Saturday, 10 December 2016


YAHOSHEA: The man that Yahosheans believe as the son of Yahweh whose teachings formed the basis of Yahosheanism. (2) A Hebrew name that has its root on “Yah” and “Hoshea”. Yah is a shorter pronunciation of the name “Yahweh”. Hoshea means “salvation” in Aramaic language. (3)Meaning- Yahweh’s salvation or the salvation of Yahweh.

YAHOSHEAN: A covert to the teachings and practices of the religious system of Yahoshea. (2) A believer of Yahoshea (3) A follower of Yahoshea.

YAHOSHEANISE:To give a Yahoshean approved name to a new born baby or a new convert; to welcome him into the fold of Yahosheanism. (2) To give a Yahoshean related name to a newly baptised member of the religious system.

YAHOSHEANISM:A practical system of faith that is based on the teachings of Yahoshea Meshiyach. (2) All related doctrines, dogmas and creeds that are practicable by the assembly or followers of Yahoshea Meshiyach.

YAHOSHEANITY: All religious practices that hold to the belief that Yahoshea Meshiyach is the only name of the son of Yahweh, the saviour and redeemer of mankind. Some of the belief are – that Yahoshea had no blood while on earth, (2) He was spirit; for spirit do not bleed of blood. Yahoshea was not crucified on a cross but was hanged on a straight pole. (3) Yahoshea kept all divine laws that include Sabbath rest on 7th day of the week.

YAHOSHEAN COMMUNITY: A group of people or community that is made up of Yahosheans.

YAHOSHEAN ASSEMBLY:An assembly that hold to the belief of Yahosheanism.-Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach. (2) a center or building where Yahosheans go to worship and services to Yahweh.

YAHOSHEALOGY: Order of Yahoshean approved way of life.

YAHOSHEANIC: Standard form of belief enumerated by Yahoshea.

YAHOSHEANICAL: Accepted traditional belief of Yahosheanism.

YAHCITY: A city for the people or followers of Yahoshea. (2) Founded by Prophet Yahmarabhi and located at the Buguma city of Asari Toru Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria for the residual and religious activities of Yahosheans.

YAH: Short form of the pronunciation of Yahweh. (Abbreviation of the name Yahweh).

YAHWEH: The being or spirit that is worshipped and believed to have created all things (seen and unseen). (2) Personal name of the Grand Creator of all things. (3) Divine name that endureth forever. (4) Name of the creator of all things and been worshipped ignorantly in various names of gods of nations. (5) The revealed name of the Grand creator that the Judaism, Christians and Muslims wrongly identify variously as Elohim, God, Allah etc.

YAHLY: Character or behaviour that is in line with the direction of Yahweh. (2) Moral life based on Yahweh’s approved religious principles-Yahliness (noun).

YAHLIKE: Character essence or object that appear divinely for instance-Yahlike beauty or love.

YAH-SEND: Unexpected good occurrence or manifestation at the instance of strong need or desire. For instance, Yahsent Prophets,Yahsent Meshiyach etc.

YAHLESS: Not believing or respecting of Yahweh. For instance, Yahless man (wicked person), Yahless generation (wicked generation).

YAH-FEARING: Lifestyle or a true believer of Yahweh.

YAH-PRESENCE: An environment or situation in which one realises the divine presence.

YAH-GLORY: Praise, honour and fame given to Yahweh.

YAH-GIVEN: Talent or gifts given to person(s) by Yahweh.

MESHIYACH: (Aramaic): Force of good and light, anointing force upon a follower or believer of Yahweh. For instance Yahoshea Meshiyach, Yahmarabhi Meshiyach.

MESHIYANIC: Taken as Messianic by Messianic Judaism and Christians- Spiritual or political leader who is to save people from tough situation. (2) A spiritual force upon a believer that gives him/her ability to defeat negative thoughts.

YAHOOD: State or quality of moral behaviour as required by Yahweh.

HOLY ASSEMBLIES OF YAHOSHEA MESHIYACH: An assemblage or gathering of the followers of Yahoshea Meshiyach that are been led by Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach who the followers hold as the Yahweh-sent Comforter.

YAHMARABHI: Name of the founder of Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach, a Nigerian author of Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures (the holy reverend book of Yahosheanism), the person adopted as the Yahweh-sent Comforter to humanity by the Yahoshean religious community. Meaning: Yahweh’s begotten.

YAHMARABHISM: Concept of Yahweh’s consciousness that was taught by Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach.

YAHMARABHICAL: The teaching that appear in the condition of traditional concept of Yahmarabhi.

YAHMARABHILOGY: The approved order of doctrines and worship as taught by Prophet Yahmarabhi. For example, Yahoshea has no blood, he is a spirit, Yahoshea was impaled on a pole timber, non-Trinitarian, belief of Yahweh and Yahoshea’s names alone, no acceptance of the names as Jehovah, God, Elohim, Jesus, Christ, Holy Ghost and others in all languages, non-belief of the existence of Satan, non-veneration of idols (images) strong belief on Sabbath day rest, love of other mortals more than oneself etc.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Yerusalem (Jerusalem)

