Tuesday, 11 April 2017

THE BIBLE (Fiction or Reality?)

Truth is sacred, truth is nascent, truth is a double-edged sword that cuts deep both ways. Almost all the times, truth hurts. Yes, it hurts those whose main preoccupation is pervasion of history. Naturally, truth is sweet. Its aroma satiates the mind. It is a harbinger of hope.
In each moment of our life, we are called to stand for truth and establish it because never a time an illusion of a truth can be better than the truth itself. In most of the times, truth appears controversial, our highest truths are sometimes half truths, think not to settle forever for what you know as truth, when you first have an inkling of its insufficiency, then weep not but give thanks to Yahweh for it is his voice-whispering.
For many centuries, the book of Bible has become the most focal point amongst all books produced in the earth. Many people including the great tyrants have shown their love for it, many have died professing, defending or producing it, and it has been adjudged as the most widely circulated book in human history. It is estimated that more than two billion copies of the book have been produced and sold. The book equally has attracted the wildest opposition from wicked and tyrant' leaders as well as religious leaders of mainstream churches who carried out major intellectual assaults against it.
With these developments, one may ask this interesting question “what is the meaning of Bible”? The term “Bible” originated from Greek word “Biblia” or “Bibylos” which means “little books”. The term is equally associated with inner part of papyrus, a plant from which papers were produced in ancient times. The book is aimed at transmission of the ancient divinely inspired documents by inspired men of Yahweh.
Today, there are many hundreds of translations of the inspired works circulating in all faces of the earth with the identical names as Bible. But our concern today is, do this modern day Bible represent the true and accurate account of the ancient inspired writers?
Were the translations perfectly done that it so represent the accurate communication from Yahweh to mankind? Can the Bible be trusted? Truly, the ancient inspired writers were possessed by Yahweh to write down the mind of Yahweh but their works went through many ages and series of canonizations, translations and transliterations and within the scope of these workers, there might be serious dislocations which will render the original works to depart from the translators.
This infection of wrong translations was an ancient error which many prophets as Yerimiah and Ezekiah frowned at. The saviour of mankind Yahoshea Meshiyach equally attacked the scribes of his days for misdirecting the Hebrews by twisting the scriptures during their recopyings thereby adding traditions of men into the scriptures.
For the Bible to come to its present state, it passed through many translations such as Samaritan, Pentateuch, Aramaic, Targums (Persia), Greek Septaugint etc.
For instance, in the city of Alexandria in Egypt before the birth of Yahoshea Meshiyach, seventy Greek speaking Hebrews were ordained to translate the Scrolls into Greek text. And that was the source of Oregen's translation and what is presently known as “Greek Septugint”.
Again another translator called Jerome is the source of “VULGATE”, the term vulgatus means “Common, that which is popular”. While the accounts of Oregen and Jerome are assumed to be taken from the same scrolls of original scriptures, yet there were lots of differences, meaning that each added his human understanding to his works.
During the Council of Carthage 397 CE, some of the books were termed as “Apocryphals” while at the Council of Trenth in 1546, the Roman Catholic confirmed seven of the books such as Tobit, Judith, Ester, Wisdom, Baruch, First Maccabees and Second Maccabees as inspired works.
Based on this development, it is certain that the canonization of the 66 books was carried out by church authorities and not by the original inspired writers. Some conditions were mapped out as standard for selection of the books in the Bible which includes that the scriptures must deal with Yahweh's affairs with the earth, turning men to his worship and stimulating deep respect for his name, his work and purpose in the earth. And that an authentic writer cannot conflict with others but upholds one authorship that Yahweh is the Grand Creator of the universe.
The early Hebrew copiests were called the “Sopherim” (scribes). History proved that they made many textual changes and Yahoshea Meshiyach condemned them (Scribes) for falsification of scriptures. The Sopherim were succeeded by the “Masoretes”, they made many marginal notes out of Sopherim alterations which they termed as “Masora”.
Another important question is “what is the net evaluation to the textual integrity and authenticity”? Can the accuracy be guaranteed through the discovered Dead sea scroll, assurances by the New World Bible Translation Committee or issues in form of acclaimed geological or geographical accuracies of the Bible? Based on the truth, all those issues are not accurate evaluation points to ascertain the accuracy of the Bible.
Historically, many factors contributes to criticisms or doubt over the authenticity and the general integrity of the book of Bible. Although the supporters of Bible is of the conviction that no other work of antiquity has been so accurately transmitted or passed to present generation as the book.
To them, none of ancient account can be as accurate as the Bible.  This they attribute to the working of Yahweh and his representations that vow to preserve his works for all generations of humanity. Although theologians are corroborating their claims of Bible authenticity with archeological findings, but such cannot be a reliable factor of its conclusion because all acclaimed manuscripts discovered by the archeologists have proven that their origins are of recent millenniums.
For example, the latest finding of the Dead Sea scroll of the Bible book of Isaiah discovered in 1947 alleged to have been written on leather in a “PM Hebrew script” was assumed to been penned down around second century B.C
The next discovery identified as John Ryland Papyrus assumed to date back to 125 C.E. The Vatican and Siniatic manuscript is assumed to date back to 4th century C.E. while Alexandrian manuscript is alleged to date back to early 5th century C.E.
Some of the factors that might not be ignored as obstacles to authenticity of the Bible books can be classified as both human and inhuman. For example, the inhuman factor must be considered at the level of textual or literal developments and abilities at the ages of these records.
By available records, no ancient Bible records that predate Dead Sea scrolls have been found.  It means that the writings of early prophets as Moses and Joshua cannot be seen as originally penned down. The reason for such occurrence can be adequately answers by the Journal – “Archeological Review” as follows “Papyrus and leather documents have not survived from most of Palestine, only from very arid regions such as the area around the Dead Sea, these materials rot in damp soil”.
Truly, literary texts were available in ancient Mesopotamia and Egyptian ages but were reserved to the elite class who were sparsely few in number. Unavailable of writing materials that endured as well as restrictions caused by fewness of readable elites, and the inability to produce the works in bulk were some of the ancient factors that accounted for the doubt of authenticity of the book of Bible.
