Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Is Atheism the Way?

The early parents of humanity started with lonely livelihood. They hadn’t much people to talk or interact with. They resorted to soliquization or speaking out to the air and the thoughts and flashbacks become spirit inspiration to them. They were guided by the spirits on ways of life that is later to be defined as religion.

On the surface of religion, they built the human society and all other aspects of life like politics, social, crafts, and economics grew from there.

For example, as men began to multiply, they begin to form the societal order or government. For close to four Millenniums, leadership were based on religion that shaped all structures of human endeavours. The various governments covering various areas were headed by religious leaders and their territories absorbed with the practices or dogmas of their own religion.

For the reason and age of religions dominance on human activities, the world empire were built on religion and all activities tied to religious thoughts or beliefs.

When people began to embrace what they term as civilisation, they began to question the dominance of religion on human affairs. The first protest was to separate politics from government. This protest came at the instance of activities of religious monopoly, bigotry and dracollian way of managing human affairs. The protest ushered in what is termed as secularism; where some political leaders assume temporal but allowing the spiritual aspect of government to be spearheaded by religious leaders of their belief.

At this age, countries and statehood had emerged of which some took to theocracy being government by religious men or by other forms of government that allow for secular men to head government.

Religious and political leaders jointly managed the earth at all levels. After this stage, other endeavours like crafts or scientist began to seek for freedom from the control of governments. After persistence, they enjoined a sort of autonomy under governmental control. The science world did not develop empire outside of the one already developed by religious and political leadership. Thereby using all facilities already on ground.

About 200 years ago, some scientists began to profess agnostic and atheism. They began to abuse religion and all it stand for. Though they were maltreated by empiric religions but they were cut-off with the reasoning that true religion exists and compatible with science. True religious element also suffered terribly at the hands of the empiric religionists.

The atheists did not notice that but condemned anything that has to do with religion. By their activities, the atheists have too numerous questions to answer on what is seen as atheistic fallacies -that virus turned to cells- to beings like ape that gave rise to human beings. Totally, this is worst to the account of creationalism that they term as bullshit or stupid.

The creation account though without evidence is taken as a concluded occurrence before human age while the evolution claim evidence but gave account that has never been seen happening.

Even a Gorilla has never been seen giving birth to a human baby talking less of gorilla itself turning into human. Indeed that is the worst fallacy that has ever been heard with regards to human existence.

The atheism has no empire of its own making. It uses all facilities put in place by religion.
Presently, I put up debate with atheist group and they were able to find their position as a fruitless entity.

How can some scientists claim to be atheist while many of their banners and products bear religious signs and symbols like cross, star, snake or other religious relics?
For example, medical practitioners are basically scientists, but many of them hang cross or snake image in their clinics or banners.

Some manufacturers produces wears, utensils, beverages, drugs, electronics, electrical equipments etc and mark them with cross signs. The mathematical signs of plus multiplications are signs of cross and been adopted in science calculations.
Astronauts discover planets and gave them names of gods that the atheists claim that does not exist.

The atheist holds to religious rites, calendars and holidays that were drawn from religions. For example, the atheists have work-free days on Saturdays and Sundays, counts their days in accord to the calendar set by religious bodies. For example many of them in Europe hold to Gregorian calendar, yet they claim that religion has not provided evidence in its operations.

They bear religious names, example, they claim that Christ did not exist but same person bears Christian as his personal name- What a hypocrites. They use of all religious terms that have been culturated in languages that they speak and curriculum they specialise on.

They claim that cross sign adopted as plus and multiplication signs are drawn from Latin. Then, what is s Latin? Ancient language of Italians (Rome) who are the promoters of cross religiously? You will agree with me that Rome is the home of crosses.

Did Atheist realise that ancient Babylon, Egypt, Carthage, Persia and Rome adore crosses and used it as a sign of salvation, multiplication and addition before they added it in the academic terms.

The medical scientist add snake symbol coiled around cross as their emblem (logo). The snake symbol is drawn from the biblical account in Exodus where Prophet Moses was instructed to make a snake image and raise it amongst his brethren and that any of them that look upon the snake would not be smote by snake. This account was a wrong one because Yahweh cannot tell his Prophet to make snake image for their salvation while he used same Prophet Moses to destroy the image of calf that the people adored in the wilderness. Yet the medical scientist adopts the snake as their symbol of salvation.

It is believable that atheism is the worst concept that deals on the existence of the earth. While religion may have elements of myths in them, it had brought a stable and orderly human society in place. It has introduced numerous moral codes that brought decorum in the earth life.

What have we enjoyed since liberalism or humanistic tendencies began to hold swear? A world full of abominable characters, such as homosexualism, abortion, gay practices, lesbianism, bestiality, nudity, pornography, prostitution, mercy killings, terrorism, mass destruction, wars etc.

These afflictions on humanity in these few centuries surpassed the evil daggers of religion to humanity for four millenniums.

Truthfully, the earthmen started with true religion, disagreed to false religion and degenerated to non-religion (atheism) which is the expression of beastly nature in man that had been modified or conditioned for progressive society by religious activities. The world must watch out at these atheists bearing in mind that they are evil and for evil mission on earth.

The words of wisdom from Zoroaster said, “Thou shouldest be much arranging the world, for the word arranged by man is spirit destruction”. Upon the agelong belief in the existence of the Creator of the universe which is held by all religious sects in the universe, it is astonishing on the sudden change of mind by men of this age to profess Atheism or Agnosticism.

The word atheism means in its full explanation that there is no creator to the universe. Agnostic is a term coined by Thomas Huxley (born in 1825) whose theory was that he sees no evidence that there is Yahweh who created, loves and cares for the universe. To him believe can only be reasonable on what is physically seen than unseen.

The later part of twentieth century witnessed greatest attack on Yahweh and his existence. Men raised questions like what is Yahweh? Why is there need for Yahweh? People like Sigmund Freud, Frederic Nietzsche, Karl Marx and Ludwig Feuerbach were boldly heard with theories like “God is nothing more than the projection of man's imaginations”, “God is dead”, “Religion is the opium of the people”.

This attack on Yahweh accelerated to 1859 when Charles Darwin came up with the theory of evolution through his book captioned “ORIGIN OF SPECIES” in which he asserted that life or universe emerged by chance, where the right chemicals in their right quantities came together under the right temperature and pressure and other controlling factors with maintenance for a correct length of time. This theory was supported by great percentage of scientists who has before that period seen religion as the greatest enemy of mankind. To this scientists, the belief of the existence of Yahweh stiffens the opportunity to scientific discoveries. They prefer that the world emerged not by intelligent creation but through chance and haphazard process of evolution.

To the evolutionists, the man emerged from atoms which at a time turned into aquatic creatures, later into amphibious beings, later into reptiles and finally into mammals where man belongs at present.

The great question is, what factors brought this Atheism into existence? Truly, men started with real belief, later dropped into false belief and finally into unbelief. According to Prophet Yahmarabhi, atheism is the basest level of man’s negativity against Yahweh. The emergence of science, philosophy, secularism and materialism are major factors that influenced atheism. The activities of church in Europe in the middle age equally contributed to the outburst of atheism.

A French writer and philosopher P. Valedier explains it this way, “it was the Christian tradition that produced atheism as its fruit, it led to the murder of God in the consciences of men because it presented them with unbelievable God”.

Based on the church's position against science and discoveries, scientists were compelled to conformity and submission to church theories or face drastic persecutions. For instance, Copernicus and Galileo raised objections against church's position that the earth is the centre of the universe, and held that the earth revolves round the sun. This development made church to react negatively against both men. In that manner many scientists paid with their sacred lifes because of discovering theories against the position of the church.