Yerusalem means city of peace but has known more war, more bloodshed, more tears, and more terror than any other city on earth. It has been conquered Thirty-Eight times by its opposing nations, yet stands out as a proof of Yahweh’s faithfulness and latent to his chosen people.
The faithfulness of Yahweh stood firm while men’s disobedience towards the laws of Yahweh cause the panic that is often noticed in that city.
Disobedience to Yahweh made Yahoshea to pronounce the downfall of the city as well as the ruining of its magnificent Temple. The same Yahoshea pronounced that a New Yerusalem will be established at a far land for those that will obey the way of Yahweh. Yerusalem was first settled by Canaanites. Though, it was a little larger than twelve acres in size but naturally endowed with most of the abundant springs in the area.
In 1000 BC, the territory was inhabited by the Jebusites who were related to the Hittites. The entire area indentified as the temple site of Yerusalem had an ancient holy mark stacked to it. Ancient superstition hold that it was the particular spot that Yahweh created the first humans.
Based on this superstition, the area is the supposed spot of the accounted Garden of Eden.
The temple site that was earlier known as the Mount Moriah was held as the particular spot that Abraham set an alter of sacrifice of Isaac which was replaced with a mystery ram that Yahweh gave him in replacement of his son (Isaac).
Since many religious traditions as Judaism, Christianity and Islamism hold to the patriarch of Abraham, all of them have claim of inheritance to that arena.
Again, the scriptures accounted that king David bought a threshing floor on Mount Moriah from the Jebusites and built alter on the site. When David became king of the entire Hebrew nation, he conquered the Jebusites and made the area as part of his kingdom. He developed Yerusalem as the national centre for administration, judicial and religious systems.
When King Solomon succeeded King David, he chose Mount Moriah as the temple site. He built magnificence and ornate temple on top of Mount Moriah. The temple attracted people to the arena and as well aroused deep hatred in the minds of enemies of the Hebrew nation. The city that hosted the temple is called Yerusalem, the Palestinians call it al-Quds and the people of Israiah call it “Yerushalayim” meaning “The City of Peace”
The first temple was destroyed in 587BC during the Babylonian captivity of the people of Hebrews. After the return of the Hebrews from Babylonian exile, a far less ornate than Solomon’s temple was rebuild and was known as the Zerubbabel’s temple beginning “the Second Temple Era” that ended in 70AD.
In 70AD, Titus of Rome sent his troops into Yerusalem and slaughtered the people of Hebrew until their blood literally streamed down the streets. The Romans completely sacked the city and destroyed the second temple.
In 132AD Hadrian a Roman Emperor invaded the city of Yerusalem and slaughtered many Hebrews and expelled the survivors across the Roman Empire.
In 313AD, Christianity was legalized as religious tradition of Roman Empire. Based on this development, Christian churches were developed in Yerusalem. The churches were located at the areas relating to nativity of Yahoshea
In 638AD, the Muslim forces of Omar captured Yerusalem from the Roman Empire and made the city a sanctuary for Muslims. On entrance to the city, Omar ordered the Mount of Moriah (Temple site) to be cleared. He built a wooden mosque at the southern end of the mount. The Muslim occupation continued in the area. Between 685 and 691AD, Caliph Abdal –Malik Ibn Marwan built the Dome of the Rock at the temple mount.
In 1099AD, The Christian militant group- the Crusaders marching under the sign of the cross stormed into Yerusalem to claim the city. The streets of the city ran will blood of more than forty thousand people. Mosques and synagogues were set free by the Crusaders.
With available records, 969 men, women and children of Hebrew descent were herded into a synagogue and set ablaze by the Crusaders. As the people were screaming in the inferno, the Crusaders were shouting “Christ, we adore thee”
From the ancient time till moment, the city is engulfed with strife, violence and war.
In modern times, the United Nations voted for the separation of the Palestinian area into two states. The states are Israel and Palestine. The populations of the Israel’s were lesser than that of the Palestinians, The Israelis were accorded a less fertile area that were swaths of barren desert as a land reserve for the collection of numerous Jewish refuges that scattered  all over the area.
The land space may be of equal division between the Israeli and Palestinian states but the 70% percent of the fertile land was accorded to the Palestinians.
This marked the reconstitution of the Hebrew Nation as its citizens were in Diaspora since 2nd century AD.
As the British forces withdrew from the territory in 1948, five Arab nations jointly invaded the Israeli nation in order to destroy the new state in its infancy. Miraculously, the Israeli nation came out victorious in the war leaving behind a large chunk of refugees or displaced persons on both the Israeli and Palestinian areas.
The battle for Yerusalem has been continuous between the Jews, Arabs and Romans to this moment. Since 1948, five brutal wars have been fought in Israel. Several negotiations have been instituted from international communities to resolve the Palestinians conflicts with no tangible results.
The centre of the conflict is the Temple Mount in Yerusalem. The question of who owns or controls the temple site had been a turbulent issue.
The Jews occupy some part of the ruined temple as their walling wall, the Arabs occupy the temple mount and none was ready to negotiate with its position.
It took Israelis victory over 1967 war for its soldiers to break through the Jordanian front and prayed together at the Western Wall after about close to two thousand years.
One of the remote reasons for the battle for Yerusalem is because of the eschatological provisions of Judaism, Christianity and Islamism over the temple mount. The Jews believe that when the Meshiyach manifest, he will rebuild the third temple and reside there to rule over the entire humanity.
The Christians hold that the second coming of Christ will be effected at the temple mount. Also, the Muslims hold the temple mount as the Al-Haram Al-Sharif or the noble sanctuary. The Muslim tradition holds that the temple mount is the arena where Mohammed arrived on a winged horse before ascending to Heaven. Also, the tradition holds the temple mount as the site of the world’s second mosque built by Adam after he built the mosque in Mecca.
As provided in the Islamic eschatology, wars and immortality will increase in the last days. False Meshiyach known as the Al-Mesih Al-Dajjal will manifest as a Jew, leading an army of the Jews from the east. The tradition holds that at this point, Yahoshea will return to defeat the anti or false Meshiyach in a battle near Yerusalem. He will kill all pigs, break all crosses and adopt Islam as the true faith.
These beliefs of both religious traditions have been tied to the temple mount is responsible for various hostilities that have endangered human lifes and properties in the territory.
Temple mount is seriously the awaited arena for the contests for supremacy of these influential religious sects. That is their target and hope, and each holding to the conviction that loosing of the mount means loose of total value.
For this reason, Gershom Gorenburg, a Jew living in Israel made a following note: “The dispute over who owns the mount is one of the most intractable issues of real-world Middle Eastern politics. The conflict is intense because of the mount’s place in history-but even more because of its place in the future. For a small and growing group of Jews on the Israeli religious right, every day since 1967 has been a missed opportunity to begin building the third temple. For a larger number of conservative Christians elsewhere in the world and particularly in the United States, building that temple is an essential condition for the second coming. And to many Muslims any attempt to destroy the shrines of al-Aqsa is a sign that the hour is at hand. The Temple Mount is potentially a detonator of full scale war, and a few people trying to rush to the end could set it off”.
With these available facts, will the third temple be built at the ancient temple mount? If it must be certainly built, will it be by force or by negotiation? Who will be ready to release its position to the other? If to be built with war, will such house be holy as to attract Yahweh’s presence? Who is to lead the building project? Will it be done by politicians or religious leaders? Will there be a prophet who will direct of the building?. These questions are necessary and may be some of the needs that prompted Yahoshea Meshiyach to promise of the comforter as well as the transfer of the holy city.

With the present situation, anyone that tends to rebuild the temple at the spot will be ready for full blown war that will affect the entire globe.