How can we prove that the early Bible manuscripts were properly preserved?  Many defenders of Bible authenticity are of the opinion that early manuscript frequently underwent re-copying before it finally arrived to the age of textual or industrial developments.
For example, the book called ‘The Bible as it was” argues it this way, “The stories, Psalms, laws and prophecies that have reached us today as part of the Bible must therefore have been copied many, many times even within the Biblical period itself…  If these texts were repeatedly copied within the Biblical period itself, it was because they were used.  They played some part on daily life.  No one would go to the trouble of copying texts of no purpose”.
The defenders of Bible hold that such practice of continuous copying of the manuscripts passed through 1,500 years and included modernization of out dated grammatical forms and spellings.
The truth as hold by scholars is that all Egyptian Papyri written before Greceo-Roman era have perished.  They hold that the oldest surviving manuscripts that has been found is the Dead Sea scrolls which were wrapped in linen preserved in jars.
Scholars are of the conclusion that Biblical literatures were written down largely in the eighth to sixth centuries B.C.E. They hold that the Bible records were edited mostly during Persia and Hellenistic periods (5th – 2nd Centuries BCE). They equally conclude that all texts of the Bible in its present form date back 2nd- 1st century B.C.E.
The scholars were conclusive that ancient writers produced documents of poetry, prose and law over many hundred of years. The editors used these documents as sources and processed them as present day Bible.
These points raised by scholars of both sides of Bible authenticity is a clear indication that there were great dislocations between the early and ancient Bible writers, and copyists with editors that joined up in a distance of many centuries.
As said before, the ancient prophets wrote on perishable materials which marked that the proof of authenticity cannot be acceptable by reasonable truth seekers.
Some of early Egyptian writers wrote on papyrus and clay seals.  The ability to mass-produce such excruciating art-works was totally lacking. Likewise, its preservation were never guaranteed because of the fewness of elites and patronizers of the works.
Again, many theologians or Christians rely on the Bible based on its age and popular circulation without regarding to numerous attempts that were made along its history to suppress it.
For example, a 19th century theologian Albert Barnes put his conclusion of defending of the book in this way “No book has excited so much opposition at this: but it has survived every attack which power, talent and eloquence have ever made on it”. He continued is this – “But no army ever survived so much battle as the Bible, no ancient bulwark has endured so much sieges, and stood so firm amid the thunders of over and the ravages of time; and no rock has been swept by so many currents and has still stood unmoved”.
What this averred Bible defender refused to proof was that the same book has suffered many mutilations in which some of its ancient manuscripts lost, that majority of its writers and copyists sealed their conviction with their sacred blood, that some of its evered defenders risked their lives in course of its translations, transliterations and interpretations.
Some earnest readers and producers were arrested, detained and executed, and too many of the manuscripts burnt into ashes in public places by its opposers. The hatred against the book has a long history defending from the Biblical record days, with the common era through the middle ages down to moderations.
For example, in the days of Prophet Yerimayah which date back to six hundred years before Yahoshea Meshiyach era, a manuscript of prophecy he produced was destroyed by King Jehoakim who was uncomfortable of the revelations.
King Jehoakim was never the only king that destroyed the manuscripts that bear word of Yahweh. Again in the age of Greek Empire, the Hebrew nation came under the rule of the Seleucid dynasty.  The Seleucid King - Antiochus Epiphanes influenced Helenistic culture, custom and religion on all peoples under it.
By this development, king Antiochus ordered that all scrolls of law in the land of Hebrew be destroyed,  although the Bible defenders are of the claim that the order of Antiochus was rejected by some Hebrews who later rebelled against his rule over Hebrews.
After Yahoshea Meshiyach, the Holy Scripture faced monumental assaults and attacks from Emperors and their apologists.  For instance, the Romans Emperor Diocletian who rule in forth century C.E. promulgated series of harsh laws against Yahosheans and their scriptures which many scholars term as the era of great persecutions on Yahoshea’s followers.
One of his famous edicts was the order of burning of copies of Holy Scriptures of Hebrews. One of early historian and Theologian of that century Eusebius of Caesarea made the following report, “We saw with our eyes the house of prayer cast down to their foundations from top to bottom, and the inspired and sacred scriptures committed to the flames in the midst of market places”.
Many governors of colonies under Roman rule compromised the edict in their domains. For example, the Mayor of the city of Cirta which was alter renamed Constantinople carried out the emperor’s edict by ordering that Yahosheans should hand over all their “writings to the law” and “copies of scriptures” to the authority for destructions.
Even when the Roman Emperor adopted Yahoshoean doctrines which they mixed with their traditions to bring forth Roman Catholic Church, the destructions of Holy Scriptures continued though with new form and ethics.
At this era, the Roman authority under emperors and popes formulated another formula of obstructing the translation, production and circulation of Holy Scriptures.  This era saw to the amplified rage of burning of scriptures and its translators and patronisers.  The Roman authority claimed that the aim of the barbarian acts was justified because it was aimed at keeping the Holy Scriptures out of the hands of common people.
The truth was that Roman authority was responding to its position of Anti-Yahweh and his people.  The destruction of scriptures was targeted at ruining the doctrines and dogmas of Yahweh’s words that enshrined on the scriptures.
Our question continues and this, if going by these deficiencies and challenges, can the Bible account of today reflect to the original messages in the original ancient scripts from the original writers?  Another area of concern over Bible books is about its translation into various languages.  History proof that the original scrolls that gave birth to the book of Bible were written in Hebrew language.
By 2nd century B.C.E., the translation of the works into Greek language was carried out.  That venture gave rise to Greek Septuagint or popularly known as Greek accounts.
About 4th century C.E. the Hebrew and Greek scriptures were rendered into Latin language.  This work was done by Jerome who produced a famous translation known as Vulgate.
These early translations were marred by erroneous inputs by the translators who were not in tune of the original spirit of the original writers.