When the scientists had breakthrough or liberation against the church, they reject almost  the entire theories or doctrines of the church. This point is explained by Will and Ariel Durant in “The Story of Civilization VII”. -The age of Reason Begins” as such “The thinkers of Europe-the vanguard of the European mind-were no longer discussing the authority of the Pope, they were debating the existence of God”.

As science brought better explanations to some natural laws that govern the operations of the physical world, they dismissed many ancient thesis as myths. For instance, the ancient folklore believed that the earth is held by four tortoise or turtle beings at four cardinal points, some assume that it was held firm by four elephants. When Newton came with the theory of gravitation, the ancient folklore was discountenance. The scientists questioned the possibilities of miracles, signs and wonders that were carried by sacred scriptures because they are of violation of natural laws.

Many more factors contributed towards striving of atheism in this modern era, for instance, the religious and social institutions have not properly explained why men suffer in this world. If there is Yahweh who cares for the entire creature, why is there great gap between the rich and the poor? Why natural disaster like Tsunamis, wars, poverty surges etc?

But the unanswered questions by the atheists or evolutionist are as the world is a display of arrays of designs or creatures, can there by a design without a designer? Can thereby be a building without a builder? If the universe came through evolution, why are men not experiencing changes or transformations in this era?

Why are we not noticing stones turning into biological cells? This evolution fallacy flourishes because up to this moment, Christianity is still making additions in creeds and styles of worship which the scientists sees as elements of non seriousness.

For instance, in April 1906 at Los Angeles evolved the Pentecostal Movement by William J. Seymour. He is the originator of modern day speaking in tongue which he referred as “unintelligible” and “unlearned” tongues. He claimed that it is the return of the Holy Spirit fire, known as “promise of the father” or “LORD'S Baptism” which he termed as the continuation of what happened at the day of Pentecost in Yerusalem where the disciples spoke in different tongues. How can the modern day speaking in tongue be referred as continuation of what happened at the Pentecost day? On the real Pentecost day, the tongues were heard by different peoples of different tribes and nations while the modern day speaking in tongues is not understandable by any tribe or nation. Such practices lure sincere seekers into doubts over church and its claims or credibility.

Again, the clergies compromising attitude to the terms put forth by atheists because of irritating scientist output fans atheism into great height. This point is in agreement with the “Encyclopedia of Religion” which says as follows, “most thoughtful and articulate clergy had worked their way to the conclusion that evolution was wholly compatible with an enlightened understanding of scriptures”.

The Pastors and Bishops suppose to stand bold against the theory of evolution by defending the scriptures they swore to defend. Atheism points its concern on seen world alone, i.e materialism. It cannot give adequate answers to the ultimate questions of life such as what is life? Why are we here? Is there some special state of conscious existence after death? What is the true nature of consciousness? Have we lived before and will we live again? Why is there such gross inequalities in the world?

These substantive questions have occupied the minds of worlds greatest spiritual and moral thinkers in ages past. The chief interest of the Atheists is on materialistic values. Their position in life cannot satisfy the longings of human mind which expects spiritual truths from us. Life cannot be balanced unless we properly address the spiritual position of man. Materialistic joys are momentary and trascient.

For instance, in 1932, 18-year-old Helen Madison held the world record in swimming. She had won 23 national championship in America, broken every world record and won three Olympic Gold medals. Thirty years later, she was spotted in a one-room basement apartment, a lonely, abandoned woman, forgotten by the world and dying of cancer and on the verge of suicide.

At this point, she was introduced to a spiritual life. Although Madison died one year later but she died with victory in her heart because she found what she has been longing for, something that wealth and fame had failed to give her-inner peace and satisfaction.

Just like Helen Madison, the Atheists and Evolutionist looks for satisfaction in the wrong places. They allow the pleasures and the standards of the world to distort their values. They attach great importance to fleeting (illusions) things like success, popularity and money and like her they find that these are not the answers to the aching need within mortals.The gross materialistics think that what they have is more than what they are, without realizing that the haves are not always the happiest of people.

A few years ago, a Hindu Billionaire in Singapore sadly said “I have everything money can buy except the peace of mind”. A Chinese businessman in Hong Kong was boasting about his many hotels, his million dollar shares and his numerous wives and in the same breath said with despair “but all these are nothing, empty nothing”.

Sweden in Europe and Japan in Asia are two of the most affluent and Progressive nations in the world. If material wealth, education and scientific progress are the answers to life's searching-questions, the people in these countries should be the happiest in the world, but they are not.

Statistics tell us that more people commit suicide in these two countries more than anywhere else in the world. In Japan alone, an estimate of 25, 000 people commit suicide each year. North America is both wealthy and progressive, yet someone attempts to take his own life in every 25 minutes. More people are crowding America's mental asylum and psychiatric clinics than any other time in the history of the nation. Why. Basically, because man is at war with Yahweh. He is seeking to oust Yahweh from his life. He wants to put gold in the place of Yahweh.

Is Atheism the way? Let us listen to Father Neuhans in his Column dubbed “The Public Square In First Thing”, in which he said “Even though western civilization is achieving its greatness in material success and technological advancement, it was loosing contact with the spiritual sources which gives it vitality and creativity”.

The world is to each man according to each man, it takes the world as it really is, and that man to make that man's world, and that mans world cannot exist without that man. As imprisoned bird cannot escape from the cage, so the ignorant of the truth cannot escape from misery.

Through derecognition of a supernatural being who designed the universe and all that dwells in it, the atheists are expressing their basest level of beastly nature in an intellectual manner. This is truth because when people turn away from Yahweh and face materials things, they face their doom. What is presently important is not the rehabilitation of our social or economic structures, but the recreation of man, It is only when men are properly recreated that they can respond to any world order.
Atheism is associated with the philosophical ideas of materialism: -which hold that only matter exists, communism: -which believes that religion impedes human progress, rationalism: -which asserts analytic reasoning over other sources of knowledge. Atheism is equally associate with systems of thought that rejects authority, i.e anarchism: -a political theory opposed to all forms of government, and essentialism: -a thought that emphasizes on absolute human freedom. As core materialists the atheists believe that even the gods were made of matter in the form of atoms.
Atheism and Agnosticism have aroused intellectual debates over the existence of Yahweh in college campuses, religious discussion grounds and in electronic debate forums on the internet. During debates, the atheists has argued the lack of evidences on creations, the heavenly origin of Yahoshea Meshiyach, his immaculate conception, his miracles, his resurrection and ascension unto Yahweh's kingdom. According to them, the answers they received from scriptures, pagans and Jewish sources are weak and doesn't merit acceptance. In the absence of the belief in Yahweh means that ethnic goals will be determined by secular aims and concerns. 

Subjects like the divine disclosures (Revelations), supernatural origin of the universe, an immortal soul and its associated belief in an after life and cosmic destiny are unnecessary to Atheists. These are mysteries which cannot be defined scientifically. A soul is million times smaller than the smallest Atom, it cannot be captured by any scientific apparatus. Its operation is above the understanding of the scientists.

The modern day unbelief is conceived out of church's violent and radical approach during the middle age. Let us look into the account of Richard Ingersol about church's violence, “The Church covered the whole Europe with dungeons and robbed men of the jewels of the heart, the church went into partnership with the tyrants of the thrones and between the two vultures, -the alter and the thrones, the human hearts were devoured”. Again he said, “If all the victims of Catholic church could be gathered together, a monument higher than all the pyramids would rise, in the presence of which the eyes even of priests will be wet with tears”.

Richard Ingersol continued “thousands of volumes of books couldn't contain the crimes of the Catholic Church, they could not contain even the names of her victims with swords and fire, racks and chains, dungeons and whips she endeavour to convert the world”.

The torch of persecutions to the scientists and their discoveries caused them to reject Yahweh and all his paths (religions).