Monday, 11 July 2016

Those Who Claim To Be Meshiyachs/Comforters

1.            Simon of Peraea – A slave of Herod the Great who rebelled around 4BCE and killed by Roman soldiers.
2.            Yahoshea Meshiyach – The founder of Yahosheanism whom the Christians named Jesus Christ in their theology.
3.            Simon Magnus – He was the founder of Simonianism, a Samaritan that claimed that he was the manifestation of divinity. He lived in 1st century Ad.
4.            Dostheos the Samaritan – He taught the Samaritans that he was the true Meshiyach after the death of Yahoshea Meshiyach. He lived in the 1st century Ad.
5.            Menahem Ben Judah – Son of Judas of Galilee who supported rebellion against Agrippa II and was killed by a zealot leader.
6.            Simon Bar Kokhba – He declared himself the true Meshiyach of the Yahudean people and sought for independence of the Yahuda from Rome in about 135 Ad.  The rebellion led to Roman/Yahudean war in which Rome easily over powered his forces, sacked the Yahudeans from Yerusalem and he was killed in the revolt.
7.            Moses of Crete – He led the Hebrews at Crete to walk into the sea as accounted to return to the land of Israiyah as done by Prophet Moses. The people perished in the sea and his where about after the incident was unknown. He performed his religious activities from around 440 – 470 Ad.
8.            Ishak Ben Ya'kub Obadiah Abu al-Isfahani – He rebelled against Umayyad Caliph Abdal-Malik Ibu Marwan in Persia in around 684-705 Ad.
9.            Serene – He claimed to be Meshiyach in 720 Ad and called for expulsion of Muslims in Yerusalem as well as relaxing of some Ribbinical laws. He was arrested and he recanted his religious convinction.
10.          Asher Lammlein – He was a German who claimed that he was the forerunner to the Hebrew Meshiyach in 1502.
11.          Zabbatai Zevi – He was an Ottoman Jew. He claimed to be a Meshiyach but later abandoned his sect and been converted to Muslim.  He existed around 1626 – 1676. He was succeeded by Barukhia Russo and the sect exists till date in Donmeh.
12.          Jacob Joseph Frank – He claimed that he was a reincarnation of King David. He mixed the traditions of Christianity and Yudaism in his religious tradition. He existed around 1726-1791.
13.          Ann Lee – She was a member of Quakerism and claimed that she was a composition of the perfection of God in female nature. She took herself as the Yahoshea's female counterpart in 1770s.
14.          Benhard Muller – He claimed to be a Prophet that holds to the philosopher's stone and that he was the Lion of Judah.  He lived from 1799-1834.
15.          Arnold Potter – He was a sectional Leader of Later Day Saints and claimed to be the “Potter Christ”. He lived in 1804-1872.
16.          Hong Xiuquan – He lived from 1814 -1864 and a Hakka Chinese. He took himself as the Younger brother to Yahoshea, founded the Heavenly kingdom of Great Peace, sparked Talping Revolt and committed suicide before the fall of Tianjing.
17.          Mirza Hazayn “Ali Nuri” (Baha “u” Ilah – He was a Shiite from birth, converted to Babism and claimed to be the promised One of all religions. He founded the Baha “I” Faith. He lived rom 1817-1864.
18.          Jacobina Mentz Maurer – A German-Brazilian woman who claim to be a messianic prophetess. She was held as the re-incarnation of Yahoshea Meshiyach by her community. She was killed along with many of her followers on confrontations with the Brazilian Imperial Army. She lived around 1841-1874.
19.          Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, India – He claimed of both being the Muslim awaited Mahdi and Christians awaited Messiah.  He founded the Ahmadiyya Movement in 1889. He claimed that he was commissioned by Yahweh to reform all religions.
20.          Cyrus Reed Teed – He was a U.S.A. citizen who combined the knowledge of electrical physician and alchemist to formulate his religious convinction that he termed as the Koreshanity. He claimed to be a messiah and of divine inspiration. He lived in 1839-1909.
21.          George Baker – He was an African American spiritual leader who claimed to be God and was identified as “Father Divine”. He lived from 1880 – 1965.
22.          Andre Matsoua – He was a Congolese that founded the Amicale of which some of its faithful adopted him as the Meshiyach.  He existed on 1899-1942.
23.          Ahn Sahng-hong – He founded the World Mission Society Church of God and adopted by members as the messiah, live in 1918 – 1985.
24.          Haile Selassie of Ethiopia – He was a political leader in Ethiopia and his lifestyle inspired his admirers in Jamaica to establish the Rastafari Movement in which its faithfuls declear him as a messiah. He lived from 1892 – 1975.
25.          Samuel Ann Woer – He was a Colombian/Mexican citizen and founder of the Universal Christian Gnostic Movement. He claimed that he will die and resurrect before 1978.  He lived from 1917 – 1977.
26.          Sun Myung Moon – He was a South Korean religious leader that founded the Unification Church and hold himself as the Second Coming of the Meshiyach but not Yahoshea himself. His followers are known as the “Moonies” and they claimed that their founder is a Messiah and ordained to complete the unfinished mission of Yahoshea. He lived from 1920 – 2012.
27.          Nirmala Srivastava – She claimed that she was a guru, goddess of Sahaja Yoga and comforter proposed by Yahoshea Meshiyach. She lived 1923-2011.
28.          Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach – He is a Nigerian born religious scientist who founded All Saints Revival Church in 1960 and renamed the group as Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach in 1980. The headquarter of the movement as at “Yahcity” in Rivers State. He claimed to be the manifested comforter of mankind as previously foretold by the Hebrew Messiah. He named his group as “Yahosheans” and referred his tradition as “Yahosheanism”. He was born in 1930 in Oloibiri Ogbia in Bayelsa State. He had disciples that included Chosen Meshiyach Yahkoro Yah and Meshiyach Yahzitere.
29.          Hullon Mitchel Jr. – He identified himself as Yahweh ben Yahweh, a black nationalist and separatist. He founded a community he termed as the Nation of Yahweh. He was accused of killing some dosens of persons. He lived from 1935-2007.
30.          Wayne Bent – He was known as the Michael Travesser of the Lord Our Righteousness Church. The sect was also identified as the “strong city cult”. He was convicted in 2008 for sexual contact of a minor.  He was born in 1941.
31.          Iesu Matayoshi – He claimed that he is God and Christ and established the World Economic Community party based on his conviction. He was born in 1944.
32.          Jung Myung Seok – He was a member of the Unification Church before dissenting to form his group called the Providence Church. He equally claimed to be the Second Coming of the Messiah who has come to fulfill the last mission of Messianism. He claimed that salvation of souls depend on belief and trust on him. He was born 1945.
33.          Vorilhon Claude – He was a French professional test driver and automobile journalist that found the UFO religion that is equally identified as the Rael Movement in 1972. He taught that life on earth was created by a species of extra terrestrials which he named “Elohim”. He claimed that he met an extraterrestrial humid that made him a messiah which stimulate him to carry out the assignment bestowed upon him by his biological extraterrestrial he named as “Yahweh”. He was born in 1946.
34.          Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda – He was the founder of Growing in Grace International Ministry Inc in Miami, Florida. He referred himself as Jesus Christ made man as he claimed to be the incarnated Christ and the anti-Christ at same time. He designed a “666” taboo on his forehead and such is copied by some of his followers. He lived from 1946-2013.
35.          Apollo Quiboloy – He was the founder of the kingdom of Jesus Christ movement. He claimed that Jesus Christ is the heavenly father while he was “his appointed son” and that his coming heralds the completeness of salvation to humanity. He was born in 1950.
36.          Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi – He was the founder of the Messiah Foundation International (MFI) and Anjuman Serfaroshan-e-Islam – He declared that he was the Messiah, Mahdi and Kalki Avater. He was born in 1946.
37.          Ryuho Okawa – He was the founder of Happy Science in Japan and claims to direct the spirits of Muhammad, Christ, Buddha and Confucius. He also claimed to be the incarnate of the supreme spiritual being he identified as El Cantare. He was born on 1956.
38.          Sergei Torop – He was the founder of Church of the last Testament and the religious director of Ecopolis Tiberkul in Siberia. He called himself the “Vissarion”. He was born in 1961.
39.          Olumba Olumba Obu – He is a Nigerian born claimant of divinity and the founder of the Brotherhood of Cross and Star. He claimed that he is the manifested comforter, his son being the king of kings and his wife being the Queen mother. He was born in Biakpan in Cross Rivers State.
40.          Alan John Miller – He founded a religious community referred as the Divine Truth in Australia. He was a former elder in the Jehovah's Witness Movement and later claimed to be the re-incarnated Jesus Christ. He was born in 1962.
41.          Guru Mahara-ji – He is a Nigerian born religious leader and founder of the Divine Love Family. The headquarter of his ministry is called the “Satguru Maharaji village” on the Ibadan – Lagos expressway.  He claimed that he is the “perfect living matter” and “Black Jesus”.
42.          Oscar Ramero Ortega Hernandex – He proclaimed himself as Jesus Christ sent to kill U.S. President Barack Obama who he referred as the Anti-Christ. In 2011, he fired nine shots with his gun at the White House in Washington DC. He was born in 1990.
43.          Jesu Oyingbo – He was a Nigerian born religious leader traditionally born as Immanuel Olufunmulayo Odumosu. He founded the Universal College of Regeneration (UCR) which was also referred as the Jesu Oyingbo Church. He lived from 1915-1988.
44.          Garrick Sokari Braid was an acclaimed Prophet-healer. Born in Bakana in present day Rivers State of Nigeria in 1880. He started his healing gift from Niger Delta Pastorate Church - a semi independent all African section of the Anglican Communion.
                He founded the Braid movement and held as the founder of Christ Army Churches by his followers. He was equally held as a supernatural human by his followers based on his healing powers. Some of his followers were Priest Dee Okeke Lolo of Akwuete who is held as the founder of Indigenous Sabbatarian movement in Nigeria.