These scholarly inputs turned the scriptures to wear the garbs of either Creek or Rome.  This means that both Greek and Roman translators planted many ideas in between the verses as against the religious consciences of the original writers.  This submission cannot be rejected by any scriptural scholar who is armed with plain dictate of information and conscience.
As the church kept custody of the scriptures, it resisted all efforts by various scholars to translate the scriptures into other languages.  Church leaders argue that Hebrew, Greek and Latin were the only suitable scriptural languages.
The church leaders anchored their argument from the writings of the Spanish Bishop Isidore of Seville (560-636 CE) that commented as – “There are three sacred languages, Hebrew, Greek and Latin and they are supreme through the entire world.  For it was in these three languages that the charge against the saviour was written above the stake by Pilate”.
When some missionaries of the Eastern Church (Orthodox) wanted to translate the scriptures into Slavic language, they met with fierce opposition from German priests, who insist on Latin scriptures.
Increasing oppositions between the Western and Eastern sections of Christendom gave rise to the division between Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox in 1054.
History bear that in 1079, Vratislas, Duke of Bohemia sought for permission to use Slavonic on church services but the church of Rome did not honour the request rather the Pope Gregory VII responded with the following note – “We cannot in any way grant this petition.  It is evident to those who consider the matter carefully that it pleased God to make holy scriptures obscure in certain places, lest, if it were perfectly clear to all, it might be vulgarized and subject to disrespect or be so misunderstood by people of limited intelligence as to used them into error”.
In 1199, Pope Innocent III declared war against translators of Holy Scriptures into French language.  He termed the translators as heretics and warned them as follows: “Do not give what is holy to dogs neither throw your pearls before swine.  That no simple and unlearned man presumes to concern himself with the sublimity of Holy Scriptures or to preach it to others”.
This Papal edict gave birth to the burning of the Holy Scriptures in local languages as well as its translators.  The quest for ownership or to be in possession of the Holy Scriptures by Church of Rome was purely based on its intension to impose its traditions over the holy doctrines of the scriptures.  This sparked deadly violence as subsequent orders from the church was dishonoured by protestant reformers.
In 1546, the Council of Trenth concluded with a decree that any printing of Bible translations must be approved by the Catholic Church. Equally, in 1559; Pope Paul IV passed law that forbids possession of the Bibles in the common languages. Bible books were confiscated and burnt to ashes and often along with their owners.
Can a book that was secured by such wild and blood thirsty empire retain its original flavour and passed to these generation without adulterations.  It is equally impossible because the intension of its holders was to destroy its original information and replace them with Roman traditions and liturgies.
For instance, the decree of the Council of Trent 1546 spelt as follows – “That henceforth, sacred scriptures be printed in the most correct manner possible and that it shall not be lawful for anyone to print, or cause to be printed, any books on whatever on sacred matters with the name of the authors or in future to sell them, or even to possess them, unless they shall have been first examined and approved by the local bishop”.
Translators or their equivalents that disobey this order were subjected to arrests, burned at a stake or roasted on spits, sentenced to life imprisonment or sent to galleys and their confiscated books burned.  These draconian laws of Roman Catholic influenced Protestantism where theologians began to contest the orthony of the mother church over the sole authority of the Bible alone. Some translators summoned courage in the presence of Roman Catholic decrees and carried out translation or publication of scriptures. 
According to the teachings of His Holiness, Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach, though the ancient revealed scriptures were handwork of inspired men but the fury that associated the workers and the works of the books made it practically impossible to remain as authentic as originally ordained.
Example can be tendered from the opposition by Catholic Church and its associates to resist translation of books into other common languages.
Glimpse of remarkable history of translations of these books into common languages is a determinant factor that the church of Roman used the scriptures to serve its selfish interest or traditions and impose such decision upon its oppositions.
When John Wycliffe, a Catholic priest and fluent in Latin wanted to translate the scriptures into English language in 14th century C.E., he met the most deadly opposition of his life from the Roman Catholic authority.
Without minding the opposition, Wycliffe insisted that, “The knowledge of Yahweh’s law should be taught in the language which is easiest to understand, because what is being taught is the word of Yahweh”.
By this courage, Wycliffe assembled a team to translate the Holy Scriptures into English language.  When the work was released, Pope Gregory XI issued five edicts condemning Wycliffe and his translation.
As associate of Wycliffe continued the translation and circulation of the works even after his death, this provoked the papal council which exhumed his body, burnt his bones, threw his ashes into the river and threatened to excommunicate any one that read the works.
In 16th century C.E, another translator William Tyndale became annoyed on the attitude of the Roman church officers towards the Holy Scriptures with special regard to the restriction to its translation and circulation.
William Tyndale proceeded to translate the scriptures from the Hebrew and Greek texts and equally employed a press to print the work on mass.  After Stiff opposition from the Roman Catholic authority, Tyndale managed to release the work and secretly shipped to England and so many copies sold within a short period of time.
To check the works of William Tyndale, Catholic Bishop’s Council was convoked and came out with the order of Bible burning.  The translated works of Tyndale were confiscated and burnt and he was arrested and burned at a stake as a heretic in 1536.
Although, Tyndale died but his translation was integrated with those of his friend Miles Coverdale to produce the first complete English Bible.
The church order against translation of the scriptures was not restricted to only English language but all others in the wide-globe.
Another British missionary Robert Morrison equally undertook the struggle of publishing the complete Bible in Chinese language.  This task was practically an impossibility because of death penalty imposed on any Chinese that tutors a foreigner of the Chinese language.
Another law from Chinese authority put death sentence upon any one that publishes the Bible or such related books in Chinese language.  At the presence of such horrible opposition, Morrison completed his translation of the book, produced and circulated it to Chinese territory and beyond. Those conditions were ever conducive for a fair tradition.
Again, another missionary Adoniram Judson faces tough challenge during his translation of the scriptures into Burmese language.  He faced linguistic problems.  Shortly, there was civil war in Burma and he was arrested and prosecuted as a spy.  This led him into detention and after his released, he managed to produce the translation.  These intractable challenges influenced the translation negatively.