To support this point, when the British Queen Mary was burning 300 scientists whom she termed as heretics at a stake, she made the following declarations, “As the souls of heretics are hereafter to be eternally burning in hellfire, there can be nothing more proper than for me to imitate the Divine Vengeance to burning them to earth”. (Queen Mary I (Bloody Mary) Queen of England (1557 1558) The history recorded such maltreatments of scientist and spiritualists who had opposite thesis with Roman Church. Forgetting that out of the intellectual sea, there is room enough for every sail, and in the intellectual air, there is space enough for every flight. Therefore the uprising brought out the beasts in the scientist who turn their anger against Yahweh for not intervening during the days of injustices and maltreatment against them.

These evil occurences brought about significant increase on scientists professing Atheism. Presently, an estimate of the 20% of the world population profess Atheism, Agnocism, Skeptism, disbelief and irreligion. Amongst others, the leading organization of unbelief in America includes the American Atheists, the committee for the scientific study of Religion and the internet infidels.

In reality, the true belief is compatible with scientific discoveries because it recognizes all the natural or physical rule of laws. The ancient writers of the Holy Originally Scriptures disclosed some of the scientific facts that is today the basic knowledge or in tune with modern day discoveries. For instance, the original scriptures bore that the earth is round and hangs on the air. It predicted that men will fly in the air etc. These astonishing facts today are feasible in the science world.

Yahweh the grand creator of the universe is the chief of all scientists and he wants men to seek for knowledge for his day to day running of the earthily affairs. It is the same church who taught that Yahweh created man in his image and likeness but placed a tree of knowledge of good and bad in the centre of the garden of Eden, which he commanded man not to eat to avoid man possessing knowledge. Churchism is the worker of modern mythology and ignorance.

Can an image of Yahweh exist without knowledge in him? Why should Yahweh restrict man from possessing knowledge? Is knowledge bad? How can he die when he eats of the fruit of knowledge of good and bad? Can one tree produce both fruit of good and of bad at the same time? If Lucifer introduced man to the fruit of knowledge, what is his offence to man? Can man replenish the earth without knowledge? Can he name all creatures without knowledge? Can Adam recognize his wife Eve if there was no knowledge within him? The story went ahead to account that a serpent was used by Satan to deceive the Eve and man came to his full consciousness after he has eaten of the fruit of knowledge of good and bad. And that Lucifer the Satan existed at the supernatural realm rebelled against Yahweh and been casted down to earth with his hosts of rebellions angels.

By such accounts or story how can Yahweh send his enemy unto man? How can he send a devouring spirit to mankind? Is man the cause of the rift in heaven? How can man suffer daily in the hands of Satan and his hosts? If Yahweh casted down Satan to man, would he not be held responsible for man's sorrows and sufferings? If Yahweh couldn't forgive Satan, how does he demand that mortals must forgive their follow beings? Do he expect man to be more righteous than him and do even the good he couldn't do? How can Yahweh at the end divide the people unto two and one and the majority will be handed to Satan while the righteous few will be for himself? Can man share his properties with his enemy? The judgment of wise Solomon explains that the owner of the property cannot allow it to be shared while an usurper who will always opt for its division.

The parable of the lost sheep explains that a lost and found sheep made the good shepherd happy and he declared merriment for it. How can Yahweh as a good shepherd celebrate on loosing majority of his flocks? If there is the law of sow and reap, can man be thrown into hell fire again while he sows and reaps at due seasons? Can an armed robber reap the same with a gossiper?

These accounts are added folklores and myths in the Bible by the copyists and translators who through their misdeeds influenced the rise of Atheism. Because through the Bible terms, the ultimate questions of life cannot be adequately answered and that became source of doubt to the Atheists.

Others doctrines such as existence of Satan, Heaven and Hell fire, Armageddon war are all against the natural or cosmic principles which the Atheists or scientist has discovered their working terms in bits. The teaching of  a sage said, “By the side of the old forever stands youth and joy, and when an old religion dies, a new one is born, when we found that assertion is falsehood a shinning truth will take its place, we need not fear the destruction of falsehood, the more falsehood, we destroy, the more room for the truth, Astrologers gave way for Astronomy, Alchemy gave way for Chemistry, Soothsayers gave way for Priests, therefore false preachers must give way for the teachers (the real interpreters of nature) to take its place”.

Therefore neither the false promises from fake preachers nor the materialistic tenderness of the Atheists can enrich the souls of humans. Down to centuries, countless men and women have made the momentous discovery that the wealth and pleasures of the world are here only for a moment and of a passing satisfaction, a transient happiness and a fleeting contentment.

Countless men and women have reached at the end of their tethers and turn to Yahoshea Meshiyach in desperation and found life treasure in him. They have got their eyes opened and their priorities set right and their true sense of value restored by the Carpenter from Galilee. Yahoshea has the answer to each yearning need within man, so there is no need of squandering your life in pursuit of passing satisfaction, (materialism) as an atheist or agnostic.

Monday, 29 May 2017

Satan: Reality or Myth?