                There were many thousands of religious and spiritual leaders that claim to be the reincarnated Yahoshea Meshiyach or the manifested comforter that he promised to humanity and millions of peoples of various nations accepted their claims and followed them variously.

The simple judgment is that non of these claimants restored the true religious value and principles laid down by Yahoshea Meshiyach as done by Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach.

The movement of Yahoshea laid emphasis on the divine name Yahweh and Yahoshea Meshiyach as the true name of the saviour. It focused on Sabbath rest as well as divinely approved doctrines and traditions of the Hebrew nation. These were strictly copied and followed by Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach in his version of Yahosheanism.

1.       Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach1993, “Holy Original Inspired Scriptures (HOIS)”
2.       Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach 1991, “Excuse me”, Vols. 1-4
3.       Yahzitere Yahmarabhi 2009, “Hard Truth”, Vols. 1 &2  
4.       Yahzitere Yahmarabh  2012, “Works of Disciples of Prophet Yahmarabhi”
5.       Yahzitere Yahmarabhi 2014, “Mankind’s search for Yahosheanism”
6.       Pope St Julius 1 Catholic Encyclopedia

Yahosheanism of Comforter’s Era

Yahosheanism is taken from the name “Yahoshea” termed by the religious tradition as the name of the Hebrew Messiah or saviour.
In the concept of the movement Yahoshea, is a combination of two words as “Yah” which is short-form of the name “Yahweh” and “Hoshea” which means “Saviour” in Hebrew language.
The combination gave rise to “Yahoshea” and “Yahosheanism” meaning “the way of Yahoshea”. Adherents of the religious tradition are identified as “Yahosheans”. They are equally known as “Yahmarabhilites” or “Meshiyachs” which means “Anointed ones” in Aramaic tongue.
Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach
Born 28 October 1930
Founder: Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach
History: Yahosheanism is a religious tradition that was established in South East geopolitical zone of Nigeria in 1960. The founder of the tradition was Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach whose teachings centered on Hebrew Messianic customs and traditions.
Yahosheanism holds that the true name of the creator is Yahweh and the true name of the saviour is Yahoshea Meshiyach while the truly manifested comforter is prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach who is as well the founder of the religious tradition.
The tradition holds itself as a separate establishment outside Judaism and Christianity – thereby describing itself as operating in the middle way between both religious traditions. The concept is explained through observation of majority of religious practices related to Judaism and equally believing in the manifestation of the saviour (the Hebrew messiah) whom the movement identify as Yahoshea Meshiyach.
By this nature of operation, observers place the group under the sects that profess messianic Judaism though the sect has always pronounced that it is never a Judaist member.
Yahosheanism is one of the modern bodies that claim to the apostolic succession as it hold that the Yahoshea Meshiyach's promise of sending comforter who will continue from where he stopped and to lead his disciples in his approved way is the foundation of the tradition.
The tradition holds that at the due moment, Yahoshea Meshiyach (Hebrew Messiah) sent Prophet Yahmarabhi whom he positioned as the promised comforter and through him, the modern Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach was found and all sacred tradition of the saviour been revealed and re-established for mortals to follow.

Origin And Spread
Yahosheanism was established in Nigeria in 1960 by Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach. The origin of the religious tradition started by the revelation, birth of the founder and his latter transference from his biological community in Ogbia ethnic nationality in present day Bayelsa state to Kalabari land in Rivers State of same Nigeria.
As he came to Abonnema in Kalabari land, he began to teach and practice the traditions of Sabbath observers in Christianity. This character changed in 1980 when he introduced the sacred names of Yahweh for the creator and Yahoshea Meshiyach for the saviour of mankind to his disciples whom he named Yahosheans.
Through his efforts, a revelationary book was written for the sect with the name – Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures (HOIS) which is the sole scriptural authority of the body although with partial reference to some portions of Bible that suit the characteristics and practices of the movement.
The Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures made provision for the articles or epistles of the disciples under the heading as – “The Works of Disciples of Prophet Yahmarabhi” to be part of the work.
The holy book had nine great chapters that are grouped as, the Revelations of Prophet Yahmarabhi (ROPY), the Songs of Prophet Yahmarabhi (SOPY), Epistles of Prophet Yahmarabhi, The Parables of Prophet Yahmarabhi. The Proverb of Prophet Yahmarabhi, upgraded Words of Wisdom, Litanies of Yahweh, the Works of Disciples of Prophet Yahmarabhi.
By the authority of the scriptures invested upon disciples to develop articles in support of the master Yahmarabhi, many Epistles and lectures of disciples came into existence.
Yahosheanism spread easily in eastern block of Nigeria because of some reasons. First was based on the spiritual strength of prophet Yahmarabhi that produced numerous miracles and wonders in his missionary life. Miracles attracted many disciples to the sect. Next was a favourable ground that was made possible by the new spirit of messianic consciousness in the eastern Nigerian territory.
In 1970s, many converts left Christianity to embrace the newly emerging messianic Judaism and its related movements. Missionaries of Assembles of Yahweh from United States of America came to instill the consciousness of Messianics in the territory and as prophet Yahmarabhi began to teach distinctive doctrines from the other messiance bodies, he made more converts because of the power of miracle in his sect.
By this development, the Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach established many stations outside Abonnema town as it started its operations in a short period of time. Other stations includes Buguma, Omoku, Yenagua, Ogoni, Andoni, Ogbia, Nembe, Degema, Ifoko, Ido, Samaa, Sangama, Port Harcourt, Epogiriya in Ogoja province, Ibele in Igboland, Makurdi in Benue state and Lagos.
The religious tradition was introduced to United States of America by Chosen Alleluyah Wine while some converts live in some other parts of Europe.