In 17th century, the church issued an edict termed as “The index of forbidden books” and imposed tough restrictions on the use or circulation of vernacular Bible.
With all these frictions, can the Bible be trusted? Can it pass through this furnace and remain unadulterated? The Bible defenders are of the submission that though the book passed through worst identifiable opposition over registered by any literature worldover, yet it remained undiluted because it is the word of Yahweh who personally preserved his books through his appointed saints.
As Yahosheans, we believe that the book was originally written by inspired men and aimed at communicating of Yahweh’s mind.  We equally believed that Yahweh is able to safe-keep the book against any manner of adulteration but our submission is that Yahweh reserved the final account for the comforter who will manifest as the last great messenger of Yahweh.
So, all efforts of translators and revisers do not guarantee for the textual harmony or authenticity as claimed.  Though they tried, but their efforts were not good enough to safeguard such holy relics of all generations.  Even the translators on their own have additions or subtractions they profer on the works.  As humans, they have their interest and convictions that they integrate into the scriptures.
For example, a 17th century young translator Ferrira Da Almeida translated and published the Bible into Portuguese.  Almeida carried out the translation when Portugal (his country) was under the strong influence of Catholic inquisition.
Any one that attempts to translate the book in Portuguese will be handed to the inquisitors for action.  As a protestant, Almeida was seen as traitor and apostate by Catholic faithfuls.
After series of attacks from Catholic clergies and laities, the Almeida translation was submitted to a group of Revisers who showed no interest because of their stain relationship with the translator.  The revisers who were termed the “consistory” made bold attempts to prevent publication of the work but Almeida boldly took the manuscripts for publication without reviser’s knowledge. After the demise of Almeida, his work was adulterated by the revisers as accounted in a book – A Biblia em Portugal (The Bible in Portugal) by G.L. Sontos Ferraira made a submission as Follows – “The revisers made significant changes in Almeida’s excellent work, disfiguring and corrupting what beauty of the original had escaped the revisers of the first edition”.
In simple comment, since the authors, translators and revisers were often in disarray, how can we hold the outcome of their work?  Many people have come to the conclusion that Bible is the most produced and circulated book in the globe, has greatly influenced humanity in terms of morals and ethics, provided inspiration for literature and has supported millions of people to gain accurate knowledge of Yahweh.  By these calculations they assume that Bible must certainly be accurate as originally ordained.
But Prophet Yahmarabhi and his followers are always in disagreement with such hasty conclusion because all enumerated points above are not vital points that suggest that the book represents the mind of Yahweh as originally set.
These conclusions were punctured by the rate of illiteracy that existed during the early age of humanity.  Lack of textual order, materials, production and circulation were obstructive forces that militated against the early works of faithful ones of Yahweh.
Next was the inability to preserve the information on a durable and sustainable textual format that will endure all erosions and challenges. 
Over the centuries, people have preserved information in many ways.  Early writers recorded their works on monuments, stones, woodtablets, leaves of parchment etc.
By 1st century C.E. the use of scrolls become established on Middle East territory.  Scroll format gave way for codex which later became the universal form of storing writing materials.
The codex was the earliest form of present day book format.  It was made of sheets that were folded, assembled, tied along the fold and articles written on both sides and protected by a cover.  The modern writing format is a modification of codex of old.
As codex form of writing came into existence, scholars favoured it more than the older scroll form of writing.  Scroll model was generally tedious and cumbersome.  A scroll was usually made up of standard number of sheets of papyrus or parchment glued together to make a long strip which was then rolled up.
Then texts were written on columns on the front face of the scroll and to read it, the user unfolds the scroll to suit the passage that he desired.  As the scroll form was cumbersome, it required many scrolls for a single literary work.
These undurable forms of recording works or texts must play negatively towards accurate preservation of original information from the earliest writers of the Holy Scriptures.
This means that inefficient writing materials and availability of writers influence the early scriptures.  This negative influence was noticeable in ancient scriptural writing days and equally extended to the era of Yahoshea Meshiyach and his immediate followers.
The glad news of Yahoshea’s ministry and those of the works of his disciples faced this same problem of insufficiency of writing materials as wells a illiteracy on the majority of key players of those days.
For instance, after the death of Yahoshea Meshiyach, Matthew (one of head disciples) apparently wrote down his account around eight years later while John wrote his own account about 65 years later.
By this distance, it is certain that they may not record the activities with tacit accuracy.  The variation to the gap between the moments of actions and the moment of recording them may be caused by the inability of the early followers to be inclined in writing down the teachings and deeds of Yahoshea Meshiyach.
Defenders of Bible accuracy are of the belief that there existed a gap of several decades between the ministry of Yahoshea and its documentation by the authors of his works.  They insist that although such gap existed but stories about Yahoshea was handed on orally.
The defenders of the book insist also that Yahoshea’s disciples were mainly Hebrews who were accustomed of the rabbinical method of teaching through memorization by routinal repetition which was the basic standard for oral transition of information.
They equally submit that writing must be one of notable means of transmitting of the word by immediate disciples since the rate of literacy was widely increased in that era.  Scholars present that writing in Greek.  Aramaic and Hebrew was widespread and could be found at all level of society during the ministerial days of Yahoshea Meshiyach
Bible defenders are of the opinions that there was already existing waxed writing tablets in those days and that some of the follower of Yahoshea were literate enough to pen down the activities of his ministry.
For example, the glad news itself made mention of some well informed or educated persons that were part of the movement or the ministry.  Such persons include Matthew and Zacheus who were tax collectors, a synagogues officer, an army officer, Joanna who was a wife of a high placed officer under Herod Antipas as well as some members of Sanhedrim.
On defence of literacy capability of early disciples of Yahoshea, Henry Y. Gamble – professor of religious studies made the following support – “It can hardly be doubted that from the beginning there were disciples, probably group of them, who devoted themselves to the close study and interpretation of Jewish scriptures, constructing from it a textual warrant (proofs) of their conviction and making such texts serviceable for their preaching”.