He who does not listen to the other angle of an event cannot make judgement aright. It is reasonable to praise Yahweh for he is good. So let all praises, honour and adorations be ascribed to Yahweh as it is written in the Holy Scriptures as thus "from the rising sun to its setting, let the name of Yahweh be praised”.
Illusion is tricky, it can pose as absolute truth, be irresistible, seem reasonable and reassuring, yet leads one unfailingly amis. While the creatures and intelligent designs are outstanding evidence of the existence of a designer who made himself known to mankind as Yahweh, the great question as raised by this article is, who is Satan or Devil?  Does it exist or is it one of mythological jamborees of religionists? Many religionists will like to conclude that a man with such question is psychologically unbalanced. They will react on the basis that it is a direct questioning with the integrity of Bible or other acclaimed Inspired Scriptures of various religious communities world over. To such people, whatever Bible says is accurate, so no need of argument. 
But there are many unclear facts that the translators or interpreters of the scriptures have not properly explained. The question is, of what use is need to praise or believe Satan’s existence? Religious leaders will always affirm that their scriptures bear witness of it. They are invariably deceived by the injunction that all scriptures are inspired. The scriptures can only be inspired when it is in tune with the original authors but should not be so when it has been wrongly translated or interpreted. 
The original authors are the prophets, anointed and ancient apostles who were under divine inspirations but the subsequent translators were men or scholars selected by the succeeding governments to translate, review or revise those scriptures. And no single book of Bible escaped, survived or passed unto this age without being touched by the translators. Like other religious groups, Christians affirm that Bible is infallible but who is to be defended, is it the integrity of Yahweh or Bible? Bible will be accurate and resourceful when it present Yahweh as loving and caring personality, but when it contradicts the character of Yahweh, it becomes unacceptable. 
We have historic records of the religious wars that ensued after the death of Yahoshea Meshiyach and his disciples between the various governments of Rome, Greek and Britain. These battles gave birth to Catholicism, Orthodoxism and Protestatism and each sect or denomination has its distinct opinion over original doctrines that were handed over to the entire humanity. These differences are responsible for varieties of conflicting doctrines amongst denominations of Christendom. Keeping their differences apart, they wholly belief the existence of Satan which form their central point of faith. 
The doctrine of devils existence  presents Yahweh to be wicked, unprotective, and unforgiving. This has aroused some right thinking men to query the scripture's authority. As French writer and commentator P. Valadier stated "it was the Christian tradition that produced Atheism as its fruit, it led to the murder of Yahweh in the consciences of men because it presented them with unbelievable accounts of Yahweh". 
In regards to Devils’ existence, Daniel Defoe in 1726 concluded that people's belief on devil was based on human construction manufactured by devil raisers and devil makers, who cheated the ignorant world with a devil of their own making. The Devil is in reality man's invention to account for his sinfulness.
A theologian, Jeffery Burton Russell dismissed the devil and the demons as superstitious relics. According to Author Don Lewis, "A, number of modern educated people who smile patronizingly at the superstitious beliefs and fear of their artless ancestors are once again becoming enthralled by the evil element in the supernatural. (Religious Superstitions Through The Ages). 
Mythological ideas of Satan with legion of demons penetrated from Babylonian mythology into Judaism and from there into the Christendom. It is plainly written in history that the Hebrews first learnt about Satan’s existence at Persia by 300 BCE as was taught by the Zoroasterian religion. The belief of  devil was incorporated into the Christian bible by modern translators who were ignorantly adopted as the ancient scribes. While it is properly accounted that Yahweh created men in his image and after his likeness, the same scripture went ahead to rubbish man as a mere robot after creation through the existence of devil’s account. 
The account of the existence of Satan dragged Yahweh’s personality and integrity to the mud because it presented to humanity the creator that is wicked and unforgiving. Let us take a little review on the account of Satan's downfall which were recorded in the book of Christian Bible as thus: "And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon fought and his angels" the book continue as thus "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world, he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him". 
Firstly according to the account, Yahweh cast down the Satan unto the earth because he rebelled or challenged him in heaven. Then the questions are, can Yahweh make enemity that he couldn't reconcile with his offenders since those ages? If Yahweh could not forgive Satan and his hosts over one sin they committed for thousand of ages ago, why did he sent his begotten son to earth to direct sons of men to forgive their enemies or offenders seventy times seven offences in a single day? So do he expect man to do what he could not do? Can Yahweh sent his enemy to man? Can a father cast his enemy to his children? Can a farmer cast a lion into his sheepfold? Does that not show wickedness and unprotectiveness? Can a man on encountering armed robbers in his inner room push the robbers into his parlour where his children occupies? 
The account went ahead that there was a tree of knowledge of good and evil which Yahweh forbid Adam and Eve from eating, then is there any tree that can bear the fruit of good and bad at the same time? If it is good tree, it will bear good fruit and if it is bad tree it will equally bear bad fruit. Then let us go into the account and see how possible or truthful it can be. 
The scriptures says "And Yahweh said unto them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air, and every living thing that moveth upon the earth".Excuse me, if Adam and Eve have no knowledge, how can they respond to challenges of the power of dominion over all things created on earth? How can they replenish them? Can a man whose knowledge is kept outside of him respond to such great responsibilities? The account went ahead to say that "and the Yahweh commanded the man saying, of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shall not eat of it, for in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shall surely die".
 Do you believe that Yahweh will give commandment to people who have no knowledge in them? And if Adam was without knowledge within him how do he recognize Eve as his bone of bones when he was conscious of himself as accounted? How can he respond to the order of Yahweh to name all created things? Or do Adam have partial knowledge before his fall because after his downfall, he recognized that he was naked which means a realization or demonstration of knowledge as written as thus. "And the eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed leave together, and made themselves aprons". The account bore that it was after the fall 'that man know that he was naked and had his eyes opened” which means that it was when he received knowledge. 
The next text that confirmed it in same account bear as thus "And Yahweh said, Behold man is become as one of us to know good and evil and now lest he put forth his hand, and have also of the tree of life and eat and live for ever" he therefore directed as thus "therefore Yahweh sent him forth from the Garden of Eden to till the ground from where he was taken". These accounts wholly point accusing hands On Yahweh, first, he doesn't want man to have knowledge and again he doesn't want man to live forever. The account that men has become one of us to know good and bad is a total submission that men originally had no knowledge of good and bad but became knowledgeable after his downfall. How can Yahweh give laws to a man that has no knowledge to keep?
As man took and eat the fruit of knowledge of good and bad, he pushed man out of Garden of Eden. How can Yahweh be against man for having knowledge?
Knowledge is golden as referenced in the same scripture as thus "So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom and apply thine heart to understanding, Yea if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding, if you seekest her as silver, and searches for her as for hid treasure". In the absence of knowledge how can man exercise authority as ruler of this earth. If apple gives knowledge, why do we sent our children to school? Why not we buy apples in quantity and give to them so that they will acquire enormous knowledge? Then is knowledge bad? Because as the account bear, Yahweh didn't allow man to have the knowledge of good and bad. If man in his original form didn't have the knowledge of good and bad, is he in the image of Yahweh? If man has no knowledge, how can he be given law of the forbidden tree because without knowledge, one cannot recognize law. That is if he has no knowledge of good and bad, how can he know that eating of the forbidden fruit is evil or bad? A man who doesn't know that he was naked could not equally know the law of forbidden fruit because in him was no knowledge. 
How can a person without knowledge recognise what is temptation and how to resist it? And how can you hold such person responsible? Then if the Serpent or the Satan introduced man to eat the forbidden fruit which made him to be knowledgeable, what evil did it do to man? Can man operate without knowledge? He who gave man knowledge should not be seen as his enemy but rather he who deprives man of knowledge. All creature have knowledge, for example, a dog in your house knows when you want to beat it and when you have to give it food. If man is the ruler of the earth, can he rule without the knowledge of good and bad? Even a newborn baby knows when to laugh or cry. Can snake or serpent talk? And is there any snake with legs and hands. 
With the story of devil, does it not mean that man's freewill has been rubbed from him? Because the devil as a person has the power to withhold the capacity of man to exercise his freewill and authority over the earth because the devil is equally addressed in the end of the first part of the same scripture as the ruler of this world. 