Persecution And Stability
Yahosheans were seriously persecuted during the Nigerian civil war by Biafran soldiers in 1967 to 1970. Some of the reasons of the hatred and persecution were due to the sect's stand on anti-military service of its members. Biafran soldiers that occupied all riverine territories during the early days of the civil war saw the position of Yahosheans as a threat to their struggle for national independence hence took the members as enemies.
Many Yahosheans were arrested, maltreated and humiliated with inclusion of prophet Yahmarabhi whom they forced to prophesy of their victory. As the religious leader refused prophesying for the victory of Biafra, his sect was seen as enemy of the Biafran nation.
As the war ended in 1970, Yahosheanism faced the threat of Christianity in the area of viewing the members with suspicions and as people that are teaching heresies and schisms.
Some Christians under the influence of government power and offices tried to frustrate the movement with confiscations of personal properties of the founder of the movement that he willed to the sect.

Establishment And Structures
Yahosheanism is structured in the manner of early apostolic assembly that was founded by the saviour of mankind.
Members are identified by the name “Yahosheans” and all are grouped to various grades. Members are equally addressed as disciples of prophet Yahmarabhi or Yahmarabhilites.
The tradition holds that its member must observe the emersion baptism as believers the sect has no recognition to infant baptism. Un-baptized infants are grouped from children of the age of their birth to twelve years of age. These categories of members are identified as un-baptized students.
The baptized members are grouped under the first grade called the Students, other grades are – Disciples, Assistant Meshiyach, Meshiyach (anointed), Yahmarabhi Inner Circle (YIC), Chosen Ones and this form the order of seniority of members.
There are offices of prophetic class which include – most senior prophet, senor prophets and prophets. There are priestly class that are made of Most Senior Priest, Deputy Most Senior Priest, Senior Priests, Priests and Levites (Yahmarabhilites) and these are the order of seniority.
There are offices of Fathers and Mothers of the movement. There are equally administrative offices that include Leader General, Secretary General, Teacher General, Song Director, National Chairmen, State Chairmen, Council Chairmen and Station Leaders and such form their order of seniority.
Duties of all grades of members as well as those of spiritual and administrative officers are spelt out in the Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures (HOIS) and the constitution of the movement.

Doctrines And Practices
Yashosheanism observe majority of Hebrew traditional practices and rites that are based on the pattern put forth by Yahmarabhi ha Meshiyach.
The foremost doctrines of the movement is enshrined in the Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures. The movement  believes strictly on three major laws that hold as follows – firstly, that each convert must believe, reverence and address the creator in his holy name – Yahweh through his begotten son – Yahoshea Meshiyach and affirm that prophet Yahmarabhi is the comforter of mankind.
Secondly, each convert must keep the Sabbath day rest as a certain religious rite. Sabbath day fall within the sunset of Friday to sunset of Saturday of every week. The weekly Sabbath is collaborated by hourly worship or fellowship in all congregational stations. The hourly fellowships are observed on 3.00am, 12.00am and 5.00pm daily.
Thirdly, the law of love of other mortals more than oneself is a certain religious rite.
By the prescriptions of Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures, Yahosheanism practices doctrines of feast observation. Such festivals include – feast of new year that falls on 31st day of march which the movement identify as the first day of Abib. Abib is the Hebrew month equivalent to April of Christian calendar.
Other festivals includes the Feast of Atonement on 10th Abib (April), Feast of First Fruit in 5th day of 3rd month (June), Feast of Reconciliation on 13th day of 4th month (July), the Feast of Yahoshea's Birthday on 2nd day of 7th month (October), the Feast of Last- In – Gathering on 13th day of 7th month (October), the Feast of the Tabernacle on 14th – 20th day of 7th month (October), Feast of Comforter's Birthday on 28th day of the 7th month (October) and the Holy Convocation on 30th day of the seventh month (October).
All the festivals and their meanings are enumerated in the Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures (HOIS).
The Yahosheanism is a monotheist movement and belief in unity of the creator Yahweh. It does not belief in trinity. It does not belief the doctrine of dual forces that exist in the believe of existence of satan. To Yahosheanism, Satan or devil do not exist. So, all scriptures or articles that post that Satan exists is unacceptable to converts. Yahosheans believe that Satan and all stories of its existence are acts of mythologies and heresies.
Yahosheanism tradition believe the doctrine of Karma and re-incarnation. It does not recognize the thoughts that hold of the existence of hell-fire, judgment day, rapture, Armageddon war and the final destruction of Satan. Yahosheans count these doctrines as products of mythologies of the ancient pagans.
The movement do not belief on cross as object of torture to Yahoshea Meshiyach. It does not believe that Yahoshea shed his blood at Calvary because it holds that Yahoshea was a full spirit but in a human nature, therefore, he possessed no blood.
The movement do not believe that any soul will be lost or thrown to hell fire.Rather, it holds that from Yahweh all things come and to Yahweh all things will return meaning that there will be no loss in spirit.
The movement has its own method of  Yahoshean prayer and creed that is recited after each prayer.
                                                                   The movement does not believe in weekly Eucharist rather it holds the doctrine of observation of annual Passover feast on evening of 13th Abib to 20th day of Abib (April) in which consecrated unleavened bread and unity cup is served to the members by the most senior priest.
The sect observes seven year shaving of members. This rite is proceeded by a month fasting period. The movement equally engages in one month fasting period on their 7th month (October) as they claim that all major prophets of Yahweh were born on the 7th month of the year. All days or dates that festivals are observed are non-fast observing days and all days or dates of the feasts falling on weekly Sabbath days becomes high Sabbath days.
Yahosheanism is focused mostly on broadcasting or practices of scriptural ordinances and status. The movement holds those sacred observations as prior undertaking. Such observation are based on proclamation and broadcasting of holy names of the divine personages, observation of Sabbath rest and love of other mortals more than oneself.