By these points, there were numerous symptoms that presume or suggest that the early disciples of Yahoshea were involved in studying, reading and writing, meaning that there were properly identified students, teachers and writers amongst them.
For us in Yahosheanism, we believe that some of the disciples of Yahoshea were letered to be able to record some of the events that happened in the ministry but are of the convention that such original articles did not Passover to the present age without the activities of evil and uninspired translators and revisers overhauling them to accommodate their earthily conceptions and traditions.
The act of doctoring original scriptures by evil hands of scribes was noticeable right in the days of Prophet Yerimayah who rose alarm that “behold the false pen of the scribes has falsified the scriptures”.
If was for sake of falsification of the original scriptures that prompted the ancient and acclaimed holy Roman kingdom to grip the scriptures and carried out deadly wars against people who oppose them on such illegal or unholy ventures.
Since Bible passed through the authorship of the earthily governments to sail through to this generation is an eloquent testimony that it could never be accurate.
For example, the most populous and widely circulated Bible translation is King James Version.  All circumstances leading to the translation and production of the book suggest to appear political than religious.
The journey to English Bible translation commenced around 1380 C.E by John Wycliffe.  It was followed by the activities of the Lollards who circulated hand written Bible texts across English land.
Another milestone was the translation by William Tyndale’s New Testament by 1525 which was followed by another translator of total scripture by Miles Coverdale in 1535.
At this stage of Great Britain, King Henry VIII broke relationship with Rome and positioned himself as the head of Church in England.  Henry VIII authorized the translation of the Bible into English.
This Royal Order was carried out and such produced the translation known as the “Great Bible” which was printed in 1539.  This translation was followed by another one in Europe named “Geneva Bible” in easy to read type which had chapters divided into verses.  Although the Geneva Bible gained popularity across all Europe but had a problem which is noticeable of its marginal notes that spoke against papacy since that whole work were carried out by Protestants.
As the Great Bible failed to gain acceptance and the Geneva Bible contained malicious notes a revised Bible edition was decided upon.  To get a more acceptable version the Bishop of England were vested with this responsibility to make an independent minded version with basic on the Great Bible.
This task of the Bishops gave birth to the “Bishop’s Bible” which was published in 1568.  The outcome of the Bishops Bible was never acceptable to general Christendom in England especially the Calvanists who disregards religious titles. The Calvanists contested on the title “Bishop” attached to the work.
When King James I became the ruler of England in 1603, he endorsed the new revision of the Bible translation in English language.  King James I appointed 47 scholars in six separate groups in the country who prepared sections of the books.
The revision committee made use of Tyndale and Coverdale translations, Bishops Bible, Geneva Bible and Roman Catholic Rheims New Testament of 1582.
The bible revision committee dedicated the translation to “The Most High and Mighty Prince James” and that is how the Bible became identified as “King James Version”.
By history, James was born in 1564 and was crowned in 1567 as James VI of Scotland; he was later crowned as King James I of England on 1603 which empowered him to assume the ruler of both countries.  In 1604, he took the title “King of Great Britain”.
Will the Royal backup of the translation, it soared above other former translations on popularity and distribution.  It is presently assumed as accurate word of Yahweh that was engraved on tablets and manuscripts in ancient of days.
The book – called THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF THE BIBLE conclude it this way – “Its text acquired a sanity properly ascribed only to the unmediated voice of God; to multitudes of English-speaking Christians.  It has seemed little lest than blasphemy to temper with the works of the King James Version”.
Even when the entire Christian world has jointly held that King James Version as the only true Bible, it has equally undergone some further revisions as held in 1870.
Through same work came the English Revised Version – which was published as the American Standard Version. Many other revisions  have emerged since after the King James Version.  The history sends it down to a well informed spiritualist or religionist that the present Bible format and information has lot to do with tradition and interest of world power outside the content of Yahweh’s dealings with his chosen nation through the prophets.
The Bible is neither authorized by Yahweh, his son Yaheashea Meshiyach or Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha comforter or from the Ecclesiastical order of Hebrew or priest Kingship or Royalty rather it was an authorized work of a mere carnal king James from England who was responding toward the challenges of his people under a Protestant Anglican Church that is removed from the claws of Catholicism.
The truth is that though the Bible might live to its claim of being the mostly widely produced and distributed book of earthly history, but is totally out of original version as ordained by Yahweh.
Yahweh knew that the works of Niclotians will tend to distort the information of his scriptures, he therefore proposed for the victory of the saints by promising of the coming of the comforter who is to take the leading scepter of the living saints by communicating the original mind of Yahweh to the entire globe. 
Yahweh prepared the coming of the comforter to effect at the approprate time when all premises or facilities for production, projection and circulation of the holy scriptures will already been made available.
The present age has been identified as the era of the comforter, there are adeqaute literacy or writing mateials, formats and storage fesilities that tend keep the scribal poluters and adultrators at control. That equally came into effect through protracted wars between scientists and the church who acted as devourers in all efforts of improving humanity and all it stands for.
Through perservance of scientists, information has become easily managed and stored in computer set, audio and video tapes and some other vital information storing facilities.
At this ground been prepared, Yahweh send down the comforter, who wrote down the real mind of Yahweh with ease and stored them into published journals as well as in electronic gadgets.
So, the Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures (HOIS) by prophet Yahmarabhi is the real scripture that represent the accurate mind of Yahweh and on it, the true followers of Yahweh find the treasure of communication that associate the true relationship with Yahweh through his begotten son Yahoahea Meshiyach as ordained in the beginning.

One of the greatest deficiencies of the Bible that is properly treated in the Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures (HOIS) is its inability to bear along the sacred names of the Creator and Saviour as they were originally recorded by the inspired writers. All modern day translations such as King James Version, The American Standard version, The Bible in living English, and very many others are under the same disease of non inclusion of the memorial names being Yahweh for the Grand Creator and Yahoshea Meshiyach for the redeemer of mankind in their translations.