Believing in devil’s existence is disbelieving our free will. For Instance the book of Job upheld that Job is a man of high integrity who resisted all forms of temptations and thereby suffered terrible affliction, but the book refused to understand that all accusing fingers pointed to Yahweh for Job’s affliction. Since Job was upright, it then means that he was unjustly suffered. 
Then it further means that Yahweh through devil wrecked Job of his family and all belongings. It is true because according to the account, the Satan went to Yahweh and took permission to tempt Job. If Yahweh doesn't tempt, how can he give permission to someone or devil to tempt his faithful? 
Doesn’t such portray that Yahweh and devil at sometimes agree for the evil works the Satan is carrying out on innocent sons of men? Then if Job was upright and faithful, why did Elihu reproof him? Why did the word of Yahweh cautioned him over his misunderstandings. Do you know that the Job later confessed? If he was upright, will he confess? Does a righteous men confesses his sins? I know that confessions are for sinners who have realized themselves and have the option of confession in order to free themselves. And that was exactly what happened in the case of Job because after the confession he was restored. 
The bible teachers must know how to balance the scriptures. If they always preach that Job was righteous and was afflicted. Can a righteous man suffer? Because it is clear that afflictions or sorrows are the child products of sin. Why has the preachers refuse to teach that Job was reproofed by Elihu and lately confessed? Brother, it will not be wise for us to always close our senses when we open the bible. 
The book of Job as we are made to understand is one of the books of Moses. If the person called Job really existed, the book was talking of man's mind, when he is premature, he thinks about devils and spells. And thought that he was sinless while afflictions come from outside of him, But when self realized, he sees himself as the cause of his affliction, which led him into confession and therefore attracted restorations. 
Again if the church is certain that Devil is the problem of mankind, why has the church not come up with general prayer and confessions seeking for the reconciliation between the Creator and Satan. 
I am suggesting that to the church because I know that churches possesses powerful prayer warriors who will pray or intercede to the direct ears of Yahweh. That prayer of reconciliation will be necessary because if Yahweh and devil reconciles, and Satan being withdrawn from the earth, all problems will seize. They are expected to pray that their creator has a change of mind against Satan and his supporters.
Again I want to know why sons of men support Yahweh against the Satan in the battle. When our father and our brothers are at war, will it be justifiable for us to follow our father against our brothers? We are expected to be in position of making peace and settlement. So you see, we are not expected to merely hearing of war, then we take sides. Brother hear me well, all stories about Devil is fictions. One of the funny statements we use to hear from those caught on evil is that it is the handiwork of Satan. For instance someone is caught committing adultery. He will tell the crowd that it is the work of Satan. Then who enjoyed the essence? Is it the devil? And who will receive beating or jail if possible? Is it not the offender? Will the devil help the offender to bear the pains of the consequence? You will discover that the offender is the devil himself since he can't prove of the devil’s whereabout. 
Again how did Satan and demons survive the deluge? Satan came to men through Adam and Eve and passed to all mortals and beings in accordance with the story. Even some evil spirits married daughters of men and sired giants who went about committing crimes, but the era of Adam and his infected devils and demons ended during the Noah's flood. At that point, only Noah and his family who were righteous survived the deluge; If only holy and righteous Noah and his family survived the flood, where or through whom did Satans or demons remerged in the earth? So does it mean that Satan after deceiving mankind into destruction was left undestroyed? What was the aim of the flood? Is it not for the eradication of evil men and all evils. If you want to eradicate evil without destruction of the architect of evil, how successful will you achieve? My question is reasonable because to pursue peace is to pursue those that threaten the peace. According to the story, only mere men were destroyed leaving behind the father of all crimes. When we open the bible we should not close our sense of reasoning. 
Even on the planet earth, if offenders or army officers carryout a coup-de-tat and was uncovered, the culprits will be apprehended and destroyed leaving the vessels or low loyal officers they forced to follow them during the operation. But the flood killed the mere vessels leaving the leaders of the revolt. What a big agony and injustice.
The question continues, how did Satan and demons remerged on earth? Because Adam’s era has all gone leaving behind only holy family (Noah) on earth. Through whom again did Satan enter into the earth? Originally the stage by tempting Eve and later Adam? Which laws again were given to Noah and his family? And if there is one, who did Satan used to bring disobedience again in the era of Noah? If there is no noted persons that Satan used as a point man, it means that there is no need to talk of Satan existence from the days of Noah to date. My listener, what you term as devil is your thoughts of evil. 
Again why did the saviour unable to chain Satan and his hosts when he came to earth? What is the need of allowing him to parade around the earth with torch of afflictions to innocent sons and daughters of men? It is true because no one discovers a problem in his system without looking for means of eliminating it or is the saviour interested on the works of Satan here on earth? If Yahoshea the saviour as accounted can cast out Satan and demons, what stopped him from chaining him eternally when the Satan came to tempt him? Remember if a bad tooth is not removed, the mouth cannot stop eating with caution. Then why still allow him to exist up till now? 
If Yahoshea came to deal with Satan and destroy all his works and as he claimed that he has overcome the earth meaning Satan and his works, why did he still allow the Satan to remain active in the earth? Even at the moment, his works has increased as claimed by the church workers. A person that has been overcame or conquered, why is he still active? If Satan has been conquered and mankind is still tortured and afflicted in a higher degree means that the conquered Satan is not the cause of the problems of men. Then men should look out for his torturer elsewhere. 
Again if he was not destroyed in the first advent of the savior, how are we sure that he can be eliminated during his second advents? You are expected to see all this claims are misplaced priorities, Yahoshea Meshiyach didn’t know devil even when in spirit, neither did he encounter the devil on earth and he didn't come to destroy Satan, rather his coming was to reawaken the lost consciousness of Yahweh in sons of men. Men replaced the words of Yahweh with traditions of men, so Yahoshea came and frowned at the custodians of human made doctrines who are personified as scribes, pharasses and high priests. 
Yahoshea came to correct the false teachings on all spiritual matters. And he paid with his dear life for carrying out such risky assignment but Yahweh raised him from death. And his next coming is still aimed to reunion with us at the time we have taken the necessary corrections by becoming loyal or obedient children of Yahweh. 
There is worldwide assertion that devil is black. All other good or loyal celestial beings are all white with exception of Lucifer. 
The account bore that the Satan was the most beautiful celestial being in heaven but after his defeat in heaven, he was defaced. When he was obedient, he was white but when rebelled he became black. Many portraits are seen today where the white messenger bearing a long sharp sword while the Lucifer (black) is seen pressed down as a looser. This is a design of shame because it portrays that white man is superior and purer than the Blackman. This was born through the long campaign or propaganda against Blackman, but the bitterest of it all is that the blacks support and encourage such images by aiding to print, produce and market such design of shame 
So the frightful monster with bat’s, wings, horns, cloven foot, long tail, forked tongue and the likes represents the Blackman and his ways of life. But I am putting it to you that it is great insult on the personality of the blackmanism, and we must reject it entirely. The aim of these message is to decolonise you from Satanic belief. 
Now have you seen along with me that devil is folklore therefore none can fight what doesn't exist because it can never change issues of ones life, but the search for truth will usher in deliverance and happiness. That is why the castings and boundings of Satan by pastors and bishops has not reduced the wave of criminality. Ours is not to bind and cast demons but to teach the truths to the sons of men who after convictions, accepts Yahweh through Yahoshea and such confession ushers in healing and deliverance unto the sinner. 
If the witches and wizards do the spell of binding, and the anointed ones binds them, who is a binder and who is the saviour? He who binds a witch is a super witch. Some people are seen casting stone to the unseen Satan as a religious rite. 
Some religious doctrines believes that human body is covered by Satan and its force or influence, so the best way to punish Satan is to starve him, so that calls for the need for fastings. During fasting, the devil is starved and punished. 
Some religionists believes that when Yahweh came down to earth to create first mortals, that he was accompanied with Satan and all other messengers. After creation, Yahweh seeing that man was too good as his image and representation directed the celesial beings to worship man, but Satan and his host of rebellious fellows rejected to worship man claiming that they cannot fall down to worship man, so Yahweh in anger left the rebellious ones on earth pending the time they will worship man. So by this funny account, Yahweh abandoned man in the hand of wicked spirits who afflicts him daily. 