Proclamation Of Sacred Names
(i) Yahweh: Yahosheanism holds that the name of the creator is Yahweh and they address him by that name alone. Yahweh is a covenanted name of the creator to the Hebrew nation. The daily usage of that name later was discontinued due to the superstition that the name is too holy to be mentioned or as for daily usage. This tradition is presently held by Judaism but Yahosheanism hold that though it acknowledged the sacredness of the name but that did not call for its dis-usage.
Yahosheanism hold that though Yahweh commanded in the Holy Scriptures that his name should not be called or mentioned in vain but that does not mean abstinence from its usage. The name Yahweh is holy and meant to be used in daily human affairs but must not be used in vain as required by the law.
The tradition holds that abstinence to usage of the name calls for replacement which is forbidden by the first law that expressly mentioned the name as the only approved name and with the warning that none is allowed to worship in other names as provided by other nations.
Yahosheanism believe that Yahoshea Meshiyach who was the Hebrew messiah used the name Yahweh in his daily affairs and ministry and he made such known to his disciples. The movement holds that the sacred name of Yahweh was the basic pillar for early apostolic assembly.

(ii) Yahoshea Meshiyach: The tradition identifies the name of the Hebrew Messiah as “Yahoshea Meshiyach”. The movement explains that the name Yahoshea means “Yahweh's Salvation” or “Salvation of Yahweh” in Hebrew language. The body explains the meaning of the name as a combination of two words as “Yah” and “Hoshea”. The word “Yah” is a short-form of the divine name – Yahweh while “Hoshea” is a Hebrew word with a meaning – “SALVATION”
The tradition holds that when both words are combined, it becomes Yahoshea with the meaning as salvation of Yahweh.
The term “Meshiyach” according to Yahosheanism mean “Anointed One” in Hebrew language. Meshiyach is title to Yahoshea and the combination give rise to Yahoshea Meshiyach.

(iii) Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach: The tradition holds that Yahoshea promised of the coming of the comforter before his impalement at the stake at Calvary. It holds that the comforter is meant to be the physical successor of Yahoshea (the Hebrew messiah) to carryout all duties of convincing and committing the entire mankind unto scriptural truths and practices. The name “Yahamarabhi” is a combination of “Yah” and “Amarabhi”. Yah is short form of Yahweh while “Amarabhi” means “Begotten” in Ogbia language. The name Yahmarabhi means “Yahweh's begotten”.
Yahosheanism do not believe on the comforter of the unseen person or force rather it holds that all earlier workers of Yahweh in the persons of prophets, judges and priests were in human forms. As well, Yahoshea Mechiyach (Hebrew messiah), all his apostles and followers were also in human forms. The movement holds that such character or nature is equally attributed to the promised comforter. A person of such office must be in human nature. The tradition holds that Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach is the promised comforter and he remains the source of the accurate knowledge to truth and scriptures.
The tradition hold that the birth of Prophet Yahmarabhi in Oloibiri town in Ogbia clan of Bayelsa state in Nigeria marked the fulfillment of the foretold comforter and his ministry that commenced at Abonnema city in Rivers State of Nigeria as the mark of the re-establishment of the apostolic assembly.
By this belief, the movement holds that its foundation was built upon the “Acts of the ancient prophets of Old Testament account of the holy scriptures, and Acts of Yahoshea Meshiyach and his Apostles of the New Testament version as well as the Acts of Prophet Yahmarabhi and his disciples” that are recorded in Holy originally inspired scriptures of the end-time dimension of Yahoshea's ministry. This form the Holy Tradition that is generally termed as Yahosheanism.
By this belief, Yahosheans do not recognise any of the Acts of Ecumenical Councils of Christendom that commenced from the Council of Nicea in 325Ad or others that followed it.
It does not rely upon the Acts of early Church Fathers that operated from 2nd to 5th century or to the present days for its orthodoxy.
The tradition believes on all Councils of early Apostles that were part of the scriptural accounts of followers of Yahoshea Meshiyach.
Such councils include the First to Third Councils of Jerusalem that were convened by early Apostles. The movement has been judged as the best of all Protestant movements against Roman church for it did not adopt any of the edicts of Councils that give use to Roman church The movement does not believe on the Characters of the Councils and their Outcome.

Scriptural Authority
Yahosheanism holds that Yahweh inspired early authors of the scriptures to pen down his words. All such workers and their acts are sources of authority to the movement.
The movement disagrees with all form of pollution or adulterations by the false hands of truth twisters who later acted as editors of the original works. The movement held that since the editors were not inspired, they added some of the desires of their minds or pressures from monarchs on throne. Based on this conviction, Yahosheanism do not hold all accounts of Bible to be correct and accurate since the editors added and subtracted many things in the course of their revisions of the works.
The tradition holds that the comforter is the true source of all scriptural truths because he is sent by Yahweh as promised by Yahoshea Meshiyach during his earthly ministration. By such power invested on the comforter, Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach who occupied the office was divinely directly to re-write the Holy Scriptures because of lapses in the Bible and other books that accounted of Yahweh and his works.
Prophet Yahmarabhi responded to the requirement through writing of the Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures (HOIS) which was revealed to him through celestial messengers of Yahweh.
Therefore, the movement holds the Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures as its authority but with reference to the book of Bible in places or verses which its authenticity is confirmed by Prophet Yahamarabhi Ha Meshiyach.
Any part of scriptures of any religious tradition that was not endorsed by Prophet Yahamarabhi or adopted in the Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures remains invalid to Yahosheanism. The movement is held as a new Order by speculators but adherents hold firm that is the continuation of the methods and percepts that originated from Yahoshea.