Some argue that the name appeared as consonants in the original scrolls and have no vowels, therefore it cannot be properly understood or pronounced, therefore they prefer names like Lord, God, Adonia, Elohim, Jehovah, Jesus Christ. The scholars are hiding their reasons  for the replacements and have never come out of the wood over this matter because all the writings from the Genesis to the Revelations were written in consonants alone. If the name Yahweh and Yahoshea cannot be properly understood, how did they understand other words and names that make up the whole Bible?
Basically, it is a blatant error to translate a personal and memorial name of Yahweh into many millions of names. Names of authors and actors in scriptures are non translative and are preserved during all manner of translations. For instance, the book from Nigerian author Chinua Achebe captioned “THINGS FALL APART” has been translated into many languages, in each case, the name of the author Chinua Achebe and that of the actor being Okonkwo were retained. The Verdic literature, Bragavad Gita in each translation, the names Vishnu and Krishna are preserved, the book of Quran retains the name Allah in all translations, then why should it be that in Bible books,  the name of the testator and author were translated into various languages.
This blunder keeps the modern believers out of tune or faith with the ancient believers and inspired writers who placed their faith on Yahweh through Yahoshea Meshiyach his begotten son alone. Again, the Bible’s story of Satan’s existence presents a creator that is powerless, uncaring and wicked.
By Bible account, the creator is presented to be wicked even more than the Satan they want men to resist. All account of wars were supported by the creator. For example, he partially supported the Hebrews against Egypt, Philistine, Jebusites, Amorites, Amalekites, Assyrians etc, He supports the killings of those people, the book account that the creator changed the languages of the sons of men at the Tower of Babel, destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, destroyed the men and all creatures during the days of Noah, living Noah and his family of eight members as well as only single pairs of all creatures. And all this were done to destroy sins in the earth, yet the sins have increased more than its ratio in those days. Then the Bible didn't give any account where Satan killed one person rather his only known sin was that it deceived Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit of knowledge of good and bad.
You will agree with me that man is a moving question. And this is the age of enquiry; those who fail are those who refused to ask questions over what they assume to be eternal truth. We may be deceived whenever we are carried away by the consciousness that “this is my parent’s faith” “thus is my traditional belief” for such will stiffen the opportunity of enquiry into high knowledge.
If Satan introduced man to eat the fruit of knowledge of good and bad, what was his sin for doing so? Can man exist without knowledge? Can man replenish the earth without knowledge in him? Can man respond towards naming of all creatures if his knowledge is hanging in a forbidden fruit outside of him? Is knowledge a bad thing and does Yahweh hate knowledge? If man is made in his image, can man exist without knowledge? If Adam has no knowledge, how could he recognize Eve as his bone of bones?
Coward dies and brings shame to his family, the brave dies for defending his rights and even at death brings honour to his family. Truly, ideas are not easily crushed or defeated in battlefield. But through sound education, ideas can be explained to oppositions and through accurate realization and awareness; the opposers can be converted and turned to veritable weapons towards the propagation and enforcement of the same idea.
People frequently asks, why are Yahosheans interested in condemning Christianity leaving beside all other major religions such as Hinduism, Judaism, Shintoism, Buddhaism, Zorosterianism, Muslimism, Sikism, etc. The answer is simple; the Yahosheanism is the original consciousness that emerged from the land of Yudea by the eternal saviour whose personal name is Yahoshea Meshiyach. While Christianity is the Hellinized or simply Greek form of it. Since Christianity was arranged to take the place of Yahosheanism, it must remain the first or the only sect that Yahosheanism will prosecute in order to regain its mandate or position. As humans, we are interested in prosecuting the thief that was caught with our property but not the thieves outside.
Although, Yahosheanism is resurrected by Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach, a Nigerian born religious scientist and indeed the appointed comforter of mankind, but the sect is the most ancient in the entire globe. It originated at the Garden of Eden because Yahoshea Meshiyach was the person who was known as “Yahshem” meaning “word of Yahweh”. Yahshem although in spirit was the person that Yahweh used to create all creatures including mankind. Yahshem was the person who took care of Adam and Eve at their enfant stage. He equally taught them of the doctrines from Yahweh which he came back in flesh with the name Yahoshea Meshiyach to teach the entire mankind.
Those teachings and revelations through his sent prophets constitute the original scriptures which are today arranged by Roman workers or translators with a name BIBLE.  Our question continues, did the translators of the original scriptures carry out their duty accurately? Or did they defy the order from the scripture that nothing should be added or subtracted? Can the Bible be trusted? Does the Bible of today convey in totality the accurate writings or presentations by the ancient inspired men? These are life threatening questions glaring us in the face as we walk the path of eternity.
Remember we might be religious but not truthful or righteous, and if we lean on the scriptures as the foundation of our faith, any alteration (addition or subtraction) in the scripture will be a stumbling block towards our progress in our spiritual life. Presently, as provided by the disclosures or revelation of Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi, all the good efforts of the firebrand and liquid anointing pastors and Bishops with the prayer warriors to achieve pleasant devotion to Yahweh are frustrated by the misgivings of the translators who added folklores to the original truth or scriptures.
A biographic text or scripture in the form of Bible bears three major features in its accountings. Such as, firstly, -the name of the actor, secondly the works or characters of the actor and thirdly the purpose of the actor. This three major features are adequately considered during the translations. Any attempt to corrupt any of these features turns the work into forgery.
But the present day Bible through the actions of the translators thwarted or twisted all these features during their translations. For instance the name of Yahweh and Yahoshea Meshiyach were translated into various or millions of names where as it is constantly written in the original scriptures that “This is my memorial name forever and ever, I changes not”. If a name that was originally Yahweh turns to Jehovah, has it not changed? Did you know that the name is only one? Then why translate into millions of names? All names of gods of nations that existed independently in the heathenic ancient of days were incorporated into Christian theology and rebranded as been revealed to Prophet Moses at Mount Sinai.