Upon all the efforts of pastors and bishops towards casting and bounding of Satan, the devil is still active. Does that proof that Satan is more powerful than all the powers of the prayers of the saints joined together or does it men that Satan is an illusion? Check the number of churches in our communities, what about our house fellowships and family alters, the crusades, retreats and night vigils, all are channeled against Satan the devil and his hosts, yet the evil are still on increase. Some are trained to chase Satan with stones. Some are Christian militant soldiers aimed at confronting Satan, his agents and ploys, soldiers of Christ with cross images – aimed at humiliating satan  and his agents yet the earth is helpness. 
But the general discovery about Satan's beliefs is that those devil chasers and bounders are seen rich and flamboyant in this world. Most of the marvelous castles and sikerdelic homes are owned by devil chasers. The pastors and bishops of our days are floating on great economic powers as against the simple and humble life of Yahoshea Meshiyach the saviour. People do great campaigns in order to be elected as members of church committees. Then by this calculation, how can the superstition die? While the majority of humans depend on it for their daily life. The problem of mankind is not by Satan but by believing that there is Satan. Any belief without origin is a myth. 
So our pastors and bishops will betterly learn about the spiritual and natural truths and teach such to their multitudes than to teach them on how best to give excuses or complains about Satan. Teach the people about the majesty (King) who is Yahweh but not to feed them with the rebel philosophy. Man is expected to owe allegiance to Yahweh alone who is his eternal king but not to any being who is seen as a rebel. 
Do you know that some pastors call on Satan more than they mention the name of Yahweh in the course of their preachings? I waited at a gate of a church to investigate, I found that within one hour, the pastor mention the devil on twelve occasions but mentioned Yahweh on only ten occasions. The duty of the pastors is to reawaken the consciousness of Yahweh within their believers so as to make them to be aware that they are the image or representatives of Yahweh, therefore men have no excuse to sin. They should teach men on the natural essence within men which includes love, courage, endurance, humility, forgiveness, kindness. These will be the worthy teachings in the churches and with that any amount paid to the pastors are reasonably spent. 
The devil chasers and raisers are ignorant that Yahweh is a King that runs a kingdom. Do you put in consideration that if kingdom divides among itself it will fall? Then if the kingdom of Yahweh is divided between himself and Satan, is it not a fallen kingdom? How possible do you think that a king will divide his kingdom with his enemy? If the son of Yahweh comes back as the scriptures says and divide the people into two and one side for himself and the other side which is majority to the Satan, then who wins in the battle? 
Again my brethren, men are tempted by lust of their flesh and not by Yahweh or by devil as the Bible translators added. The original inspired scripture says "Let no man when he is tempted say. I am tempted by Yahweh for Yahweh cannot be tempted by evil and he himself does not tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by the lust of his own flesh. Then when lust conceive, it give birth to sin and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.
 Then, who is the tempter of man, is it the devil or the lust of his flesh? Because it will be a contradiction for the same bible to bear that man is under Satan as a tempter and other side confirmed that man is tempted by the lust of his flesh. The word that appeared in the original scriptures is THOUGHT of good and of evil. The THOUGHT of evil is the source of man's downfall or sin because the laws separate the righteous and unrighteous. 
Do you remember the parable of the lost sheep where the owner left ninety-nine sheep to look for one and when found declared a merriment or feast over the lost and found sheep. Then how can Yahweh allow majority of his children to loose eternally from him? All these accounts were ancient mythologies or folklores, which were planted into the scriptures by the enemies of Yahweh. They are weeds planted into the farm of the owner when he was away. There is a need for you to free yourself from delusion with this message you/are hearing today, because there is no Satan or Lucifer as the translators added in the scriptures. 
Let us continue with the questions as usual, when King Solomon judged over the ownership of the baby, the woman that owns the child couldn't allow it to be cut or divided into two. Then how do you think that Yahweh the owner of the earth will boast of dividing the earthmen into two, one side for himself and the other to devil and his hosts? 
And why do men delight in speaking of Satan? If somebody's personality is aimed at destruction, if you go about raising or broadcasting his works, you are therefore praising and promoting such being. We praise goodman with good works and evil man with evil works. Yahweh created all things  and sustains all, but what has Satan given to the people of the world that will induce them to praise him for his evil works daily as acclaimed. 
Do you know that the account said that Yahweh cursed the earth and its inhabitants because the Satan has been casted into it?' How can it be possible? Why do man suffer in the hand of Satan and to suffer more in the hand of Yahweh during Hell fire? Is man the cause of devils’ down fall? 
The account said that man fall from its original state because of devil temptation, then can't man fall on himself? How do you think that devil can fall on its own while it has no material flesh? It is noted that flesh is the source of all corruptions; the spirit beings have no flesh, which can drag them into downfall. So the story of the fall of Satan is not possible. Another round of question is “Who are devil’s agents? Have there been people who propagate Satan as their master? It is the Bible and the Church workers who goes about propagating the existence and works of Satan. It rightly mean that they are the real agents of satan. A servant must project the image of his master.
Dear brother or sister in Yahweh, Satan is a myth, a mere believe which can be destroyed by unbelief because there is no vacuum in nature. Whatever you don't want its popularity; you don't go about broadcasting it. The account went ahead to stipulate that when the saviour will come back again, he will descend with a heavenly army to destroy Satan and unbelievers. The question is still there, when Yahoshea Meshiyach whom the translators changed his name to Jesus Christ came to earth through his mother Miriam at Bethlehem, did he fought the sinners? He only kept on doing good by demonstrating love which he taught to his disciples. He demonstrated forgiveness to Scribes, Pharasses and High Priest who killed him. If he demonstrated such love, how do you think that he will come down now as a devourer and destroyer? Is he to reduce in good quality or to increase? If Yahweh casted down Satan and later sent his begotten son to mankind, should that not be betterly understood that he sent us the devourer and later sent us the redeemer? It means that he is two faced and a person with questionable character. 
If Yahweh doesn't tempt but cast down someone who tempts, will he not be held responsible for all the temptations on earth? Then if he is the enemy of Satan, why is it be that anyone that is able to resist the temptation of Satan, then Yahweh accepts? Does that not mean that Satan is a worker of Yahweh who does the work of temptation for him? 
My beloved, don't be embarrassed by these questions but I want you to start reasoning from there. Can Yahweh be so wicked and destructive even more than the Satan they want us to resist? How can Yahweh give the children of Hebrew laws that they should not kill and later supported them in wars against Philistines, Amorites, Amalakites. Jebusites, Assyrians and host of them? How can Yahweh be behind the death of men and animals in Egypt? Were he not the creator of all those men? The question here is, can Yahweh do all these evil things? Can Yahweh who doesn't tempt went ahead to tempt Abraham and allowed Satan to tempt Job? 
All these accounts are the handwork of translators who planted many fictions or myths into the inspired scriptures. 
The translators were interested of their ancient father’s folklores than proclamation of Yahweh’s glad tidings. Has the translators of Bible given consideration on the character or integrity of Yahweh, they couldn't go to such deadly level. Yahweh is love, he demonstrated such by sending his only begotten son to mankind that whoever believe on him will not die but will have everlasting life. And many texts in the scriptures bear witness that Yahweh is love, kindness, merciful, long suffering, meekness, humble, obedient, enduring, forgiving, protecting and those are his characters and qualities. So such accounts that present Yahweh as a bully, destroyer or unprotecting cannot be accepted by the true worshippers of Yahweh. We cannot uphold all the accounts of the Bible simply because it is acclaimed to be inspired, but we will always through the spirit of separation, divide or part the scriptures because what matters is to worship Yahweh properly, condemning and not to defend the integrity of the bible. 
Today people are seen abusing, condeming and accusing Yahweh in their place of worship because they esteem the Bible. The question is who is more important. Yahweh or the Bible? The aim of bible is to present Yahweh’s image to mankind positively but not to present him as a wicked bully. 
Whenever men rise to hunt for devil, human persons are the casualties, for instance, during the era of witch hunt in Britain, more than 50.000 persons were burnt or destroyed. Many unsettled cases in our families, communities or nations today are caused by each side accusing their opponents for being possessed by devil and such do not give way for human settlement. 
But when the two warring sides see their problem as human made, they can thereby seek for a possible means of resolving themselves. 
Yahoshea prayed for his father to forgive his killers because they don't know what they were doing. Why didn't he say because they are under Satan the devil? Negative thought or ignorance is personified as Satan. It is a mere believe because non-has ever seen a person called Satan, therefore it will take only non-believe to dismantle the myth but not through casting and boundings as Pastors and Bishops do. 
Exposing Satan is nothing than exposing the Satan raisers and makers, the truth twisters because Satan is no body than an obstructor or suggester of evil personified. 
Then what is the true account of emergent of negativity as was recorded originally? According to the Revelation of Most Senior Prophet Yahmarahhi Ha Meshiyach (a sacred name broadcaster). Yahweh created the first mortals Adam and Eve not as a mindless robots but as an image and likeness of Yahweh himself. He planted in them the faculty of wisdom and freewill. And "Yahweh saw that everything he made was very good" because perfect is his activity. 