Singular Force
Yahosheanism bolds that Yahweh is the only force that created all things through his word (Yahshem). The tradition hold that Yahweh existed on his own accord and such is reason his name mean “Self Existence”. After existing for trillions of years, he spoke out his first creature that he named as “Yahshem” which means “Yahweh's word”,”logos” or “representative”.
Yahshem existed with Yahweh for many millions of years before he mastered all that Yahweh conceived in his mind. Yahweh instructed Yahshem to create out all he designed in his mind which Yahshem has already mastered
Yahshem started creation on first day of Abib called 31st march of Christian calendar. Yahshem created all things in six days period and rested on seventh day that he named Sabbath.
The tradition holds that Yahshem created two infants on sixth day of the week called Friday in Christian calendar and infused his breath into their nostril and they became human beings.
He commanded them to rule and dominate the earth and to keep the approved laws of Yahweh in their daily actions.
Adama and Shawah were names of the first set of mortals and through them all peoples of all nations originated.
The movement holds that there was no opposite force of the supernatural that made war against Yahweh. Therefore there is no existence of Satan, devil or Lucifer as held by various religious traditions. The group does not believe in the biblical story that Yahweh created Adam and later to realize that he was alone. The biblical account holds that Yahweh caused Adam to sleep at which he took one of his ribs to form Eve (Chawah).
The movement counts such accounts as one of the mythologies that was inherited from the ignorant ancient people. Can Yahweh forget to create a partner for Adama while he created all other creatures in pairs? Does that account not implicate him as non-omniscience? The group do not believe in the biblical account of the downfall of man at Eden, Law of Forbiden Fruits and Serpents Temptation to our first parents.
The tradition holds that the belief of existence of Satan (opposing force of Yahweh) was not an original belief of the Hebrew syncretism. It hold that the early Hebrew people believed of only one spiritual force but later learnt of the doctrine of existence of Satan during their Persian captivity.
The tradition holds that it was during Persian captivity over Hebrew nation in 300 BC that they first learnt about the existence of Satan or Lucifer.
The movement holds any account that record of the existence of Satan or its works as acts of corruption by un-inspired hands of editors of the Holy Scriptures.
To Yahosheans, Satan is a myth but man is created in the image of Yahweh. Man possesses faculties to THINK, REASON and CREATE things based on his FREEWILL under the regulation of DIVINE LAWS.
All thoughts that synchronize with the prescriptions of the divine laws becomes POSITIVE THOUGHTS. Those thought that go contrary to the laws of Yahweh becomes NEGATIVE THOUGHTS.
In the original scriptures of ancient Hebrew nation, the word that was later translated as “Satan” was “THOUGHT OF EVIL”.
Yahosheanism holds that the thought of evil is the true enemy of mortals because such thought brings forth evil livelihood and reactions.

Yahosheanism holds that each convert must obey the laws of Yahweh.
The teachings of the movement are meant to liberate humanity from unsound doctrines when they are acquainted with Yahweh's laws and exercise their freewill which ushers in freedom in the person.
As carried in the Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures – “The law gives you power to overcome your spiritual weakness, the law gives you power to attain prosperity without infringing on the rights and opportunities of others”.
The movement is founded upon the laws of Yahweh and equally holds that faith complements the work of the laws.
The movement hold that law separates negative and positive, it separates wrong and good, separates sinners and righteous. Without law there will be no violation, without violation of law, there will be no sin and without such sin, there will be no sinner. Without sinner, there will be no repercussions or evils as sickness, weakness, violence, pains and death.
The tradition hold that earth is settled on top of law and all beings are under one form of law or the other and violation to such laws bring forth disorder or anarchy.
The movement holds that GRACE is not a replacement of law but prerogative given to a sinner who had already violated a law. Such does not suggest abrogation of laws of Yahweh or permission for further violation of the specified law.
The movement held that Yahoshea Meshiyach and his followers kept all laws of Yahweh but frowned against added laws in what he termed as Hebrew customs.
The movement does not observe any of the added laws in the ancient scriptures as they have been spotted by the comforter to the body of believers.
For instance, the body does not agree with the existence of clean and unclean animals, the Hebrew and Gentiles etc. Rather, any one that obeys Yahweh's laws become real son and daughter of Yahweh but those that disobey Yahweh becomes sinners.
Yahosheanism holds to the existence of three major laws as thus – firstly, each convert must reverence, address and worship the creator in his personal name Yahweh through the name of Yahoshea Meshiyach who is the saviour of mankind through the teaching of prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach as the manifested comforter.
Secondly, each believer must keep the Sabbath rest on the seventh day of the week called Saturday in Christian calendar. The Sabbath rest commences on sunset of the sixth day called Friday and ends on sunset of the seventh day called Saturday in Christian calendar.
During Sabbath period, no convert is allowed to buy or sell of commodities, no one does daily works that attracts wages, no converts engages in sexual relationship with his or her partner, no quarrel and vexation is allowed on Sabbath period.
The third law is that each convert must love his follow human being more than himself or herself. The movement believes on the motto – All for each and each for all.
Other laws include on feastings, tithing, appreciations and fellowships.

Discipline and Healing
The movement goes by the support of Yahweh’s presence. All sincere converts are under the influence of Yahweh’s presence.
The spirit presence which is subtle and aggressive guides the converts to develop holy fear and asserts discipline and decorum in the believer’s life.
When sincere convert commits sin, he is bound to experience some sort of ill-feelings like sickness, dissapointment, hardship, suffering, etcetera.
Although, the movement is not against medical attention, but whence a convert experiences such worries, he has to confess his sins. There are various types of confessions as been approved by the tradition. The first step is called the self-confession. This method is obtainable when a default convert receives spiritual discipline in an environment where he could not gain access to an assembly hall or any other convert to receive his confesion.
At this point, he can sue for self release by invoking on the divine attribute- “Yah-Shekini” at various times. After which he renders his confession and promises not to repeat them again.
Another method of confession by the movement is identified as “open-confession”. This method, the default convert will rise in the midst of other converts in a congregation and render his confession. The members after receiving the confession will have to rebuke the member, offer prayers for him and warn him not to repeat such sin again.
Another model of confession is that which a default convert confeses his sins to another member of the movement. The receiver of the confession will rebuke, pray and warn the default convert not to repeat such evil.
These methods of confession releases the default convert of his or her ailments. On healing, when a convert falls sick, he will approach elders who receives his confession, anoint him with olive oil and offer prayers to him. Equally, this practice helps to release him from his worries.
The tradition do not agree with the use of acclaimed mystic or spiritual materials as candles, incense, perfumes, powders etc. it only recognizes the use of olive oil for anointments of converts as well as healing of their ailments.
Also, the movement uses holy water that is drawn from its approved holy wells or been consecrated by Levites for healing purposes.
Beside the spirit discipline, the movement has provision for institution of disciplinary committees. These committees operates within the confinement and directions of the Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures and the assembly’s approved constitution. The disciplinary committee can be established by the World Officers (Council of the Mosts) on serious issues.
Also, disciplinary committee can be established in each of the stations to resolve issues arising between members. The members of the committee are viewed as the judges of the movement.
Life And Death
Yahosheanism hold that life is everlasting because it is a spark or breath of Yahweh. It does not die. Rather, at certain period in one's existence, he chooses to remove his physical body in the process of transition and to move to spirit world where it rearrange for his next life through the process of re-incarnation.
To Yahosheans, man lives forever. Never a time man was not and no time will he not exist because he is the image of Yahweh. Death had never touched any life rather, as men remove their clothes after day's work, so mortal remove their physical body and pass on to the next spiritual dimension which he remains for some time and to re-incarnate in accordance to the gravity of his or her karma.
The tradition holds that there are many dimensions in the spiritual realm where men adventures when they remove their earthly body or garment. Those dimensions are arranged on the following order. The first three dimensions are called the realms or heavens of the earthbound spirits.
The movement holds that earthbound spirits are those dismembered humans who were confined at such realm based on their low performances on earth with regards to obedience to divine laws.
The movement holds that from forth dimension upwards are realms of perfected souls. Perfected souls are those people who had the mark of salvation written on their forehead because of their loyalty and obedience to Yahweh when they were on earth.
The tradition holds that the earthbound spirits wait upon moment of re-incarnations while the perfected souls are eternally settled on the pure white spiritual real. They are absorbed with the hierarchy of celestial messengers and can be sent to earth for some divine messages.