Secondly, the works and characters of Yahweh were presented as a warlike and barbaric personality to a point that no pastor or Bishop will be happy to see his life account or profile to appear as wicked and brutal like the characters of the creator as accounted in the Bible.
Who amongst us can cast our devouring and brutal enemies to his children fold? Who amongst us can act wickedly by pushing dreadful-armed robbers who met him inside his inner rooms to his children in the parlour? And if the armed robbers harm, afflict or destroy the children, who is to be blamed? Are we to blame the defenceless children for not resisting or containing the armed robbers or are we to blame the father for casting the gunmen unto his children fold?
These are necessary questions before the Bible translators and interpreters on the account that Yahweh casted Lucifer (his rebellious angel) unto the earth? If Satan rebel against Yahweh, why can Yahweh cast it to the earth? Is man the cause of the rebellion in heaven? Can't he destroy the Satan there in heaven or cast him into abyss or other planets where there is no human?
If Yahweh has Lucifer as his enemy, why did he command mortals not to keep enemity? If he didn't forgive Satan, why does he want mortals to forgive their fellow mortals? If his anger were unable to be controlled since those days of rebellions till date, why did he command mortals not to allow our anger to extend from sunset to the next sunset? Does he want man to do what he could not do?
The Bible went ahead to account that Yahweh cursed the earth and its inhabitants because his enemy (Satan) has been casted into it. Did the earth and its inhabitants contributed to the Satan’s rebellion? If Yahweh originally blessed the earth and latter cursed it, does that not present Yahweh as a person that set the evil on earth? Do you know that if Yahweh casted Satan to men, he is therefore responsible for all attacks, sufferings, afflictions, sorrows that earthily men go through daily?
At a point, the Bible termed the Satan as “the ruler of this world”. With this description, is man not rubbed of being the head of this world? If Satan has the capacity to control men, does that not reduce man to mere robot who is controlled by either Yahweh or Satan? Where is man’s integrity or personality? As a robot, how can he be called to give account of his works? Do you know that according to the Bible, Satan's power and those of his host rebellious angels were not withdrawn? Do you know that only two celestial messengers can destroy a city of five million people in a twinkle of hours? Then how do you believe that men can withstand the powers of such beings? How can man resist their temptations and attacks?
My fellow truth seeker, I want you to open your eyes and see your deceivers (translators). Such stories are folklores, superstitions and myths as was added by the translators. Devil is a belief, it will take only disbelieve to conquer it but not through castings and boundings as the church pastors do.
Let’s continue with our millennium questions, do you know that in numerous pages of the Bible, Yahweh is presented as a partial judge or father? When Bible presents an account that Yahweh said “Jacob I Love, Esau I hate” what does that represent? Isaac was chosen while Ishmael was rejected, Israel chosen, other nations rejected.
Do you know that in many occasions the Bible accounted that Yahweh is not Omniscience through his characters? For instance, when Yahweh created all animals, he created them in pairs (male and female) but when he created man (Adam) he forgot to create woman at the same time. When Adam started moving, Yahweh realized that he will create a woman that will associate with him. If man was created alone, for what reason did he had male organ? Who will conceive or bear children and fill the whole earth as commanded by Yahweh? Does that account not deny Yahweh of his perfection and omniscience? Again the Bible accounted that Yahweh regretted for creating man. He who knows all things how can he regret creating man? Is that not a simple expression that Yahweh does not know what lies ahead of him? Then how can he be described as Omniscience?
The Bible accounted that Cain killed Abel and ran away for fear of people killing him, and ran precisely to the city of Nod. Which people was he afraid of while he and his parents alone inhabit the earth by that era? Who were the people at the city of Nod because a city is a territory occupied by peoples? Does that account not establish that Adam and Eve were never the first mortals on earth?
The Bible accounted that Yahweh tempted Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac and that Yahweh allowed Satan to tempt Job. Do you know that Yahweh doesn't tempt? For what reason or benefit does he tempt mere mortals? Does he not know all the fabrics and abilities of man as an omniscience personality?
The Bible accounted that the evil spirit from Yahweh came upon Saul the first King of Israel. Does Yahweh possess evil spirit?
The last features of the Bible account being the escatology, purpose or essence of Yahweh were wicked and Callous as recorded in the Bible.
According to the Bible, in the future, Yahweh's son, will descend to declare war against Satan and his hosts with their earthly supporters at the Battle of Armageddon. At that arena, the Yahweh is expected to destroy all sinners and again to throw them into eternal hellfire. Do you observe another wicked plot of the creator of the Bible against his creatures?
Yahweh is present in the consciousness of those who are conscious of his presence. When men open the Bible, they close their human intelligence because they are tied to the superstition that the Bible is sacred. Therefore anyone that argues the words or speaks disrespectfully against the Bible is termed as an abominable heretics who has the divine vengeance or wrath waiting at his doorpost. It is assumed that the hottest part of hellfire is reserved for such men who blasphems the Bible.
This collosial spiritual fraud hypnotized the entire humanity to accept the added folklores as though they were inspired. But Yahweh has rightfully intervened against the deceivers (the Niclotians) through the present day advent of Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Comforter who has emerged with the spirit of truth. He has pathed the scriptures by separating the spiritual truths from the added myths and fictions through Yahweh's disclosures to him which he wrote down in his work called Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures (HOIS).
Owing to wrong translations and interpretations of the Holy Scriptures, abominable things are today in the places of holy things, the temple of Yahweh becoming the temple for the Gods of nations. Therefore when the institutions of men collapses, it will be replaced by the institutions of Yahweh, through Prophet Yahmarabhi, the kingdom of earth is henceforth the kingdom of Yahweh through his begotten son, Yahoshea Meshiyach and Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach who has come as personified comforter.
By its presentation, the Bible consists of the Old and New Testaments. Then what is a testament? A testament is a legal document prepared by a person expressing how his properties-­movable or immovable, assets and liabilities are to be managed by his benefactors after his translation. Therefore a testament is assumed to be the last statement of the testator and by law, no one has the right to alter or twist any portion of the testament (will). The testament must by all means bear the name of the testator. And all well meaning spiritualists or religionists recognized the fact that a personal name represents the personality, characters and his purpose in life.