With freewill, man has his thoughts and actions directed by himself but not from outside him. Man makes his choice in everything. 
But the freewill cannot be without limit, as it is written in the scriptures as "be us free people, and yet holding your freedom, but not as a Wind for badness but as slaves of Yahweh”. For common good, there must be boundaries. Hence the freewill was to be regulated by the rule of law otherwise general anarchy would result. 
Yahweh gave men laws because he knows best that is required by men, so he gave men accurate commandments that will regulate men between Yahweh and his fellow mortals. The laws of Yahweh to Adam and Eve are that they should address or worship the Grand Creator by his name Yahweh, secondly that men should keep the Sabbath day holy and thirdly, man must love his fellow mortals more than he loves himself. 
This clearly points that man was not made to be independent of Yahweh. The success and happiness of man will depend on obedience to the laws of Yahweh. 
These set of laws were the major commandments that Yahweh gave men which were written in the original scriptures. Since Yahweh cannot change, what he was yesterday is what he is today and what he will continue to be forever and ever. So the account of the tree of knowledge of good and bad planted in the garden of Eden is falsehood and superstitious fictions. You may quickly conclude that the writer of these text is under devil spell, but I do hereby give you a living revelation to your life because you have suffered a lot in the hand of believing in the existence of Satan. Many of your projects are abandoned half way and your victory thwarted simple because you believe that devil has bewitched you. While such are projects you will win if ordinarily you zero your mind and keep on going because your thought or believe will rule you positively or negatively. It is either you believe that you are free or that you are under bondage of Satan. The choice is yours and the result will go according to your choice. But how do you think that Yahweh can allow such dreadful and deadful enemy to terrorize you as one of his beloved children?  
These set of laws were handed to all other prophets or anointed men of Yahweh. Whenever people forget the laws and thereby deviate to sinfulness. Yahweh will resend another ambassador to reawaken the thought  amongst humanity. 
Our original ancestors misused their freewill and thought that they could be successfully independent of Yahweh and his perfect rulership. They misused their personal freewill and stepped outside the boundaries of the laws of Yahweh. These was made know in the scripture as thus "They acted ruinously on their own part, did not remain his children and the defects was their own”. 
With the disobedience to the commandments of Yahweh, our first parents began to degenerate in body and mind. They reduced from the state of perfection into in perfection and later they died. 
So the sufferings of human from then to today is because of violation of commandments of Yahweh because whatever one sows, same shall he reap. Since wickedness of man increases daily, so are the consequences of our sins raining on us. Because where there is no law, there will be no transgression, again in the absence of transgression, no punishment. So the greatest enemy of man is his negative thought because if he thinks positive, he will abide in Yahweh and the consequence or blessings of obedience will flow on him. So Satan and demons were personality of excuse conceived by earthly men to shield away from their shortcomings. 
Therefore all the devil alarmists and exposers are under their personal delusion and they pass it into their multitudes. Some claim to have worked with devil in spirit but they are now changed men for Christ.
All those claimants are under hallucination because there is no such thing as Satan in spirit. The exposers of Devil as they claim are aimed at material endowment because I know one of such persons who wrote a book where he claimed to have worked with Satan, and he equally quoted that the book has sold up to one million copies. Tell me, a man with such sales, will he agree that there is no devil which is his trade store? There is no Satan rather what exist is thought, freewill, law and effects. 
So the casters and bounders of Satan and demons are workers of delusion. Satan is a mere belief and it takes only unbelief to conquer it, because there is no vacuum in nature. 
If works are apportioned to either Yahweh and Satan then where is the works of men. It means that men are robots. The truth is that man is the architect of his life. He arranges his life knowingly or unknowingly but he is directly responsible of any thing that comes across him whether good or bad and he will give account of it. 
The names given to Satan and his host of rebellious messengers are clear evidence that they are of human conceptions. The name Lucifer is derived from Latin word “Lucifera” which means "light bearer" while other demons are addressed in local languages like “Ogbanje”, “Mammy water”, “Bomarica”. If they are from heaven they will bear spiritual names, and the name of Yahweh should have been attached to their names. As it is a family name for all heavenly beings like Yahoshea, Michiah, Gabriah Zedekiah etc. Or were their names changed to earthly names when they revolt and thrown down to earth?
What the devil chasers, devil exposers and demolishers refused to understand is that devil is a myth and need only denouncement. If the efforts of the church since seventeen centuries ago that church was recognize as the universal faith, was geared towards denunciation of the devil to this age, the devil should have turned into one of cock and bull stories of the ancients. 
Many myths were incorporated into worship and the hypocrite workers of today hold those verses since they are self profit oriented. For example, the translators added into the scriptures that some spirit beings came down to earth and married daughters of men and conceived giants who went about committing evil before the day of Noah. How can such be truth? Has the celestial beings the sex ability? Can they conceive humans while they have no flesh or sex ability? Again the Bible gave account of Cain killing Abel his brother and running to the city of Nod. We know that a city is a territory occupied by peoples. Then if there was such city during the days of Cain and Abel, does that not mean that Adam and Eve were not the first created humans? Again the account bore that during the days of Nimrod the great grandson to Noah led all peoples by then to erect a tall house that pointed to heaven with the intension that whenever there is flood, they will climb it unto heaven? 
Were there building materials like rods that can support the building of such tall house'.' Surely the house that men of those age built cannot be up to four coaches or deckings of today. How can Yahweh corrupt their language? Presently, we have houses with hundred coaches yet without the languages of the builders corrupted to avoid reaching heaven. Today some scientists use to jet out of the planet earth into other planets and come back without their languages corrupted by Yahweh. 
My brother, languages are the handiwork of men. No human language that can last up to hundred years without going through pollution. If the great grandsons of Noah were building the Tower of Babel, then how many were they in number? because Noah had only three sons and their wives that survived the flood. If three families bears twenty children each, they will have sixty children, then if sixty children bear another twenty each they will produce at highest one thousand two hundred people. If one thousand two hundred people which was not a possible figure by that age were building the tower and their languages changed into, one thousand and two hundred, then how come about other languages we have today? 
Today we have more than five thousand confirmed languages in the whole universe. How did the remaining three thousand and eight hundred languages come to exist? Or were there another tower where more languages were changed? Archeology and Anthropology have it that men create languages and can modify them from time to time. Many ancient languages has turn into extinction while some new ones are emerged. Some international languages are borrowed languages. 
From age to age men creates languages. It will be impossible to prove that various languages to emerged from the ficticious Tower of Babel. Tower of Babel is a religious tower build by Babylon for worship where many doctrines and dogmas emerged. Do you know that many things that many great religious sects do today emerged from Babylon the Great? For example, Sunday worship, twenty fifth of twelve month (25th Dec.) Feast of Christmas, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Trinity, Cross, New Year Day of January, All Saints Day, Obelisks, towers in church buildings, etc.
But the true doctrine practiced by the chosen nation (Hebrew) were, Sabbath Day, New Year Day of Abib (April), Feast of Passover, Feast of first fruits, Feast of Reconciliation, Feast of the last ingathering, Feast of the booth and holy convocation ending the holy month of seventh month (Oct). Do you know that Yahoshea Meshiyach was not born in the month of December rather he was born in seventh month of Hebrew Calendar which falls on the October of Roman Calendar. Yahoshea Meshiyach was born on the second day of the seventh month (2nd Oct.). 
Therefore the church changed all holy things or ordinances of Yahweh with human traditions. The real followers of Yahoshea Meshiyach were called Yahosheans, but when they went to Antioch (a Greek City) the people there renamed them to Christians. It happened because Yahosheans practice the doctrine of anointment like the Christos of Greek. So people at Antioch gave them that name because they resemble the worshippers of Christos. Can the disciples of Yahoshea exist without a name right from the land of Yudea? Since they were followers of Yahoshea Meshiyach, do they need another name than that of their master Yahoshea. Even Yahoshea always addresses them as his flowers then, why should the name change into Christians of Greek? Do Hebrews and Greeks share or agree in religion or cultures? While Hebrew are chosen nation, the Greeks are pagan nation. 
So today the church brought to us the history of the Hebrews with the doctrine of Greeks and Rome. That is the hand of Esau and the voice of Yacob. 
Salvation came through the Hebrews then to the Greeks. But why should Greeks lead? 