On Yahoshea's Second Coming ( Escathology)
The movement holds that Yahoshea will come back with the perfected souls in order to institute the era of Government of the comforter in which all mortals will be transformed to immortality.
The tradition holds that all peoples must be partakers of the earthly government of the comforter. And such state of humanity cannot unfold until the teachings of the comforter being accepted and observed by all mortals because it is the only teaching that will transform the world into a home of peace and love.
The movement does not believe on the existence of Inherited Sin of Adam, Hell-fire, rapture, judgment day or Amegedon war.

Other Doctrines
Yahosheanism do not believe that Yahoshea Meshiyach died on the cross of Calvary. Rather, it hold that Yahoshea was hanged on a straight pole or tree. So the movement does not believe on the cross as object of salvation. It is strictly against worship of images as cross or those of the saints.
The movement does not believe on the doctrine of Holy Ghost, it doesn't accept the concept of the dove and sprinkle of fire as sign of Holy Ghost but sees those practices as drawn from ancient pagan worship.

The movement does not believe on the concept of trinity but hold on the principles of unitary of Yahweh and all his workers.
Yahosheans hold that Yahweh is the creator and not created while Yahoshea was created and is not equal to Yahweh.
The comforter is equally not equal to Yahoshea or Yahweh. He is a creature and begotten by Yahoshea Meshiyach. Begotter is always greater to the begotten.

 Converts are accepted into the sect by emersion baptism. They are processed to the congregational stations of their locality and anointed with olive oil. The convert will be given holy name and Yahweh's Universal Number with Baptismal Certificate.
Such convert therefore becomes a full member and he will be anointed into one of the existing grades from where he will be growing as year goes on.

The movement do not use some terms as “Godly”, “crusade”, “theology” and all names of ancient Hebrew persons that begun or end with the term – “EL”.
To the Yahosheans – crusade was formed out of “Cross-Raiders” while theology originates from “Theo” which is the Greek deity. EL is short form of Elohim which is the Chief Cannanite deity. It uses the term “Yahly” in place Christian “Godly”.

Ecclesiastical Vestments
Yahosheanism is a garment – wearing movement. Converts are obliged to wear costumes of various colours that suit to their various grades.
Chosen ones put on blue coloured costumes, Yic put on light blue colour, meshiyachs put on red, Assistant Meshiyach put on brown, Disciples put on white colour, Baptized Students put on pink colour while children students put on black colour. The Levites or Priests put on green coloured costumes. Each member guides his costume with various coloured mantles with exception of black colour that is reserved for Prophet Yahmarabhi alone.

Yahosheanism commences its weekly worship on Sabbath morning with Sabbath school session that starts by 9.00am. The Sabbath proper worship commences by 11.30am and end by 3.00am. Members are directed to visit hospitals and home of destitutes to render arms and to pray with them. This visitation ends along the Sabbath day observation that closes on Sabbath evening.
During worship, recitations of introit and the song of Prophet Yahmarabhi, prayers, songs (with local drums) and sermon from Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures are observed and these are identified as the order of worship.
Officers are appointed by the leader - the governing body or the station leader to conduct services or worship. Each qualified member can be appointed to conduct any level of service. Those services includes Sabbath school, Sabbath worship, holding fellowships, etc. There is no particular officer that holds authority of regularly holding or conducting of the services.
Yahosheanism has an established leadership format. Yahmarabhi ha Meshiyach was the Most Senior prophet and the President General of the Assembly, he was the chief trustee of the movement.
Behind him are other appointed officers but by the WILL of the Comforter which was adopted as the working instrument of the movement on its Second Council of Port Harcourt prescribed that the next King of Yahcity will be revealed after the exit of the leader.
By the direction of the will, the next king of Yahcity must be the next leader that will succeed Prophet Yahmarabhi ha Meshiyach.
Though this revelation has not been fulfilled, but many officers are claiming to be the leaders of the movement.
The movement had its headquarter at a vast parcel of land named Yahcity in Buguma territory of Kalabari land, Rivers State. The leader appointed Omoku station as the national headquarter of the movement.
Before his translation on 15th January, 1997, Prophet Yahmarabhi appointed Chosen Raziah Bala who is the Secretary General to be the Sole Administrator of Yahcity. Chosen Noah Amadike of Omoku station was appointed as the National Chairman of the assembly while Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi was specially ordained as a Yahmarabhilite on 28th October 1995.
Both officers are in disagreement over leadership in the assembly. Both Chosen Raziah and Chosen Noah are claiming as successsors of Prophet Yahmarabhi. The disagreement between both officers has sent the movement backward.
Presently, Noah Amadike has started assuming supernatural status by claiming to be a prophet as he identifies himself as the “Noah of the New Age” while Chosen Raziah is maintaining the doctrines and with claim that the prophet handed the ministry to him by the appointment of the Sole Administrator of Yahcity. Truly, the Comforter's WILL spelt that the next leader must be the King of Yahcity and such officer must be product of revelation from the prophetic class.

Yahosheanism spread faster than other related Hebrew syncretism in Nigeria because of the literal appreciation of its converts. Yahmarabhi ha Meshiyach initiated the literal works by writing of many pamphlets and articles that propagate the practices of the movement.
Some of the earlier works of Yahmarabhi are – Excuse Me, is God a Pagan Idol? Vol.I, Excuse me vol. 2 – Is Man-made Religion on Fire?, vol. 3 – Did Religion Deceived You?, vol. 4 – who is the enemy of Bible?. He wrote Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures (HOIS), The Preacher's Guide, Special Prayer of Prophet Yahmarabhi, Hymns of Prophet Yahmarabi, etc.
This spurred his disciples to write many books that includes – The Hard Truth vol. 1 by Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi. Hard Truth vol. 2 by Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi, the Works of Disciples of Prophet Yahmarabhi, by Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi.
The disciples of the prophet have equally used various newspaper publications to propagate the message of the movement. Such journals include – The Coastal Express, Temple newspapers, Moonlight newspapers and Newswriter Newspapers etc.
The movement has involved in production of tracks, video preaching, music production, internet services to propagate the message.

1.       Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach1993, “Holy Original Inspired Scriptures (HOIS)”
2.       Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach 1991, “Excuse me”, Vols. 1-4
3.       Yahzitere Yahmarabhi 2009, “Hard Truth”, Vols. 1 &2  
4.       Yahzitere Yahmarabh  2012, “Works of Disciples of Prophet Yahmarabhi”
5.       Yahzitere Yahmarabhi 2014, “Mankind’s search for Yahosheanism”