In spiritual universe, name of each being and the being is one and the same. While in the physical universe, a name of an object is different from the object itself. For instance, the word “water” and the object water are not the same. A map of a country is different from the country itself.
Name of a person is necessary whenever spiritual activities are carried out in regards of the person. You may not need his physical presence but his name represents him. Spiritual activities such as prayers, atonement, praises, sacrifices, adoration, worship, meditations, invocation, projection, evocation clairvoyance, telepathy (thought transfer) clairaudience, transmutations etc cannot be carried out without the name of the concerned person or persons.
So corrupting the names of the actors in the Bible denies the reader or believer the opportunity of contacting and contracting those in spirit which can only be affected through their personal names. It is likened to a person who corrupts a phone number of his father, remember, he cannot reach him through the phone.
The only approved name for the Grand Creator is Yahweh while Yahoshea Meshiyach is the approved name for the saviour, any other name is forgery.
The translators falsified all other names of actors or authors in the Bible. For instance the original name for Prophet Moses is Moshe-Yahu or shortly pronounced MOSHE. The “Moshe-Yahu” means “drawn from river of Yahweh” or Moshe, which means “drawn from river”. The name Moses is a handwork of Greek translators which is basically meaningless.
Equally his works or books were corrupted into Greeks or English forms. For instance the Book of Genesis is a corrupted form of Beresheeth. Exodus is a corrupted form of Shemoth, Leviticus is a corrupted form of Wayqra and Numbers is a corrupted form of Bamdbar while Deuteronomy is a corrupted form of Devorim.
All other names or books in the Bible were corrupted or interpreted into Greek or English. The book of Joshua is a corrupted name of Yahoshea. This name was translated as JESUS in New Testament. Both Joshua in Old Testament and Jesus in New Testament were translated from the original name Yahoshea which means Yahweh's salvation or Savior in Hebrew language. The Italian spells it Gesu. The Spanish pronounces it Hessous etc.
The book of Judges is corrupted from the book of Shophtim. First Samuel is Samuyah Alet, while Second Samuel is from Samuyah Bet, Kings is Melechim, Isaiah is from Yeshayahu, Jeremiah (Yirmeyahu) Ezekiel (Yechiztiah or Ezekiah) Daniel (Daniyah) Joel (Yolyah) Mikah (Michayah) Nehum (Nechumiah), Habakkuk (Chabakouk) Haggai (Chaggaiah) Malaki (Malachiah) Psalms (Yehillim) Proverbs (Mishle) Lamentation (Echah) Ecclesiastes (Koheleth) Esther (Hadassah) Nehemiah (Nechemyah) Chronicle (Diwre Hai Yamin).
Equally, the names of the New Testament authors were corrupted like their ancient counterparts. Matthew is from Mattiyahu, Mark (Yochanan Moshe) John (Yochanan), Acts of Apostles (Maaseh Shlichim), James (Yaakow) Peter (Kepha), Revelation (Gilyahna) etc.
All names that are ended with the word “EL” is from Elohim. Elohim is a Canaanite idol name used to replace Yahweh.
The children of Hebrew adopted the name Elohim because they were covered by the superstition that the name Yahweh is too holy and should not be mentioned in day to day activities. Rather they resorted to Elohim and Adonai as replacements. So names like EL Shaddai, El-Gibor etc are child products of corruptions. The name Emmanuel means “EL is with us” while the original name is Emmanuyah which means that “Yahweh is with us” Equally names like Daniel, Ezekiel, Gabriel, Michael are products of adulterations. The real names are Daniah, Ezekiah, Gabriah etc.
So people who address Yahweh as “Jah,” “Jah Jehovah,” “Jehovah Yahweh” etc are wrong. The name is Yahweh alone, any other name is fake. Although there are tittles like Yahweh Nissi, Yahweh Rapha, Yahweh Shaddai, etc.
You may feel that these disclosures are unnecessary because you are not a Hebrew, therefore the Hebrew language is for the Hebrews alone.
But remember your Bible is a history of Yahweh's dealings with the Hebrews whom he termed as his people. What makes them chosen nation is nothing than the doctrines that Yahweh handed unto them through the prophets and his beloved son Yahoshea Meshiyach. So if you humble yourself and obey the commandments, you are therefore automatically transformed as a chosen person. I am not compelling you to learn the Hebrew language, but I want to inform you on the necessity to adapt to the revelations of Yahweh to the Hebrews which the Bible translators have twisted. I use to hear pastors address Yahweh as “God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob” but not God of the Saxons, God of the Romans, God of the Greeks or the God of our ancestors. That one you address as God of Abraham is known and Addressed by Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Yahoshea Meshiyach and other faithfuls as Yahweh.
The translators fused the two un-agreeable mysteries, one being truthful and uncompromising, the other being falsehood and compromising into one fold. The doctrines of the two folds are mixed up in the scriptures. Therefore the Bible is presently the admixture of Hebrew and Greeks, truth and lies.
Prophet Yahmarabhi concludes it that the Bible can be likened to a parable of the mixed weeds that is recorded in the Bible itself. True owner of the vineyard went and sow his needed seeds, when he was away, his enemies went and sow weeds in the vineyard. When the servants of the true owner complained about the mixed weeds, the master told them that they should not worry because when the master returns, he will remove the weeds and burn them into ashes, but for his seeds, he will keep in his barn.
The owner of the vineyard is Yahoshea Meshiyach, the seed he planted was the word of Yahweh, his enemy is the Scribes, Pharasees and High Priests who are presently known as the translators and interpreters of the scriptures, the weeds they planted in the vineyard was the folklores and myths which is today part of the scriptures. The returned master is Prophet Yahmarabhi. The true words today are harvested and stored in the book captioned “Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures (HOIS) while the falsehood of translators are exposed and thrown away by the believers.
This is a divine disclosure to you and may Yahweh help you to understand it Halleluyah.