Yahweh: The True Name

"The truth shall set us free and we will be free indeed", this is a wise scriptural statement. Again the illusions of the truth is more dangerous than the falsehood itself. 
The true name of our creator is one of the first greatest questions of life that has not been given proper attention or answer. You know that the aim of religion is to raise the consciousness of humanity towards its maker. This can be achieved through worship, praises, meditations or other forms of religious creeds, dogmas and doctrines. But we cannot boast of sound worship or adoration without first knowing the proper name of the person we worship or adore. 
The original scriptures bear accurate testimony that our creator is a person who certainly has a name. Then, the question is, why is it that the same Bible who testified that he had a name presented to mankind millions of names through various translations 
Bible from different translators presented different names in place of the only name that the original scriptures bore. While it is certain that the original test or scripture which we know were written in Hebrew Language, bore the name YAHWEH, very many other scriptures bear names like LORD, GOD, JEHOVAH, ELOH1M, ADONIAH and many other local names of various tribes and tongues. Then the great question is, are names translative? 
A name of a person represents the person and as well his identity. And the scriptures respects names as mark of identity. Take for example, the Illustrated Bible Dictionary (Volume 1, Page 572) states the following "A study of the word "NAME" in the Old Testament reveals how much it means in Hebrew, the name is no mere label, but is sufficient of the real personality of him or whom it belongs". Yes names are very important before Yahweh and he put in man the desire to identify people and things by means of names. Then would it not be inconsistent for the creator of all things to leave himself nameless? 
The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology (volume 2 page 649) says:, “one of the most fundamental and essential features of the Biblical revelation is the fact that the creator is not without a name, he has a personal name by which he can and to be invoked, for example the Bible tells us that Yahweh calls all stars by name” If you read this lecture with a broad mind set, you will agree with me that while the original writers of the holy scriptures were inspired, the translators were not inspired rather most of them were driven by their scholarly research and powers. For example, the works of four translators of four different Bibles books over the same text are various written as such-
(1) let them known that thou alone, whose name is the LORD art the most High over all the earth" (Revised Standard Version of 1952) (2) To teach them that thou O ETERNAL, thou art God Most High over all the world (A New Translation of the Bible by James Moffat of 1922) (3) "Let them know that thou alone bear the name YAHWEH Most High over the whole world (Catholic Jerusalem Bible, 1966) (4) That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH art the Most High over all the earth (Authorised of King James Version of 1611). The question is, how should one name appear  differently as LORD, ETERNAL, YAHWEH or JEHOVAH in different Bibles? While it is certain that the name rendered or made known to the Hebrews through Prophet Moses was Yahweh alone, then why and how did other ones came into existence? All other names came by means of corruption or falsification because the name is only one and it is Yahweh. 
Take another example, the name Jehovah was assembled by a man called Petros Galantanus (A French Confessionist) by sixteenth century. This name is not as ancient as the original scripturs and was not used by the ancient worshippers.  But is presently used because of its popularity. But can popular usage transform what is not real into reality? No, popularity can emerge through human efforts or propagation. Let us see what Revised Standard Version 1901 said in its preface about Yahweh and Jehovah. (Preface page five) "A major departure from the American Standard Version is the rendering of the DIVINE NAME the "Tetragramation" The American Standard Version used the term JEHOVAH, the King James Version had employed this in four places, but everywhere else, except in three cases where it was employed as part of a proper name used the English Word LORD for in certain case GOD printed in Capitals. The present revision returns to the procedure of the King James Version which followed the precedent of the Ancient Greeks or Latin translators, while it is almost if not quite certain that the name was originally pronounced "YAHWEH," this pronunciation was not indicated when the Masoretes (Hebrew Scholars) added vowel signs to the consonantal Hebrew text. 
The preface continued, For two reasons the committee has returned to the more familiar usage of the King James Version (That is omitting the name of the creator) 
(1) The word "JEHOVAH" does not accurately represent any form of the name ever used in Hebrew and (2) The use of any proper name for the one and only creator, as though there were other gods from whom he had to be distinguished, was discontinued in Judaism before the Christian Era and is entirely inappropriate for the Universal faith of the Christian Church". This calls for another question, how can the translators after knowing that omitting of Yahweh's name and its replacement with other names like Jehovah, God, Elohim, is inappropriate for the universal faith, still went ahead to omit the name? Why should the pastors and bishops queue behind the errors of the translators to deceive their followers with names that are not accurate? Mark you, the name Jehovah came out during medieval age and doesn't represent the ancient. 
Similarly in the preface of the original German Elbefelder Bibel, we read "JEHOVAH, we have retained this name of the covenant God of Israel because the reader has been accustomed to it for years". Have you seen the reason of the translators there in Eberfied Bibel, they prefer JEHOVAH because it is so popular for ages. Many translators like J. B. Rotherham agree that the name is Yahweh but they prefer the name Jehovah because of keeping in touch with the public ear. So for such translators, the need to know that divine and memorial name which appeared in Exodus 3:18 is not necessary. But the scripture made it clear that real worshippers will use the name Yahweh and as the memorial name must be known and be used by the entire human race. Many texts confirm this. For example some of the scriptures bore as follows -  O magnify Yahweh with me, you people and let us exalt his name together. "He who call upon the name Yahweh will be save". The son of Yahweh recognized the name of his father when he was here on earth. From his prayer "Our father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name”.  Again he said, "Father glory thy name" and Yahweh answered back "I have glorified it and 1 will glorify it again". Again the son of Yahweh whose original or personal name is Yahoshea Meshiyach told his father that 1 have made your name known to the men you took from the world and give to me. 
When Yahweh spoke to Prophet Moses, he made it clear that his name is Yahweh and he equally wrote it with his finger in the tablet in what is known as the Ten Commandments to Moses. Likewise the name Yahoshea Meshiyach is the original name of the saviour while the name Jesus Christ were the handwork of modern translators. While we recognize that all scriptures. are inspired, we should equally recognize that the translators were not inspired and they have their opinions. The translators to cover under that condition to change things in the scripture should not be accepted by real worshippers because our master Yahoshea Meshiyach identified the copiests and translators of his age who parade themselves in form of Pharasees, High Priests, and Scribes as agents of falsehood and deception. Therefore recognizing all accounts in the Bible to be accurate means recognizing the translators to be perfect and such consciousness will delude us. 
The names “Jehovah” and “Jesus Christ” are the handwork of the translators of the medieval age while the original and inspired names as revealed are Yahweh for the creator and Yahoshea Meschiyach for the saviour. 
The name Yahweh was revealed to Prophet Moses with its meaning rendered in Hebrew as "Yod He Waw He" which in English means "I am that I am". This name Yahweh is written along with Hebrew consonantal writing as' Y.H.W.H' which is termed as Quatragramaton although the translators called it Tetragramaton. The name Yahweh is present on the heavenly or spiritual praises known worldwide as “Halleluyah” which means “Praise Ye Yah”. 
So claims that the name- Yahweh is of Hebrew origin is a delusion but it is heavenly or spiritual name revealed to the Hebrews through prophets of Yahweh. Likewise the name of the son of Yahweh is originally known as Yahshem in spirit but when he took the earthly body, he bore the name Yahoshea Meshiyach. That name came by revelation through the inspired prophets and later to his mother Miriam and his father Yoseph. The meaning of Yahoshea is “Yahweh's salvation” or “salvation of Yaweh”. 
The saviour rightly said that "he came in his father’s name" His father’s name is shortly pronounced “Yah” while he is “Hoshea” or “Oshea” which when attached to his fathers name bears “Yahoshea”. The term “Meshiyach” is his title which means “Annointed One” in Aramaic tongue. 
Therefore the teachings of Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach testifies that the name Yahweh and Yahoshea are the only spiritually recognized names for the creator and the saviour respectively and anything outside them are falsehood. The name, Jesus Christ is driven from the Greek Zeus or lesous. While the form “Christ” is derived from “Christos” of Greeks. So the saviour or his relations didn't know him with the name Jesus Christ while he was on earth. But he is known as Yahoshea Meshiyach both by his relatives or disciples.