local Christian churches, but messianic Jews seek
an “indigenous” expression of theology, worship and lifestyle within the whole
church, the later group emerged in 1960s when some Christian Jews adopted the
name Messianic Jews”
This division equally expresses the real quest of various groups to
poses the indigenous identity that will suit the original concept and order by
the founder of Messianic Consciousness. This calls for the survey of the true
followers of Yahoshea and the identical name of their congregation or movement.
One of the great challenges of Messanic Judaism is about the view of
Orthodox Judaism over the sect. virtually, the Orthodox Judaism is conclusive
that it is entirely Christian business. For example, Harries Richard in his
book- Should Christians try to convert Jews? Made the submission in this
manner- “There is Jews for Jesus or, more generally, Messianic Judaism. This is
a movement of people often of Jewish background who have come to believe Jesus
the expected Jewish Messiah. They often have congregation independent of other
churches and conversion to their form of Christianity”.
The Orthodox views Messianic converts as pure Christianity and lack
of real identity is aching to the body. As the Orthodox rejects the sect, the
mainstream Christianity watches their activities with suspicious eyes and this
is the reason of its lame growth in the society.
As earlier mentioned, missionary assemblies are indigenous. These
missions take root in the soil of the culture of their community but the
Messianic congregation is divided over indignity to either Hebrew or
Christianity. Since Hebrew (Judaism) and Christianity which is assumed as a
Greek-backed religion can not agree as long as matters of religion is involved,
the Hebrew Christians are compared to a man that is intimately friendly with
two foes and both of the foes will view him with suspicions.
Kessler Edward in his book- Messianic Jews summed it this way:-
Messianic Judaism is proactive in seeking Jewish converts and is condemned by
the vast majority of the Jewish Community”.
Although, a Jewish convert to Christianity may still be categorized
a Jew according to a strict interpretation of the Jewish law, most Jews are
adamantly opposed to the idea that one can convert to Christianity and still
remain or constitute part of Jewish life. From a mainstream Christian
perspective, Messianic Judaism can also provoke hostility for misrepresenting
Christianity .
The flock of the saviour of mankind is neither expected to be
identified as Christian Jews, Hebrew Jews, Messianic Judaism but must bear the
true identical name of the saviour as mark of indigenous religious community outside
of Judaism and Christianity.
When this community is properly defined or demarcated, it will
continue the works of Yahoshea Meshiyach. As the saviour and his followers were
not loved by Judaism or Greek/Roman pagan bodies in those days, so shall hostility
of the both sects continue upon the Yahoshea's sect till the end time.
It is recalled that both sects jointly played negative roles towards
the assembly that originated from Yahoshea Meshiyach. The scriptures held that for sake of Yahoshea
Meshiyach, King Herod who was a Hebrew leader and Pontius Pilate who was a
Roman appointed Governor represnting the land of Palestine (Hebrew) shelved
aside their age-long enermity and jointly saw
to the execution of Yahoshea Meshiyach.
Both sects have metamorphosed into Judaism and Christianity of
today. They are both foes of Yahoshea and his sect and there is no possibility
of compromise between those bodies.
The Yahosheanism as reactivated by Prophet Yahmarabhi has no formal
relationship with either Judaism or Christianity. The sect is totally independent with its full
accredited doctrines to show spiritual light to entire humanity.
So no matter any level of relationship between Yahosheanism with
other religious communities in terms, ideas, structures, dogmas and creeds, it
remains distinctive religious community of its own standing. Its root may stand deep on the soil of
Judaism and may have passed towards the ages through the efforts of
Christianity, yet it has no formal relationship with any of them. This is the
general conclusion of Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach.
The holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach that is found by the
Prophet Yahmarabhi do not solicit for support from evangelistic Christianity or
Messianic Judaism rather with a whole thought that since Yahweh appointed the
Comforter, his mission must swallow all other missions that contests to
represent Yahoshea Meshiyach.
The Orthodox Judaism or Jewish authority knows this to their finger
tips and such form their conclusion over the operations or activities of Jewish
Christianity or Messianic Judaism.